Spelling and Grammer
OK, lately I’ve been getting a bit of slapping around about spell checking and grammar.
I’ve been accused of being everything from lazy, incompetent, to being dyslexic. So let me point out a couple things.
First of all, I have never been diagnosed as dyslexic. If you want to believe I am, I don’t really care, but it would be nice to stop posting I am. Most of my spelling and grammar mistakes are common mistakes that can be made by anyone. I’ve never excelled at spelling in school and guess what, lots of people suck at it. Some people are good spellers, some aren’t.
I’d love to have a buffer of comics and proof readers, but the rare times I do get a buffer, it gets used up and I’m back to rushing comics before deadlines. Which means the spelling is sometimes overlooked.
Second of all, I make comics as a HOBBY! I like drawing and I like making comics. I don’t generate enough revenue for it to be anything CLOSE to a job. For my actual job, I fix equipment that costs millions of dollars. I’m trusted to maintain and keep devices working that thousands of people depend on and some depend on for their very lives, and I often work in very hazardous conditions and locals. And you know what, I’ve dam good at my job, I enjoy it, and I probably make more money then most of the people who read webcomics.
I’ve poured a lot of time, finances, and energy into making these comics. Because I enjoy it, and I’d hope others would enjoy reading them too. I don’t rely on income from webcomic for anything other then helping with promoting the comics.
If my spelling upsets you so much, I have a very simple solution.
STOP reading the comic.
I mean, I don’t get it. Who’s forcing you to sit in front of a computer and read poorly spelt comics?
I have no problem with people pointing out spelling errors. Even though I sometimes feel like crap for missing a obvious mistake, at least I’ll know about it so I can eventually fix it. I do try to fix mistakes but fixing them is a lot more work then just going in and altering a picture. I have 3 digital copies of each comic. You only see one of them. When I fix the spelling on one comic I need to fix the others to, which ends up taking time.
It you want to be a troll or a smart ass, I have no problem banning you from the site. And if it becomes a big enough bother, then I’ll stop making the comics all together or focus on making comics to publish on Lulu or some other self-publishing site. People who WANT to read my comics could buy them instead of reading them for FREE online.
Remember, ‘I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle’ was suppose to be a one time comic. It’s only being continued because fans want it continued.
I really like your comics, so keep going. And I am a dyslexic so i don’t see any mistakes.
And dyslexia isn’t such a bad thing.
F*ck em. I make the same mistakes Love the comic
I like CD’s comics as they are, in general, and I can still understand what is meant despite the chronic/frequent spelling errors. But at the same time, the spelling errors sometimes distract from reading. While the comics are done for fun, I think that putting more effort into the spelling would be good from the standpoint of artistic integrity, of demonstrating care about the quality of anything that one works on. Regardless, I will continue to support these comics and I look forward to there being print editions in addition to the web editions continuing free (having both isn’t a poll option). Thank you.
Also, I’m glad to see that characters have fingers now. Positive evolution in the art is always appreciated. Thank you.
If I can offer a suggestion, If you type your dialog in word and push f7 to spell-check, then copy-paste into photoshop (or whatever) you should be able to get rid of most of the silly mistakes, some will still remain, of course – but it should get the majority.
Also if I’m not mistaken Photoshop CS2+ (possibly earlier), does have a spell-check option accessed by right menu.
The spelling errors do jump out at me. I think that is because I’m an editor IRL. But, although I notice them, they don’t bother me.
Most of your mistakes are very common. Things that if they were to pass my desk, I would just fix it and not even mention it to the writer.
In other words, there are professional writers who mix up “there,” “their,” and “they’re.” You are doing this as a hobby, not a profession. Those critics have nothing to complain about.
CD .. Since I am clearly the worst speller in the world (All of the spell-checks work overtime on both my laptop & desktop), and the worst artist (Hang-man, you have nothing to fear from me) I tend not to even notice, and if I do notice something I have the respect (Something that is clearly lacking in a few posts) not to make a big deal about it. You take you’re time to do the various works, and post them for all of us to enjoy, and if they are not good enought for some who just have nothing more to do than sit back and critisize, than they should go somewhere else … I for one am very tired of it … I come here each day to enjoy your works.
And,if you will accept it, offer to QC any and all works for you free to help with the load (:^>
I freely admit to being one who finds the misspellings distracting and hard to ignore. That said, I read your comics (and some others with similar spelling or grammar lapses) with great enjoyment because I like the stories, the characters and the artwork, and appreciate the work and craft it takes to create them.
I also apologize for saying you have dislexia. I had thought that you said this about yourself, and evidently I am mistaken.
Speaking as someone who’s done occasional unpaid editing work for people who post stories online, I have to say that I really don’t think much of people who gripe about spelling errors. I mean, they really need to get a life. I notice spelling errors a lot more than the average person, but I almost never point them out unless I’m trying to do something for someone, or trying to make a point because a person is being a jack about other people’s spelling.
If I can live with spelling errors made in a free webcomic or story, anyone can.
Hi! I wanted to comment on two things:
1) Spelling and grammar. I believe that they are important, and if I were paying to read this comic, I might say something. BUT! As a reader who’s recieving your talent as a free service, the only comment I can make is thanks and keep up the good work! (.^_^.)
2) Australia. I LOVED AUSTRALIA WHEN I WAS THERE!!! Do you know where you’re going, exactly? If you hit Sydney, of course the Opera House is a must. Perth is just fun all around. If you go farther north, the folks in Darwin are especially friendly. One tip: skip the vegemite! Bleah… Oh, and remember to have fun!
Who cares what they think about your spelling? We’re all human; we all make mistakes. If they’re gonna gripe about other people’s errors like they don’t make any themselves, they don’t really deserve to be acknowledged with any rage. They’re just trolling you; best to just ignore them.
As a dyslexic myself its no picnic. When I write and if I am smart I let set for a day and look for my mistakes which can become very creative at times. However one of the few things about my dyslexic is I can read pass the flub and the misspelling it’s just how the mind works. So if you make a boo-boo I can handle it
I do get a kick out I dream of Jeanie I look forward to reading week
Dyslexic a from;. Believe me this is how I can see the world some times.
Blog post is a bit old now, but I’ll add my 2 cents:
I appreciate the amount of work you put into your comics. I only found out about Jeanie a few days ago. Working on one is usually more than enough work to handle for people, but to do a 2nd one as a hobby — kudos.
I would say though, that skimming them over for at least missing words and obvious typos would take less time than you think, especially for a 4panel strip such as this. Take a second, breath, and just sit back and take 60 seconds to read over the strip before creating it in triplicate and I bet you will solve 90% of the issues.
PS: Sounds like you work on generators, or maybe medical equipment of some sort, neat.
As a frequent reader of your comic, I say:
– Free comic.
– Good comic.
– Comic with sexy chicks in it.
Conclusion: More please! Enjoy doing it! I couldn’t care less about your spelling mistakes; I’m a (Brazilian) translator, I can understand the meaning of a word, no matter how it is written.
If you wish, though, and do not take this as a smart-ass remark or anything, I’d be more than happy to review the text in this webcomic for you. Free of charge (because your webcomic doesn’t cost me a dime either). I’d review it and send it back to you in the same day. Just let me know in the comments of the next comic and I’ll send you my e-mail.
I have a problem with spelling too and if i was gifted enough yo make comics as you are I’d be upset with people piss on me about a few gramar mistakes so from someone else with poor spell i say forget them dummies and keep up the great work I love you comics and please dont more them to a payed site because i would lose the ablity to read them that’s just my thoughts
If my opinion means anything, I feel you can safely ignore the spelling haters.
One of the drawbacks of instant feedback is that some folks want to correct every tiny detail — oh noes! a comma splice on page 14, panel 3, line 6! fix it or you’re ruined forever! — which can be distracting to folks who read the comments.
There were a few whiners in the comment section of the funny webcomic Blue Milk Special, complaining every time a joke was similar to one told back in 1968 or whatever. No one else cared, and the admin eventually started moderating out such posts. And there was much rejoicing.
Another webcomic that occasionally has grammar errors is Basic Instructions, and before long the comment pages were full of amateur editorialism. The creator eventually responded with one of his funniest strips:
So, ignore the ankle-biters. Nil illegitimi carborundum.
I have to agree with most of the folks posting here. I love this comic and yeah some people have nothing better to do than criticize how others do things. I do my own web comic as well, (called Room For One More). I’m not a great artist but my comic is more about the story that I’m trying to get across rather than the artwork.
Personally I welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but when people come across with statements like ” Dude, this is pretty lame you should change it because it didn’t make me laugh.” It just makes me angry rather than helps me to improve what I’m trying to do. Some people just don’t think about how what they have to say may come across to an artist.
My very first attempt at a web comic died in flames because someone posted a fairly rude comment about the introduction page before I even got started. I was very new and just trying to post an idea that I had so the flaming comment destroyed what little courage I had managed to work up at the time and I didn’t try again for several years.
Some people just like being rude because it gives them a sense of power to crush other peoples dreams, others don’t even realize that they are being rude and actually think that they are being constructive. With the later type if you take the time to point out how they could work a little bit on how they present what they are saying they are genuinely sorry and try harder to not be rude in the future.
But I’ve found that you have to grow a pretty thick skin in order to share your ideas with the public. I do my best now to just let the not so constructive criticism roll off my back and pay it no mind. After all, if you quit then the A-holes win and will move on to crush someone else’s attempt to entertain the masses. So hang in there, and try to ignore the rude twits who fixate on every little error.
Oh, and a quick warning for anyone who might decide to try and find my cruddy little comic…
It’s not for children or the easily offended. So YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. And if any of you are still interested in checking out my NOT SO GREAT art anyway you can find it here: http://room-for-one-more.smackjeeves.com/comics/880436/introduction/ Though it’s currently not on schedule because I have been and still am dealing with a loved one having a personal melt down.
Greetings and thanks,
Everyday I looked to see if there are any updates to the comic called I Dream of a Jeanie in a bottle. I enjoy reading it and keep up the good work.
there is proof that as long as a word starts and ends with the right letter the mind will be able to read it. So i think we can all overlook an occasional typo or misspelling, particularly when the strip is so darned good!
Don’t stop! (and don’t ask jean/jeannie to make you a sandwich either! – Unless you WANT to be covered in mayo and stuck between two giant pieces of bread!)
Woot, I hate gramer natzis,
thank you for the comics, and i hope you continue 🙂
I for one enjoy the occasional spelling mistake, it lets me know that people are human and can help me determine if I need to go to bed or not. (I get really loopy when I’m sleepy and a spelling error can get funny results from me in that state). I sincerely hope that you won’t let the trolls eat you because I can’t wait to see what happens. This is a fun comic and I love reading it.
Those grammar nazis are very weird, i read everything in the comic, but it was so fun that i never noticed there was any spelling mistakes, so those guys probably just studied all the text just to try to find mistakes in the grammar without paying attention to the comicXD