Coming MARCH 2nd… Feb20 by CD Rudd on February 20, 2015 at 9:48 pm and modified on February 22, 2015. at 3:21 pm Posted In: Blog Some of you MIGHT notice the logo. It’s coming March 2nd. Be warned! Feel free to talk about it here!
I don’t recognize it.
It scare me.
Be afraid! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha! :p
The Bach-Mann cometh for thee!
It will come,
March 2nd!
Get the pitch forks out!
Prepare the fallout shelter!
Stock up the Emergency rations.
Women and children FIRST!
It’s coming! It’s coming! It’s coming!
I am really interested in the art style of this new artist that will do the comics.
It’s Wolfpac! Oh wait, no it isn’t.
Nope, not Wolfpac. 😉
Whatever it is, the screen blockage it is causing is reducing my enjoyment of the comic.
Don’t worry, the logo will go away after the release date.
“The wacky misadventures of the World’s worst supervillian”?
In episode one, Captain Major foils his nefarious plan to take over the world by spoofing his Facebook account.
When I posted a comment for the 1st page it had black text on a black background. Was it me? Did I post too quickly before the bugs were worked out?
Sadly, yes. But those bugs have now been squashed! ^_^