Heads up everyone, the ‘Create a Jeanie’ Contest is almost at it’s end.

If your unaware, here’s the DeviantART post,


This contest is to create a genie that will be used in the comic. If your interested, you have till the end of hte week to make a submission.

Here’s the objective.

There will be an appearance of a new female genie character in the up coming comics. This new genie has to be female, a bottle genie, and she is currently on/in the ocean trapped in her bottle.

Beyond that I leave her design, history, bottle design and even her name up to you. You can use any guide you want, the TV show, comic, or make a Genie completely of your own.

The contest will be open till the end of April (2010).

The prize
The prize will be a selection of ‘I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle’ items from the DA prints/store.

How do you submit your entry?
Post your Genie entry on your DeviantArt page, and add a message (with the link/url) on this journal entry for all to see. The entries will be judged by myself and a select group of impartial judges on design and concept. Artistic ability will not be a deciding factor. Include as much or as little information about your genie as you want.

Rules and conditions,
1) You can submit as many entries as you want,
2) The winning entry’s character will be draw into the ‘I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle’ and may appear in future comics,
3) The winning submission design may be modified to fit the comic’s style and story. It will also be allowed free use for the comic and any future continuation or publishing of the comic,
4) The winning submission creator must agree to free use of the character,
5) The winning submission must be PG rated in appearance.
6) The submission must have a graphical picture of the Genie, but artistic ablitly won’t be judged.
I look forward to reviewing your submissions.