Proof Reader wanted
After years of people telling me, “You need a proof reader”. I’m going to put the word out for one.
But be warned, it might not be as easy as you may think,
Here’s what I’m looking for in a proof reader,
- Someone who reads BOTH and I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle;
- A excellent grasp of spelling and grammar (obviously),
- Has to have or be willing to get AIM account for instant messaging;
- Be able to use adobe or some other graphics program to seamlessly modify comic’s speech bubbles (I use CorelDraw & CorelPaint to make the comics),
The Proof reader will be responsible for,
- proof reading the comic (obviously) and correcting any minor grammar issues, major issues I can address,
- publishing the comics on the websites.
The benefits of the proof reader,
- seeing the comics ahead of time,
- able to add there two-cents in the comics and storyline,
- credited on the comics and websites,
- Get copies of the donation images (when they are made)
- sneak peek when Wolfpac is made.
I can her many of you asking, “Why does the proof reader have to do the work of correcting the spelling errors?”
To put it simply, by the time I finish a comic (which is hours of work ), I’m pooped and mainly focused on moving onto the next comic. Going back after finishing a comic is rather dis-hearting, which is why I don’t often fix the comics RIGHT after the errors are pointed out. I will try to not make errors, but I’d prefer someone who was willing to fix the small things themselves instead of having to go back and fix things all the time.
Yes it is asking a lot, but there are benefits to the position.
Applicants will probably be asked to prove there still and fix a comic to two that currently has spelling errors.
I can probably help you with that. Although I do not often comment on your comics, I read them both and really enjoy them (Especially the Jeanie Bottle one >.>). I usually use GIMP as a graphic software, which is more than enough to fix a few typos.
If you want to discuss it any further => on AIM.
Yay! Well, good luck to you finding a proofreader, and good luck to your future proofreader too!
It’s unfortunate that I won’t be able to help out, especially as I am screaming at all the errors in this bit of text, which I’m going to assume were put there as some sort of test.
Well, I’m willing to do it. I gotta admit I don’t read Sailor Sun yet, but I can. Been a fan of Jeanie since I found her. Proofreading isn’t anything big to me as I’m a writer….
If you are interested, you and I will have to talk about it and what is needed.
Oh, I guess I should say that I use Photoshop CS2 and CS5 as well as other graphics programs. I don’t have AIM on my computer, but I do have an account with AIM and will be using it through one of the chat programs that use multiple accounts (Yahoo and so on).
Just started reading Sailor Sun, and spotted several errors already
I can send a corrected version of your notice via the email addy given in the email field for this comment if you’ll reply to me there, or message me at my AIM acct for that addy.
I have edited for money. (Physicists. If you think your grammar is bad….) But please don’t tell Mom, she thinks I sell hentai to school kids.
I can use the GIMP. (Though I am no artist.)
I can even start reading Sailor Sun. (Benefit to you: increased readership!)
“Have to get AIM”
That’s your little clause to make sure nobody actually take you up on this offer, right?
Why don’t you just write all your scrips in Word and use it to proofread for you? That’s all I do with my comic.
Shell checkers don’t find everything. Homophones, faulty parallelism, ambiguities–Word may flag some of those things, but not nearly all of them. And it will flag many things that are perfectly acceptable.
I’d be more than happy to be your proof reader, CD! I am experienced with using Photoshop for this exact purpose (and other things), I have a very strong grasp of written English, I’ve been reading Jeanie Bottle since it started, and for a few years longer than that, and I just created an AIM account (same name as the email I put in for this comment). Please feel free to message me whenever you like.
Here’s an album of three corrected comics from the last few weeks.
I just realized realized that my email isn’t visible in the comments. So, to prevent spam bots from getting it, it’s my username at gmail .com.
So coredumperror, I see today that you were selected. I’m not surprised considering you’re the only one who, publicly anyway, showed the initiative to edit some of the comics, and make an AIM account, in advance.
would like to help you out
I know that we discussed this once, & I wasn’t able to fulfill parts of what you need. I still can’t, even after taking an HTML class. Some of us just can’t seem to grok the necessary something, which is part of why I’ve mostly stopped commenting on errors (which seem like spell check errors mostly.)
Good luck & yes, I’m enjoying the whole thing. (My wife, BTW, is having trouble believing the current storyline due to her experiences as an intelligent woman. But still finds points at which to laugh.)
I’d love to help you out with proofreading. As someone who enjoys both comics, it would be great to be able to give back. I’ve sent info via AIM and an e-mail.
Good luck with searching for a great proofreader!
I would be willing to do this for you as a backup if the other prospects don’t work out. I hope that other prospects work out though as I’m pressed for time with other projects. Regardless of who does it though, you will need to explain what exact fonts you use so that any editor can match them and the result is consistent.
I would’ve considered it if the IM account was a different system that I already had (like Skype or Steam). I use Gimp which would probably be good enough to edit the comics. Oh well.
I qualified for the first point but was disqualified by the second… XD