Attending Hal-con 2011 Nov 12-13
Well, plans have been finalized!
Despite missing the con-season for the past 2 years (due to training and being in Afghanistan), I’ve finally made all the arrangements required to attend (probably the only con I can make it too this year) Hal-con in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
I’m not sure how many and ‘I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle’ fans are attending this November, but I hope to see some of you there. I won’t have a booth, but I will be roaming around, usually wearing the a logo on my shirt.
If there’s enough interest I’ll look into setting up another meet-and-greet somewhere in Halifax during the weekend. (Probably someplace that serves Atlantic Donairs… I miss those.)
Atlantic I think you mean? And if I end up going I’ll keep an eye out =D