By popular demand, we’re running another Q&A session for the JeanieBottle cast.
So for those that are new. Here’s how it works.
Step 1) Post your question (try to keep a question for only one cast member at a time, so we can block other cast members from seeing things they shouldn’t know about).
Step 2) Check back and see if your question was answered.
You can see previous Q&A sessions,
Have fun!
(No or Neko Sister questions, as they will have there own, Q & As over at and no Melvin and Gang questions, as they are in California and Jeanie Bottle cast is in Cocoa Beach, Flordia)
Also, no spoilers will be given, so if your expecting to get spoilers, it’s not going to happen.
Jeanie, will you sometime in the future visit King Arthur’s court and meet Merlin?
I don’t know. Can I bring dead people back to life?
Hey, Jean, you realise you gave up using Neil’s wishes to turn back after first try… which failed because you tried to tamper with causality, by preventing becoming genie in the first place?
Why have you not just make him just wish to become human again, your old human male self.
And even if that failed, you could have made him wish for you to be a male genie at least.
Dunno, maybe something in genie codex would prevent that, but I do not remember you trying to do that. Nor do I remember a genie codex entry about it being brought up. But maybe it’s just my memory acting up.
Learn your place. Genie are NOT here for your amusement… (unless you are the Genie’s master).
Hey Neil what is the situation with your a joining apartments. Do you still spend much time in yours or do you hang out in Jeans mostly. If i remember right your apartment very small.
My apartment is basically just a room. So I spend most of my time in the common area of Jean’s appartment.
To the Greek captain:
So, what kind of birth control do you prefer? The pill? Norplant? IUD? Oh, and how’s that revolving door you installed on the bedroom working out?
Jean, would you do wishes in exchange for payment or services rendered? Such as, say, I’ll pay you $3000.00 in exchange for you giving me a magical breast enhancement? Or I do your taxes in exchange for you poofing me to California for a day trip? (As long as you don’t forget and leave me there.) Let’s make a deal! I’m open to terms.
Yea… do I wear a sign saying, “I’m your B!$(H?”.. don’t think so.
To Jean:
Hey, this is great! Let’s dish!
So, what style of bra do you prefer? Strapless, push-up, T-back. ..? Front or back hook?
And so.. . when are you going to do it with Neil? Come on, you KNOW you want to!
I never really thought about Bras… You might have noticed, I just poof girl cloths on.
As for Neil… ah… No… NO… NO WAY! Anyway, (if I ever did consider it) I’m pretty sure I’m WAY out of Neil League.
To Araceli;
Excluding your experience with hot dogs, what modern foods do you like?
This century has so many wonderful food. It’s too bad you have to hurt so many cute, honorable and adorable animals to make it.
To Lord Guano,
What rule did Jean break at the Sports club that caused you to show up? I mean, you don’t intervene when Jean punishes rude men by turning them into women or de aging them, what about the sports bar incident forced your hand?
Genies should NOT be seen. Expectually using their magic on their own. A genie is to serve a Master, not pleasure themselves with petty magic use. There’s a reason many humans believe genies are not real. Cause we don’t draw attention to ourselves.
To Bo and Luke:
Do you now occasionally have vivid nightmares about running out of tampons? 😉
To Jean
Since watching a marathon of Jeanie gave you incredible power and good looks; what other marathons would you recommend?
It wasn’t the Marathon that turned me into a Genie. It was the bottle.
I don’t know… Marathon watch anything you like.