Jeanie Bottle Holiday Announcement.
So, every year, we find webcomics go on Holiday Hiatus, so authors can spend time with their families. So, once again to thank our loyal fans who are stuck with once a week updates throughout the year, we at Jeanie Bottle pump out a WHOLE week of updates during Christmas week, so you can enjoy a little extra genie magic over the holidays.
Daily updates will start on Christmas (Sunday, Dec 25th) and go to New Years Eve (Saturday, Dec 31st).
Happy Holidays all.
In regards to the current poll about whom to give a Christmas Gift too,
I’d vote for Natalie. 🙂
I’ve added her as a possible answer. Because I would choose her, too. 🙂
And speaking of presents involving Natalie, you can expect a little something special alongside the comic on Christmas day.
Why would you choose Natalie over Neil though? Considering they are litterally the exact same person. Just curious.
Because Natalie is cuter, of course. 🙂
Could you maybe post the full Christmas Jeannie pic you have as a header? Please? I asked you earlier, but I guess you missed that comment.
That is the full image. It was specify made as a header to a Header Image.
I figured that, but back when you were doing the dukes of hazzard storyline, I remember the header pic was posted as one of the weekly updates ( I was just curious if you might consider doing that a part of or maybe after the week of updates.
Love the new story, BTW!
Nice flashing-light sweaters! I’d buy one of those, but I wouldn’t look as good in it.
Thanks for all the hard work this must take.
It’s definitely a lot of work! CD spent several straight days making comics, building up the buffers for IDoJB and In fact, I’m still working through the editing process on them! But I’ll be done today.
By the way, Robert; tiny typo: “THRUSDAY”. 😉
Thanks for reading the comics
CD, your strip is what we wait for, all week.
Playing catch up, I love those sweaters.