Nonsense! “Poor people,” indeed! (And that’s not because the Howells are filthy rich.) Obviously Araceli is going to _rescue_ the Minnow’s crew from the island. Soon Neil will wish he had a larger apartment to hold Gilligan, the Skipper, too, the Millionaire, and his wife, the movie star, the professor, and Mary Ann. All. From. Gilligan’s. Isle.
A “Gilligan’s Island” marathon played an important role in one of Jack Chalker’s “Dancing Gods” novels…wonder if Rudd has read Chalker (I detect a few hints that he might have).
Ok, First i want to say thanks for all the work. Second, Thanks for the entertaining concept.
Now to the meat- Do you have an actual story in mind or are you making this up strip to strip? I keep waiting for story and i keep getting meandering pointless situations.
Jean seems to have accepted womanhood instantly.. why? Where is his girlfreind, why isnt she looking for him? The Jinn.. just why is it he has mistaken Jean for an actual Jeanie? The room mate, Jeez.. my best freind has magically become a magical being, guess I’ll just carry on with my day to day- why isnt he freaked out? Why isnt he schemeing a power play, or a rescue, or taking advantage of this magic he is now in comand of- why isnt he doing ANYTHING?
You have given us a great interesting situation, populated your strip with some potentially interesting characters and you are wasting potential. If you did just a small amount of outline before you sat down to the hard work of creating all that drawing and coloring and page layout etc- wow! An ok strip could become a compelling one.
Dude there is a story, if there wasn’t it wouldn’t be so connected, and would be a gag every strip. These are his characters not yours, and while I agree its a bit lax, but he has to have a life outside of the comic, and its asses like you who cause the artists who do this to quit. Now sit down, shut up, and let CD do his thing his way…or better yet, you could always go to and read Sailor Sun if you haven’t already.
Minori is quite harsh. I read data’s comment. data was respectful, complementary and offered constructive critisisim. data acknowledged the hard work that has been put into the strip.
How is that being an ass?
It is my opinion that Minori is the only one here that could be considered as such.
I do actually have an outline for the comic. This specific comic caused a problem, because I have two things I want to establish with Araceli at this point in the story, her desire to please Neil, and her sense of justice. These will be factors that come back later in the story. As you’ll see in up coming comics.
The reason you probably find the story dis-jointed is the fact the comics are so spread out. I would love to make a daily comic, but I barely have time to update as I do now. And if you consider the fact that I’m updating 2 webcomic, while in a ‘war zone’ and there are many comic author’s out there who haven’t updated in a year+ and they are still at home… Well, I really don’t have to say much more then that.
Lastly as for the characters, I can think of a ton of things I would want a sexy little Genie to do for me… Neil isn’t like that. Neil is a genuine ‘Nice Guy’ (Which is today’s society is a rare thing). He puts others ahead of himself. He also tends not to be the quickest or sharpest when put into pressure situations. If Neil was like every other guy who had a sexy Genie, the comic would be far less interesting.
As for Jean, Jean is impulsive, and self-adsorbed. Jean has attempted to return to her natural form (Which she has failed at). So even though she’s acknowledged her situation, she hasn’t give up on changing back. Right now She is just focused on getting her ‘training day over with’ so she can get back to her ‘current’ life.
If you learn from this vid series then it wont matter WHEN you do your work because all your hard work will be guided by a strong story. Your strips will have continuity whenever you make them.
Also, I agree Neil is a “Nice Guy” but should he be a boring guy? I am sure a person with your talent can really develop this character into being a nice but interesting guy.
Jean- I’ve read your entire run. A life altering change is followed by- hardly any annoyance, no contemplation on the fundemental differences between being male vs being female, differences of being mortal vs being magical. jean posed in front of a mirror magicing through multiple female costumes, interesting. jean never seems to feel how her/ his life has drastically changed. This situation, how ever you approach it could be REALLY interesting!
Know that I am a fan of yours and that I care about the work you created. I really want to see you grow into the great story teller i sense is within you!
CD: I agree that it would take an impulsive Genie to stick herself to herself. That or someone uncoordinated…with a tube of super glue.
Check your six, Bro.
Mary Ann — because she was actually the erotic one. (Ginger was a frigid teaser.) Few people know this, but Mary Ann and the Professor invented the coconut-shell condom. 😉
Likewise, I’m sure Araceli would rock Neil’s world, given half a chance.
Don’t look at that marathon, Araceli! Run away!
It’d only be a three-hour marathon…
… …
Oh… those poor people!
(Not obscure, is it?)
Nonsense! “Poor people,” indeed! (And that’s not because the Howells are filthy rich.) Obviously Araceli is going to _rescue_ the Minnow’s crew from the island. Soon Neil will wish he had a larger apartment to hold Gilligan, the Skipper, too, the Millionaire, and his wife, the movie star, the professor, and Mary Ann. All. From. Gilligan’s. Isle.
A “Gilligan’s Island” marathon played an important role in one of Jack Chalker’s “Dancing Gods” novels…wonder if Rudd has read Chalker (I detect a few hints that he might have).
At least it’s not the shopping channel!
XD !!!
Ok, First i want to say thanks for all the work. Second, Thanks for the entertaining concept.
Now to the meat- Do you have an actual story in mind or are you making this up strip to strip? I keep waiting for story and i keep getting meandering pointless situations.
Jean seems to have accepted womanhood instantly.. why? Where is his girlfreind, why isnt she looking for him? The Jinn.. just why is it he has mistaken Jean for an actual Jeanie? The room mate, Jeez.. my best freind has magically become a magical being, guess I’ll just carry on with my day to day- why isnt he freaked out? Why isnt he schemeing a power play, or a rescue, or taking advantage of this magic he is now in comand of- why isnt he doing ANYTHING?
You have given us a great interesting situation, populated your strip with some potentially interesting characters and you are wasting potential. If you did just a small amount of outline before you sat down to the hard work of creating all that drawing and coloring and page layout etc- wow! An ok strip could become a compelling one.
Dude there is a story, if there wasn’t it wouldn’t be so connected, and would be a gag every strip. These are his characters not yours, and while I agree its a bit lax, but he has to have a life outside of the comic, and its asses like you who cause the artists who do this to quit. Now sit down, shut up, and let CD do his thing his way…or better yet, you could always go to and read Sailor Sun if you haven’t already.
Minori is quite harsh. I read data’s comment. data was respectful, complementary and offered constructive critisisim. data acknowledged the hard work that has been put into the strip.
How is that being an ass?
It is my opinion that Minori is the only one here that could be considered as such.
Grow up Minori
Valid points,
I do actually have an outline for the comic. This specific comic caused a problem, because I have two things I want to establish with Araceli at this point in the story, her desire to please Neil, and her sense of justice. These will be factors that come back later in the story. As you’ll see in up coming comics.
The reason you probably find the story dis-jointed is the fact the comics are so spread out. I would love to make a daily comic, but I barely have time to update as I do now. And if you consider the fact that I’m updating 2 webcomic, while in a ‘war zone’ and there are many comic author’s out there who haven’t updated in a year+ and they are still at home… Well, I really don’t have to say much more then that.
Lastly as for the characters, I can think of a ton of things I would want a sexy little Genie to do for me… Neil isn’t like that. Neil is a genuine ‘Nice Guy’ (Which is today’s society is a rare thing). He puts others ahead of himself. He also tends not to be the quickest or sharpest when put into pressure situations. If Neil was like every other guy who had a sexy Genie, the comic would be far less interesting.
As for Jean, Jean is impulsive, and self-adsorbed. Jean has attempted to return to her natural form (Which she has failed at). So even though she’s acknowledged her situation, she hasn’t give up on changing back. Right now She is just focused on getting her ‘training day over with’ so she can get back to her ‘current’ life.
CD, Thanks for the explaination. I think that perhaps you need to know how to really create a plot. Try looking here:
If you learn from this vid series then it wont matter WHEN you do your work because all your hard work will be guided by a strong story. Your strips will have continuity whenever you make them.
Also, I agree Neil is a “Nice Guy” but should he be a boring guy? I am sure a person with your talent can really develop this character into being a nice but interesting guy.
Jean- I’ve read your entire run. A life altering change is followed by- hardly any annoyance, no contemplation on the fundemental differences between being male vs being female, differences of being mortal vs being magical. jean posed in front of a mirror magicing through multiple female costumes, interesting. jean never seems to feel how her/ his life has drastically changed. This situation, how ever you approach it could be REALLY interesting!
Know that I am a fan of yours and that I care about the work you created. I really want to see you grow into the great story teller i sense is within you!
Those poor people trapped in that box…..EEEK.
DATA: Oh, ye of little faith.
CD: I agree that it would take an impulsive Genie to stick herself to herself. That or someone uncoordinated…with a tube of super glue.
Check your six, Bro.
Oh no! Not Gilligan’s Island! Hmm…. I wonder if she will turn out more like Mary Ann or Ginger?
Mary Ann — because she was actually the erotic one. (Ginger was a frigid teaser.) Few people know this, but Mary Ann and the Professor invented the coconut-shell condom. 😉
Likewise, I’m sure Araceli would rock Neil’s world, given half a chance.
If you think Gilligan’s Island is bad for her, just wait till she finds “I dream of Jeannie” on another channel 🙂
It will be a Bewitched marathon, and we’ll have a witch vs genie throw down.
Actually, if this channel is playing Gilligan’s Island in 2010, IDOJ is more likely to be on the same channel, playing 60s classics.
Gillian’s Island… hmm… they get the high-number channels, then?
*nods* I’ve been trying to decide if that was an accidental typo or a deliberate CYA by not exactly using the show’s name/trademark.
aww thats so adorable