Jeanie Bottle 838
Ifta’s turning out to be quite useful. Though she’s also the reason they got in trouble in the first place, so she seems to be a bit of a double-edged sword…
Ifta’s turning out to be quite useful. Though she’s also the reason they got in trouble in the first place, so she seems to be a bit of a double-edged sword…
Yeah, pretty sure Asha won’t care about full details because she doesn’t care about any of this at all.
Hopefully they do the whole ‘Ifta is a better choice for a bride’ and let Jeanie go back home. Hopefully forever and never bother her again.
Jeannie: first, I’m gonna tell you what REALLY happened, Then i’m gonna clobber Asha.
Maybe not. Letting Guano think that Jeannie messed up and Ifta fixed it will help sell the story they want. Guano probably already assumes Jeannie is irresponsible, so this won’t change his opinion at all. Meanwhile Ifta appears to be able to bring some order and keep an eye on Jeannie.
Jeanie has a reputation as a troublemaker, and Ifta is well-respected by the majority of genies. Asha presumably sensed Ifta’s magic in the restoration and drew her own conclusions. From Asha’s viewpoint, it looked as though Jeanie had screwed up and Ifta had fixed it rather than the opposite.
I predict that Guano and Asha will decide that this means that Ifta should be “assigned” to watch over Jeanie and keep her out of their hair.
So, if the *poof* in panel 2 the result of Jeanie’s top going white in the presence of Prince Guano?
Don’t recall ever seeing it with sound-effects.
I believe that “poof” was Shula bugging out.
When married genies are near each other their clothes turn the same color representing their union like Guano parents’ clothes changed.
I dunno – Shula isn’t the type to avoid her son. She’s more likely to grab him by the ear and twist, hard.
Going by the byplay between Guano and his mother Shula escaped banishment. So it’s possible she’s either a fugitive or just keeping a low profile. It wouldn’t surprise me to to learn Lahab engineered
Shula’s escape as part of her plan to marry Jeanie and Guano. It also wouldn’t surprise me to learn Shula escaped through the sheer power of overbearing motherhood, one of the most powerful forces in the sitcom universe.
Take a look at last week’s comic, panel 4, that is literally right where Shula had been standing the last time we see her. That is why I think that poof is her leaving.
OK, that placement does make sense. You’re probably right.
Asha’s good at quickly fabricating a story, gotta give her that.
“Burning all your CDs” could mean at least two different things.
But neither is something the one selling those CDs would like.
You forgot to finish coloring Jeanie’s top pink.
Parts of genies’ outfits go white when they are near their betrothed.
See these three pages for why Jeanie’s top is white. We actually see it mid-color change in panel 2, if you look closely at her left arm.
It appears to me that Guano just assumed that something was going on because the conversation didn’t seem all that loud. He is prone to jumping to the wrong conclusion based on zero evidence.
Ohh, that is hilarious. I’m going to be giggling about that for a long time. He hee hee hee hee!
Lahab’s going to have such a bad day when she finds out.
I wonder if Guano’s mother’s going to rat them all out.
That’s unlikely. Shula could have just as easily stayed to do that. No, she has something else in mind. And remember, she adores the mother of her future grandbaby.
That’s no fun. As far as I’m concened, she’s a loose cannon and could do anything. That’s the fun way to do this.
Lahab is the one who introduced Jeanie to Ifta, saying that Jeanie needed allies. She probably wanted Ifta to become part of Jeanie’s group.
As far as I know, she doesn’t know that Ifta isn’t Ifta.
All the more reason for her to suggest that Ifta should become Jeanie’s “minder”. That arrangement would suit everyone—Lahab, Guano, and Asha would be satisfied that someone as “well-respected” as Ifta is keeping tabs on Jeanie so that they don’t have to micromanage her themselves, and Jeanie’s group get to keep Ifta close and also provide her with the support and training that she needs.
A win win… which is why it won’t happen.
So, you don’t think that Lahab finding out that Ifta’s not really Ifta could be an amusing story development and I’m wrong in anticipating such a development with glee?
“We had it under control” is loosely defined as “The world didn’t end.”
Loose, but true.
It’s nice to know Asha never changes.
I know Guano doesn’t like Jeanie, but I would very much like for him to strongly dislike Asha.
Asha would be to much of a job threat.