Asha is a genie who lives in LA, masquerading as a human Pop Star. Since her last master died before asking for his final wish, and being buried with Asha's Bottle. Haji has granted Asha the ability to stay in the human world without returning to her bottle.
Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Off-topic, but this is the only way I can think to contact CD and/or Robert.
Is there a reason Pixie Rangers II 099 is still locked? 2 months old now and 100-102 are unlocked.
I still wonder if this arc is gonna has a last second twist to restore the status quo of Jean and her roommate… or if Jean is gonna have to face the reality of her not being able to escape responsibility for once in her life.
A last second return to the status quo is a fairly standard move in most sitcoms, but this story does seem like it could just as easily wrap up as if this is were a TV series’s season finale and instead end with cliffhangers.
Wait as a genie princess doesn’t Jean kind of out rank most of them. Ans besides do you think Guano wants to deal with Jean in the palace all the time.
CD can best answer these questions, but Si’Lat Genies (bottle genies) are ranked below the Lords. So, while Jeanie, as a Princess and Prince Guano’s mate, might have some prestige over common genies (assuming they didn’t all hate her), I don’t think she has any real authority. This may change when she becomes Haji’s First since it’s apparent that Lahap had a great deal of pull (after all, she released Jeanie from her restraints without consulting anyone).
As for your second question, I’m pretty sure that if she decides to go AWOL from the palace, Guano isn’t going to care very much. Of course, that may change, too, once she becomes pregnant.
I could be mistaken about that. I’ve decided to reveal something that I’ve never mention mentioned here. I had a mini-stroke two years ago and it has caused a few memory problems. Mostly it has only been stuff that I would call “not important to the functioning of my life”. Although the first couple of months after it were kind of rough. And this is all I really want to say about it.
No, she’s not pregnant. The Hubun Jadid that Blue used when forcing Guano into taking the bonding vow only acts as a sort of fertilizer. Guano and Jeanie still have to choke down their hatred of each other and do the deed for Jeanie to become pregnant.
Sorry to hear about your situation and I think we all hope you’re recovering.
Correct. According to Kazom, genies are magically-based creatures, that are just sort of coincidentally human-shaped, but that don’t necessarily have any equivalent biology. Which kind of makes sense.
Only if she plays the roll. If she doesn’t, they push back. If it gets bad enough, they might wonder if the Djinn is still in there, but even if they didn’t, there’s only so much patience they can have.
This seems like an odd way for Asha to look at it; after all, since genies can transport themselves instantaneously to anywhere on earth (or even other planets), they are not citizens of any country, and they cannot own property, what does it really mean to say that they “live” anywhere?? They are no more the residents of any particular country than the air is. (Which they kind of resemble!) Even the current location of their totem means nothing, since they can just poof that along, too. They’re kind of the ultimate in nomads, bound by nothing. So Jeannie is right; she’s just a visitor – anywhere.
What’s important to Asha is not having to deal with Jeanie’s shenanigans. And she only has to *do* that if they happen in North America. So she wants Jeanie to stay well away from her territory.
Are the genie Lords responsibilities restricted to territorial boundaries? That doesn’t make a lot of sense when the subject of your ire can relocate to any place in the world at any time. Jeanie living in Paris would still be Jeanie, and Monaco has more prestigious casinos.
I would assume that Genie Lords are assigned territories so that they don’t have issues with overlapping jurisdictions—it stays clear who is in on charge where, as opposed to having them be “at large”.
With all of North America being under one Lord, that suggests that the number of such regional supervisory positions is about seven to twelve. Antarctica is too unpopulated to really need a separate domain, but Asia is big enough to need at least three (Middle East, India-sphere, and China-sphere).
So if Jeannie is stuck there, does that mean she no longer needs her bottle, and thus return to Earth to transform some other unfortunate soul into a female genie?
We can see her bottle in the background on this page, and we saw it disappear from Neil and Jeanie’s house back at the start of this storyline. So presumably she still needs it, but with it now being at the Palace, that would suggest that she’s anchored there in some way.
It appears to me that Guano just assumed that something was going on because the conversation didn’t seem all that loud. He is prone to jumping to the wrong conclusion based on zero evidence.
Jean you got to start to listen to other instead of pretending to listen on and off.
Good luck with that. She’s like Cosmo. One half to a whole idiot.
Jean. Tell them you are an all American girl, you’re commuting from the suburbs as is the American Way.
Jeannie can do things the 21st-century way – she can remote in to the palace via the Internet.
Great idea!
Robert? Since “royalty” in this context is plural, Panel 4 should read, “Genie royalty live here…”
Ah, good point. I knew something was bothering me about that line, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Hehe… so Jeanie is trapped in the palace by her new responsibilities. Doesn’t look good for Natalie.
Jean has never exactly cared much about responsibility before and I doubt that will change now
Off-topic, but this is the only way I can think to contact CD and/or Robert.
Is there a reason Pixie Rangers II 099 is still locked? 2 months old now and 100-102 are unlocked.
I’m not sure there is one. It doesn’t show up when I search for it.
I must have messed up the early access setting on that one. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll fix it now.
She should have insisted on a prenuptial.
With a generous visitation clause to see exmaster or child. (With Neil’s luck it could be either)
Maybe a firm “no.”
I still wonder if this arc is gonna has a last second twist to restore the status quo of Jean and her roommate… or if Jean is gonna have to face the reality of her not being able to escape responsibility for once in her life.
A last second return to the status quo is a fairly standard move in most sitcoms, but this story does seem like it could just as easily wrap up as if this is were a TV series’s season finale and instead end with cliffhangers.
Wait as a genie princess doesn’t Jean kind of out rank most of them. Ans besides do you think Guano wants to deal with Jean in the palace all the time.
CD can best answer these questions, but Si’Lat Genies (bottle genies) are ranked below the Lords. So, while Jeanie, as a Princess and Prince Guano’s mate, might have some prestige over common genies (assuming they didn’t all hate her), I don’t think she has any real authority. This may change when she becomes Haji’s First since it’s apparent that Lahap had a great deal of pull (after all, she released Jeanie from her restraints without consulting anyone).
As for your second question, I’m pretty sure that if she decides to go AWOL from the palace, Guano isn’t going to care very much. Of course, that may change, too, once she becomes pregnant.
I thought she already was pregnant.
I could be mistaken about that. I’ve decided to reveal something that I’ve never mention mentioned here. I had a mini-stroke two years ago and it has caused a few memory problems. Mostly it has only been stuff that I would call “not important to the functioning of my life”. Although the first couple of months after it were kind of rough. And this is all I really want to say about it.
No, she’s not pregnant. The Hubun Jadid that Blue used when forcing Guano into taking the bonding vow only acts as a sort of fertilizer. Guano and Jeanie still have to choke down their hatred of each other and do the deed for Jeanie to become pregnant.
Sorry to hear about your situation and I think we all hope you’re recovering.
Except we don’t actually know what “the deed” is for djinn to reproduce
Kazom implied that actual sex is not part of the process, for all we know, it’s literally just a spell
Correct. According to Kazom, genies are magically-based creatures, that are just sort of coincidentally human-shaped, but that don’t necessarily have any equivalent biology. Which kind of makes sense.
Sorry to hear about your health troubles. That sounds scary.
Only if she plays the roll. If she doesn’t, they push back. If it gets bad enough, they might wonder if the Djinn is still in there, but even if they didn’t, there’s only so much patience they can have.
This seems like an odd way for Asha to look at it; after all, since genies can transport themselves instantaneously to anywhere on earth (or even other planets), they are not citizens of any country, and they cannot own property, what does it really mean to say that they “live” anywhere?? They are no more the residents of any particular country than the air is. (Which they kind of resemble!) Even the current location of their totem means nothing, since they can just poof that along, too. They’re kind of the ultimate in nomads, bound by nothing. So Jeannie is right; she’s just a visitor – anywhere.
What’s important to Asha is not having to deal with Jeanie’s shenanigans. And she only has to *do* that if they happen in North America. So she wants Jeanie to stay well away from her territory.
Are the genie Lords responsibilities restricted to territorial boundaries? That doesn’t make a lot of sense when the subject of your ire can relocate to any place in the world at any time. Jeanie living in Paris would still be Jeanie, and Monaco has more prestigious casinos.
I would assume that Genie Lords are assigned territories so that they don’t have issues with overlapping jurisdictions—it stays clear who is in on charge where, as opposed to having them be “at large”.
With all of North America being under one Lord, that suggests that the number of such regional supervisory positions is about seven to twelve. Antarctica is too unpopulated to really need a separate domain, but Asia is big enough to need at least three (Middle East, India-sphere, and China-sphere).
Kind of like the ancient spell: Alaka get off my patch!
Oh. I’d forgotten about that.
So if Jeannie is stuck there, does that mean she no longer needs her bottle, and thus return to Earth to transform some other unfortunate soul into a female genie?
We can see her bottle in the background on this page, and we saw it disappear from Neil and Jeanie’s house back at the start of this storyline. So presumably she still needs it, but with it now being at the Palace, that would suggest that she’s anchored there in some way.
The obvious solution is to move both her and Neil’s apartment into the palace.
Jeanie was evicted from her apartment because she blew a hole in the wall, so moving would be much easier.
I don’t think humans are allowed in the Palace outside of diplomacy stuff.
It appears to me that Guano just assumed that something was going on because the conversation didn’t seem all that loud. He is prone to jumping to the wrong conclusion based on zero evidence.