A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
And that is the reason why sailors seal (“batten down”) the hatches during a bad storm—to keep water from flooding in through them. Those crew who are needed on deck simply stay above deck for the duration once the hatches are sealed.
When did Peach age? These characters are timeless. I thought that Rosalina was Peach’s mom at one point. (I read that the developers changed their minds about that.)
In-World Religion-Like Rhetoric Genies be like: Darn pretend-prone kids, magic mimicking mortal fools of fiction and fakery factories, when will you ludicrous lot learn that our superior magic powers are demonstrably realer than thou? We’re so obviously divine, we’ll deliver a documentary you magic-cynic deviants can’t dogmatically deny as merely mythology.
A weird theory:
A water spout (twister) will come along and lift the house (in this case, Liam’s boat) into the sky. Evil Neil will be revealed as the wicked witch of West Miami and pedal off on a tricycle (Caley isn’t grown enough for a bicycle). Our heroes will be deposited in Disney World surrounded by kids singing “It’s a Small World” and crushing an animatronic Alice and her white rabbit. Evil Neil tries to steal the shoes from Alice but is arrested by park security officers who resemble Winkies from the movie.
Natalie, weigh the anchor about 55 pounds-the storm is blowing out to sea . Blow the boat away from the island and araceli will wake up. Unless the storm changes direction in witch case-pun intended- you will be on the island.
“Princess Peach fans are the most basic of bitches, Daisy’s are the same buy loader, Rosaline fans are disgusting coomers so the only one with any class would pick Pauline”
I haven’t played any Mario games for a while, so I had to look up who Rosalina even is, but I have a hard time thinking of either her or Peach as “hot”. Pauline, on the other hand, easily qualifies (though I admit I wasn’t previously aware of her existence either).
So those two might be safer than anywhere else in theory based on their past experiences with all the adventures.
So the two of them have been playing Mario Kart all morning now. I am mildly surprised that they have not switched to another game yet.
Except below decks is the absolute last place you’d want to be if the boat starts taking on water.
And that is the reason why sailors seal (“batten down”) the hatches during a bad storm—to keep water from flooding in through them. Those crew who are needed on deck simply stay above deck for the duration once the hatches are sealed.
I think both storylines are approaching climax, and perhaps an intertwined one. 🙂
Rosalina, obviously.
If not now, she will definitely win by default/walkover as Peach ages way quicker than Rosalina.
When did Peach age? These characters are timeless. I thought that Rosalina was Peach’s mom at one point. (I read that the developers changed their minds about that.)
Panel 2: Oh, sure, Caley, because the Wizard of Oz is so obviously a documentary…
Aww, cut her some slack. She’s a kid in a world where magic is real.
In-World Religion-Like Rhetoric Genies be like: Darn pretend-prone kids, magic mimicking mortal fools of fiction and fakery factories, when will you ludicrous lot learn that our superior magic powers are demonstrably realer than thou? We’re so obviously divine, we’ll deliver a documentary you magic-cynic deviants can’t dogmatically deny as merely mythology.
…Huh?! …Who?! …When?! …Where?! …Why?! …How?!
Tells only half the story, and leaves a lot of details out of the half they told. Plus there are other stories.
I’m fond of “The Troll Champion and the Stone Man of Oz”, by M.G. Harmon. ^_^
Seems to be a storm a-brewin’…
A weird theory:
A water spout (twister) will come along and lift the house (in this case, Liam’s boat) into the sky. Evil Neil will be revealed as the wicked witch of West Miami and pedal off on a tricycle (Caley isn’t grown enough for a bicycle). Our heroes will be deposited in Disney World surrounded by kids singing “It’s a Small World” and crushing an animatronic Alice and her white rabbit. Evil Neil tries to steal the shoes from Alice but is arrested by park security officers who resemble Winkies from the movie.
Eight years old isn’t old enough for a bicycle?
Well, one with training wheels, then. I was under the impression that she’s younger.
Natalie, weigh the anchor about 55 pounds-the storm is blowing out to sea . Blow the boat away from the island and araceli will wake up. Unless the storm changes direction in witch case-pun intended- you will be on the island.
Peach, easily.
“Princess Peach fans are the most basic of bitches, Daisy’s are the same buy loader, Rosaline fans are disgusting coomers so the only one with any class would pick Pauline”
I haven’t played any Mario games for a while, so I had to look up who Rosalina even is, but I have a hard time thinking of either her or Peach as “hot”. Pauline, on the other hand, easily qualifies (though I admit I wasn’t previously aware of her existence either).
Pauline was the woman whom Donkey Kong abducted and Mario rescued in their debut in the game “Donkey Kong”.
And she made a resurgence in Mario Odyssey.
This is fine. No one talk about the gloat guy with the evil plan. Mua ha ha ha ah!
Pretty sure we won’t need to worry too much about Gloat Guy unless CD changes the comic’s title to “Villain-Djinn’s Island.”
Awwwww. I was looking forward to the story.
Your both wrong. Its Daisy.