Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Practice on what? What is there to do inside a bottle that you can’t escape from that would give you the chance to use magic that you wouldn’t be bored of in a week?
That kind of depends on how much imagination you have. Consider: You can have ANY book ever written, along with the ability to read them, no matter what language they’re in. You can conjure up any figure from history to keep you company, converse with, or teach you anything. You can watch any movie, play, or event ever created, maybe even ones from the future. You can have anything to eat or drink that you can imagine, or even things you’ve never heard of – magic operates kind of on its own, remember. You can instantly poof up any device, object, thing, creature or pet, even impossible ones. You can travel through time, visit other cultures, civilizations, even other worlds. The only thing you can’t do is exit the bottle to the current world. But everything else is accessible in the wink of an eye.
An ability like that sure makes being imprisoned in a bottle a lot more bearable. You might eventually get bored, but it would take quite a while. That probably explains how genies manage to stay confined for centuries without going batshit crazy. (Okay, except for Shula. 😉 )
Or… the inside of a bottle is a pocket universe where time flows differently. You go in and come out 225 years later but you “think” it’s only been 1 year. That’s not to say you couldn’t poof up most of what you described, but you have to know about those things to begin with.
I’m not sure that you would have to ‘know about those things’ ahead of time. Jeannie’s magic seems to have the ability to fill in the blanks. Remember, she can manipulate objects without even knowing where or what they are. All she has to do is think of something happening, and it does, without her needing to know how. So she could think “Entertain me!” and poof, a whole ensemble company of players appears, with an act guaranteed to leave her in stitches. She doesn’t have to know the details, or even that such an act exists. It’s the ultimate in wish-fulfillment. She could think, “Take me to another world.” and poof, she’s on Mars, or the Land of Oz, or on an alien planet, or whatever her magic thinks constitutes ‘another world’.
“Pocket universe” is a nice concept, but so far, there’s no in-comic evidence for it; the bottle is apparently just an ordinary glass container that happens to constitute her [miniature] bedchamber. I am rather curious, however, as to what plumbing facilities it offers. My guess is that whenever Jeannie needs to, she makes a bathroom door appear in the wall, kind of like the way she moved her whole apartment into Neil’s place. Very handy ability to have; I’ve wished I could do that.
She made the General Lee vanish because Boss Hogg wished that it (and the Duke Boys) would never trouble him again. So apparently the name and her Master’s mental image of it were enough , without her having to know anything else about it, even though she willingly twisted the wish so that the Duke Boys would become the Duke Girls instead of becoming non-human.
I’m not sure if having ‘everything’ you want is a good idea. We saw what happened on wish island. As for things that don’t exist .., we’ve yet to see that happen. They’ve operated within the bounds of natural laws… maybe that is their restriction. So no fire breathing dragons … though we have seen reverse gravity effects.. so it’s not like they ‘can’t’ warp reality …
I suppose if your imagination is powerful enough, a dragon would be possible. What is a dragon, anyway? A really big lizard with a flamethrower in its mouth. For someone with a modern perspective of CGI and practical special effects, who can magically create a “blank” that you can animate to do what you want, it should be simple enough. The oldest genies might actually have seen dragons because they are a constant in many of the oldest cultures.
I don’t know that her magic really cares about whether something is a ‘good’ idea or not. She thinks of it happening, and it does. Period.
As for the wish island, that was sort of the plot of Evil Jean. Our Jeannie seems to have been mellowed a bit – after all, she could have a magic mansion all her own, right now, yet she chooses to hang out with Neil and has settled for a normally-bought house in the suburbs. Maybe the bottle did have some influence on her, after all.
No, your computer is just caching images to save time rendering web pages. If you flush the image cache, that will force a fresh reload from the server.
Yeah, but given how lazy Jeannie is, that might not be a factor. Jeannie hasn’t explored more than 0.001% of her magic potential, particularly after the episode with the Blue Djinn.
That flailing arm in panel 3 speaks volumes. I would have liked to have heard the conversation between Kiran/Ifta and the newcomer before he scooped her up and planted a wet one on her lips.
Robert, how is Shula wrong about her statements in panel 1? Jeannie’s mental attitude may still be human, but on the physical/metaphysical side of things, I believe she is correct.
1. Jeanie hasn’t been a genie for more than maybe 6 months at this point. So “powers tempered with time” is wrong. Ifta, however, has been a genie for over a century.
2. Jeanie has never “learned how to use her powers”. She didn’t go through the genie training that Kazom was supposed to give to her. Jeanie outright states this in the same panel, but Shula again dismisses anything that doesn’t agree with her worldview, and comes up with what sounds to my ears like a bullshit excuse for what Jeanie said.
No, it’s certainly the boy toy talking about taking Belle out for a boat ride because it’s her birthday, the wording is just wrong for the reverse to be true.
I’ve searched the earlier comics, and I can’t find any mention of a birthday so it might actually be 6 months. A very busy 6 months. (It might have been mentioned on Discord and I just can’t find it.)
Finally found it on Discord. On 6/29/21 CD says the following:
Well, to spoil your fun in trying to figure out the general timeline… I am running on the idea that it’s approaching a year since Jean was turned into Jeanie.
The Xmas story takes place within the 1st year of Jean’s Genie hood.
Remember, Jean didn’t find the bottle an Jan 1st. She found the bottle before Belle’s Birthday. (And we haven’t establish when Belle’s birthday is in the year. Her Birthday could have been in March or September, or February.)
I’m really excited to learn more about Ifta’s situation. Maybe there’s an intense genie school they could send her to? I’m guessing sealing her powers is not an option, though they could probably just seal her in her bottle? … hope they don’t do that.
It’s like … the first spell Kiran does could already be catastrophic. What he would NEED is to train gradually, but what he has is too much power to safely do first step.
So, the question here is, will Jeanie be able to contain Kiran/Ifta’s enthusiasm so that she can gradually learn how to use her power. This it dicey, because regardless of what Shula thinks, Jeanie was not born into this and has never actually had any training.
@Guardingdark: I doubt that there’s a genie School of Magic other than the day of training Jeanie bugged out on. Besides, given the level of wisdom demonstrated by most of the genies we’ve seen, who would be the instructor?
Jeanie has said she never had to ‘think’ about casting spells. The magic seems to know her intention. I don’t think she ever got something that wasn’t her actual ‘intent’. Her magic never betrayed her except when she was genuinely unwell.
If I’m reading this right kiran just can’t grant wishes with any safety.
The difference would be that the bottle would adapt what it gives to Jean based on who Jean is. Whereas a body swap gives Kiran powers and interface meant for Ifta.
That’s all very logical, except for one thing. Why wouldn’t the magic (which seems to be semi-intelligent if it can adapt the way you describe) simply assume that the occupant of the bottle is actually Ifta and carry on as if nothing changed. Kiran/Ifta thinks about doing something and the magic does it.
Which brings up another point. The true Ifta is dead and Kiran/Ifta is the occupant of the bottle. Nature abhors a vacuum, wouldn’t the totem simply correct the issue and transform Kiran into Ifta for real? Kiran has only ever met 1 genie, so his interpretation of what a genie looks like is Ifta.
Da Rules. “A human can not be forced to walk a path, but you can give them multiple paths or just one…” the magic can not force a human in that way I think- but if it did have some kind of thought process, perhaps it was protecting the world and Ifta by keeping her sealed in the bottle, perhaps trying to build some kind of link to her human mind… a process that could take centuries.
@Guardingark “A human can not be forced” The magic absolutely forces a human into becoming genie, it gives them no choice and we have three canon examples: Jehane, Jeanie, and genie Neil (Nell).
The second half of your comment seems to be sheer speculation to me. A genie is sealed in their bottle when someone puts a cork in it and can emerge only when the cork is removed, or they are yanked out by a Lord. (I don’t know about lamps, though.) I don’t see any intelligence behind that. If true, though, Ifta’s been in there for over 200 years, so maybe now there is a connection.
A little off-topic, but –
If nature really abhors a vacuum, then why are there trillions of cubic light-years of it? 😉
(Seriously, that phrase was originally used to justify the existance of the fictional “luminiferous ether” that supposedly filled interplanetary space.)
@ShadowRnnr: Well, a vacuum with the occasional one-molecule-per-cubic-meter floating in it is still pretty close. After all, it IS a perfect vacuum in between the few particles out there.
For that matter, a “perfect vacuum” is impossible, because there’s no material container that wouldn’t lose a tiny bit of its own mass into the enclosed space. But I’d submit that inter-galactic space is about as close as realistically possible.
Not to agree with Shula on any point, no matter how trivial, Jeanie is a genie in a genie body.
Kiran, on the other hand, is a human in genie body. I have no idea how this works beyond there obviously being no problem with rejection, at least within the bottle, but that just gives our a chance to surprise us and tell a story.
Another formulation is that the author is on Jeanie’s side and may not be on Kiran’s.
I wonder if there is such a thing as sexual muscle memory. Ifta and Aazim may have been very devoted mates for many centuries. Even though Keran is now in the driver’s seat could Ifta’s love for him still be a factor.
Kattgirl brings up an interesting point. “Penis: Alive or not, don’t care; go for it!”
Do genies have the same sexual drive humans do? They obviously procreate by magical means requiring an Hubun Jadid (which seems to equate to a genie egg) followed by intercourse. If Guano is an example (admittedly a poor one) there’s no overpowering urge to reproduce even though his ‘mate’ is now primed and fertile.
They are not chemical based life forms as humans. I’m not entirely sure what a genie is even made from but gender is clearly a biological reality to them. If I were to guess ‘destiny’ is their driving force.
@ShadowRnnr: I’d guess that, if genies do have a sexual drive (and at least the ones made from converted human beings, like Jeannie, seem to) then maybe the difference might be time scales. Humans have a fairly limited time span to reproduce; a creature like a genie, that lives for thousands of years, might not feel any such time pressure. Alya is only 50 or 60; that’s probably still the equivalent of a young child by genie standards. Guano might not even have hit genie puberty yet. Kazom is over 3000; that might be genie middle age – and HE certainly seems to have plenty of interest.
I wonder if Kiran was an Egyptologist or has a lay-person’s interest in Egyptology. I’m asking because I suspect almost all Egyptians in the 1890’s were all Muslims or Christians and there were very few neo-pagans or followers of 19th Century occult movements ans so would not tend to shout “By Ra” when surprised.
That’s an interesting thought. In the latter half of 19th century England, interest in Egypt and things Egyptian was very high, so it’s very plausible that a young Englishman might have been inclined to be fascinated by an Egyptian genie, enough to want to trade places. Good call.
I got interested, so I found Wikipedia’s list of Egyptologists and 3 were both Egyptian and born in the 19th century. True, one in 1801 and another in 1886, but Kiran might fit in with this crowd.
The banner finally came through. The handle on top of the back pack threw me off but I was able to see the back straps. I would like to commend Jeanie on her taste of school clothes. I had to take my wife to the University Hospital and the college students were all over the place. Uniform of the day looked like black spandex hotpants with a cut off t top. And the girls were just as bad. Keep your keg cold for the football game.
I recall a phone call to my parents, when I was first away at college:
I was telling my father that the main entertainment at college parties was getting smashing drunk and peeing off the apartment balconies, trying to hit the passers-by, below.
My mother, shocked, asked “What do the girls think of that behavior?”
Yeah, Shula is jumping to conclusions Ifta has had decades of practice inside the bottle and wouldn’t tune to match her mindset also.
No, Shula is jumping to conclusions regarding how much was Jeanie learning to use her powers.
Practice on what? What is there to do inside a bottle that you can’t escape from that would give you the chance to use magic that you wouldn’t be bored of in a week?
That kind of depends on how much imagination you have. Consider: You can have ANY book ever written, along with the ability to read them, no matter what language they’re in. You can conjure up any figure from history to keep you company, converse with, or teach you anything. You can watch any movie, play, or event ever created, maybe even ones from the future. You can have anything to eat or drink that you can imagine, or even things you’ve never heard of – magic operates kind of on its own, remember. You can instantly poof up any device, object, thing, creature or pet, even impossible ones. You can travel through time, visit other cultures, civilizations, even other worlds. The only thing you can’t do is exit the bottle to the current world. But everything else is accessible in the wink of an eye.
An ability like that sure makes being imprisoned in a bottle a lot more bearable. You might eventually get bored, but it would take quite a while. That probably explains how genies manage to stay confined for centuries without going batshit crazy. (Okay, except for Shula. 😉 )
Or… the inside of a bottle is a pocket universe where time flows differently. You go in and come out 225 years later but you “think” it’s only been 1 year. That’s not to say you couldn’t poof up most of what you described, but you have to know about those things to begin with.
I’m not sure that you would have to ‘know about those things’ ahead of time. Jeannie’s magic seems to have the ability to fill in the blanks. Remember, she can manipulate objects without even knowing where or what they are. All she has to do is think of something happening, and it does, without her needing to know how. So she could think “Entertain me!” and poof, a whole ensemble company of players appears, with an act guaranteed to leave her in stitches. She doesn’t have to know the details, or even that such an act exists. It’s the ultimate in wish-fulfillment. She could think, “Take me to another world.” and poof, she’s on Mars, or the Land of Oz, or on an alien planet, or whatever her magic thinks constitutes ‘another world’.
“Pocket universe” is a nice concept, but so far, there’s no in-comic evidence for it; the bottle is apparently just an ordinary glass container that happens to constitute her [miniature] bedchamber. I am rather curious, however, as to what plumbing facilities it offers. My guess is that whenever Jeannie needs to, she makes a bathroom door appear in the wall, kind of like the way she moved her whole apartment into Neil’s place. Very handy ability to have; I’ve wished I could do that.
She made the General Lee vanish because Boss Hogg wished that it (and the Duke Boys) would never trouble him again. So apparently the name and her Master’s mental image of it were enough , without her having to know anything else about it, even though she willingly twisted the wish so that the Duke Boys would become the Duke Girls instead of becoming non-human.
I’m not sure if having ‘everything’ you want is a good idea. We saw what happened on wish island. As for things that don’t exist .., we’ve yet to see that happen. They’ve operated within the bounds of natural laws… maybe that is their restriction. So no fire breathing dragons … though we have seen reverse gravity effects.. so it’s not like they ‘can’t’ warp reality …
I suppose if your imagination is powerful enough, a dragon would be possible. What is a dragon, anyway? A really big lizard with a flamethrower in its mouth. For someone with a modern perspective of CGI and practical special effects, who can magically create a “blank” that you can animate to do what you want, it should be simple enough. The oldest genies might actually have seen dragons because they are a constant in many of the oldest cultures.
I don’t know that her magic really cares about whether something is a ‘good’ idea or not. She thinks of it happening, and it does. Period.
As for the wish island, that was sort of the plot of Evil Jean. Our Jeannie seems to have been mellowed a bit – after all, she could have a magic mansion all her own, right now, yet she chooses to hang out with Neil and has settled for a normally-bought house in the suburbs. Maybe the bottle did have some influence on her, after all.
Now that’s a different header. Never thought I’d see Jeannie portrayed as a carpetbagger. 😉
Isn’t that a backpack?
It certainly looks like one.
I think Kattgirl is right, it looks like a carpet bag to me.
Yes, it’s a backpack. September of “Back-to-School” time, and this is Teen Jeanie.
My computer must be messing up. I still have the Barbara Eden header.
No, your computer is just caching images to save time rendering web pages. If you flush the image cache, that will force a fresh reload from the server.
Interesting behavior in Panel 3. Apparently Kiran is either bisexual or just very cooperative.
BTW, I think that’s the first redheaded genie we’ve seen.
Might be both, honestly.
I think being in a genie body is giving her an unnatural euphoria. She’s basically high.
If you look closely you can see his arm waving frantically, like eek! Help!
Ha I totally missed that thanks
That’s her arm, not his
Waving her arm while being kissed. Hence the “that’s getting too friendly” comment.
Yeah, but that arm could also be, “Holy shit, this is great!”
I completely missed that. Thank you.
ok now it makes more sense – kid with a nuke scenario.
So it’s less “she’ll throw a lethal temper tantrum” and more “she’ll make a catastrophic oopsie”.
She’s basicly cosmo 🙂
Thing is… Shula *thinks* that scenario doesn’t apply to Jeanie, but if anything, Ifta’s got MORE experience being a genie than Jeanie does.
All of it inside that bottle, though.
Yeah, but given how lazy Jeannie is, that might not be a factor. Jeannie hasn’t explored more than 0.001% of her magic potential, particularly after the episode with the Blue Djinn.
I’m thinking there’s some prior relationship involved with those two in the back.
Yeah, I think that was hinted at previously. (
I’m betting that’s Aazim.
I wish I had an upvote button. ‘Cause I’d completely forgotten that.
Nice catch. Your memory is better than mine.
Maybe occasionally, but not dependably so.
But thanks!
That flailing arm in panel 3 speaks volumes. I would have liked to have heard the conversation between Kiran/Ifta and the newcomer before he scooped her up and planted a wet one on her lips.
Robert, how is Shula wrong about her statements in panel 1? Jeannie’s mental attitude may still be human, but on the physical/metaphysical side of things, I believe she is correct.
Panel _2_
1. Jeanie hasn’t been a genie for more than maybe 6 months at this point. So “powers tempered with time” is wrong. Ifta, however, has been a genie for over a century.
2. Jeanie has never “learned how to use her powers”. She didn’t go through the genie training that Kazom was supposed to give to her. Jeanie outright states this in the same panel, but Shula again dismisses anything that doesn’t agree with her worldview, and comes up with what sounds to my ears like a bullshit excuse for what Jeanie said.
Since Kiran/Ifta’s entire experience as a genie has been inside her totem, I don’t think she’s really had much experience being a genie.
Wasn’t Jean searching for a birthday present for Belle when he found the bottle? If so, it’s been a year.
Huh? Have we seen Belle having another birthday since?
Possibly in JB706? I think. (Could very well be the boy toy’s birthday.)
No, it’s certainly the boy toy talking about taking Belle out for a boat ride because it’s her birthday, the wording is just wrong for the reverse to be true.
I’ve searched the earlier comics, and I can’t find any mention of a birthday so it might actually be 6 months. A very busy 6 months. (It might have been mentioned on Discord and I just can’t find it.)
Finally found it on Discord. On 6/29/21 CD says the following:
Well, to spoil your fun in trying to figure out the general timeline… I am running on the idea that it’s approaching a year since Jean was turned into Jeanie.
The Xmas story takes place within the 1st year of Jean’s Genie hood.
Remember, Jean didn’t find the bottle an Jan 1st. She found the bottle before Belle’s Birthday. (And we haven’t establish when Belle’s birthday is in the year. Her Birthday could have been in March or September, or February.)
This was during the prom night arc.
Oops, I misread that. I thought you said panel ONE not panel TWO.
My bad.
I’m really excited to learn more about Ifta’s situation. Maybe there’s an intense genie school they could send her to? I’m guessing sealing her powers is not an option, though they could probably just seal her in her bottle? … hope they don’t do that.
It’s like … the first spell Kiran does could already be catastrophic. What he would NEED is to train gradually, but what he has is too much power to safely do first step.
So, the question here is, will Jeanie be able to contain Kiran/Ifta’s enthusiasm so that she can gradually learn how to use her power. This it dicey, because regardless of what Shula thinks, Jeanie was not born into this and has never actually had any training.
@Guardingdark: I doubt that there’s a genie School of Magic other than the day of training Jeanie bugged out on. Besides, given the level of wisdom demonstrated by most of the genies we’ve seen, who would be the instructor?
How is Kiran’s situation any different from Jeanie right after she got turned on Page 1, tho?
Jeanie has said she never had to ‘think’ about casting spells. The magic seems to know her intention. I don’t think she ever got something that wasn’t her actual ‘intent’. Her magic never betrayed her except when she was genuinely unwell.
If I’m reading this right kiran just can’t grant wishes with any safety.
The difference would be that the bottle would adapt what it gives to Jean based on who Jean is. Whereas a body swap gives Kiran powers and interface meant for Ifta.
That’s all very logical, except for one thing. Why wouldn’t the magic (which seems to be semi-intelligent if it can adapt the way you describe) simply assume that the occupant of the bottle is actually Ifta and carry on as if nothing changed. Kiran/Ifta thinks about doing something and the magic does it.
Which brings up another point. The true Ifta is dead and Kiran/Ifta is the occupant of the bottle. Nature abhors a vacuum, wouldn’t the totem simply correct the issue and transform Kiran into Ifta for real? Kiran has only ever met 1 genie, so his interpretation of what a genie looks like is Ifta.
Da Rules. “A human can not be forced to walk a path, but you can give them multiple paths or just one…” the magic can not force a human in that way I think- but if it did have some kind of thought process, perhaps it was protecting the world and Ifta by keeping her sealed in the bottle, perhaps trying to build some kind of link to her human mind… a process that could take centuries.
@Guardingark “A human can not be forced” The magic absolutely forces a human into becoming genie, it gives them no choice and we have three canon examples: Jehane, Jeanie, and genie Neil (Nell).
The second half of your comment seems to be sheer speculation to me. A genie is sealed in their bottle when someone puts a cork in it and can emerge only when the cork is removed, or they are yanked out by a Lord. (I don’t know about lamps, though.) I don’t see any intelligence behind that. If true, though, Ifta’s been in there for over 200 years, so maybe now there is a connection.
A little off-topic, but –
If nature really abhors a vacuum, then why are there trillions of cubic light-years of it? 😉
(Seriously, that phrase was originally used to justify the existance of the fictional “luminiferous ether” that supposedly filled interplanetary space.)
Technically speaking, space is not a complete vacuum, there’s just not much out there floating around loose.
They are not human any more. The rule doesn’t apply.
@ShadowRnnr: Well, a vacuum with the occasional one-molecule-per-cubic-meter floating in it is still pretty close. After all, it IS a perfect vacuum in between the few particles out there.
For that matter, a “perfect vacuum” is impossible, because there’s no material container that wouldn’t lose a tiny bit of its own mass into the enclosed space. But I’d submit that inter-galactic space is about as close as realistically possible.
Not to agree with Shula on any point, no matter how trivial, Jeanie is a genie in a genie body.
Kiran, on the other hand, is a human in genie body. I have no idea how this works beyond there obviously being no problem with rejection, at least within the bottle, but that just gives our a chance to surprise us and tell a story.
Another formulation is that the author is on Jeanie’s side and may not be on Kiran’s.
So, Ifta is the equivalent of a 40K unsanctioned psyker with near-Primarch level powers at his/her disposal.
No wonder Shula is concerned.
You would be surprised how many wishes are ‘technically’ granted by an exterminatus
I wonder if there is such a thing as sexual muscle memory. Ifta and Aazim may have been very devoted mates for many centuries. Even though Keran is now in the driver’s seat could Ifta’s love for him still be a factor.
Keran is not just in the driver seat, but the sole occupant of the vehicle. Ifta is death and gone.
If Aazim loved Ifta he deserves the truth, not a pretender.
This will not be a simple thing though. Love is not rational.
Brain: Ifta is dead
Heart: I can see her right there, she is just acting funny.
Penis: Alive or not, don’t care; go for it!
For Aazim the love he feels for Ifta is very much alive after many hundreds of years of separation.
Ifta has nice legs … 🙂
Kattgirl brings up an interesting point. “Penis: Alive or not, don’t care; go for it!”
Do genies have the same sexual drive humans do? They obviously procreate by magical means requiring an Hubun Jadid (which seems to equate to a genie egg) followed by intercourse. If Guano is an example (admittedly a poor one) there’s no overpowering urge to reproduce even though his ‘mate’ is now primed and fertile.
They are not chemical based life forms as humans. I’m not entirely sure what a genie is even made from but gender is clearly a biological reality to them. If I were to guess ‘destiny’ is their driving force.
@ShadowRnnr: I’d guess that, if genies do have a sexual drive (and at least the ones made from converted human beings, like Jeannie, seem to) then maybe the difference might be time scales. Humans have a fairly limited time span to reproduce; a creature like a genie, that lives for thousands of years, might not feel any such time pressure. Alya is only 50 or 60; that’s probably still the equivalent of a young child by genie standards. Guano might not even have hit genie puberty yet. Kazom is over 3000; that might be genie middle age – and HE certainly seems to have plenty of interest.
Aww, look at Fake Ifta making friends.
I wonder if Kiran was an Egyptologist or has a lay-person’s interest in Egyptology. I’m asking because I suspect almost all Egyptians in the 1890’s were all Muslims or Christians and there were very few neo-pagans or followers of 19th Century occult movements ans so would not tend to shout “By Ra” when surprised.
That’s an interesting thought. In the latter half of 19th century England, interest in Egypt and things Egyptian was very high, so it’s very plausible that a young Englishman might have been inclined to be fascinated by an Egyptian genie, enough to want to trade places. Good call.
I was thinking more of an Egyptian Egyptalogist, but yeah, that would work too.
I don’t see why an Englishperson or a German or a Frenchperson would need to be involved though.
I got interested, so I found Wikipedia’s list of Egyptologists and 3 were both Egyptian and born in the 19th century. True, one in 1801 and another in 1886, but Kiran might fit in with this crowd.
The banner finally came through. The handle on top of the back pack threw me off but I was able to see the back straps. I would like to commend Jeanie on her taste of school clothes. I had to take my wife to the University Hospital and the college students were all over the place. Uniform of the day looked like black spandex hotpants with a cut off t top. And the girls were just as bad. Keep your keg cold for the football game.
“And the girls were just as bad.” 🙂
Some of those girls should definately be ticketed for being a traffic hazard
I recall a phone call to my parents, when I was first away at college:
I was telling my father that the main entertainment at college parties was getting smashing drunk and peeing off the apartment balconies, trying to hit the passers-by, below.
My mother, shocked, asked “What do the girls think of that behavior?”
Me: “Mom, I’m talking about the girls.”