A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Here’s a thought. Whatever it was that drained Araceli’s power has created a copy of Neil apparently to fulfill her not so secret desire to remain with “The best Master I’ve ever had” (page 185). This doppelganger (let’s call him Neil-2) seems to act and speak independently of Araceli’s control, unlike the one Jeanie created to buy their house.
Doppelganger is a German word meaning a ghostly or paranormal phenomenon and is usually seen as a harbinger of bad luck (Wiki). In Ancient Egyptian mythology, a ka was a tangible “spirit double” having the same memories and feelings as the person to whom the counterpart belongs (also Wiki–see what you learn when doing research for fanfiction?).
Neil is a hero type good guy (remember the SpaceX incident?), so trying to help Araceli is completely within the range of his emotional reactions, and Neil-2 has had that amplified into a knight in shining armor persona.
Here’s the rub. What would happen if Natalie makes a serious attempt to break up this enchantment? Will the spell defend itself to continue fulfilling Araceli’s fantasy, and what form will that defense take? Remember–bad luck, but for whom?
I don’t think this “Neil” has anything to do with real Neil except looking like him. Also, he seems to be doing exactly what would Ariceli wanted. Most likely, he’s controlled by her subconscious.
So, he is acting as an emergency, genie, battery recharger. At the last moment she realized she was being drained and quick created him as a last-ditch effort to survive.
Good catch, but I’ll take it one step further, on 797, they both were wearing pink tops, therefore only the logos have been added to their shirts. So obviously it is important, but I do not know in what way.
You sure about it? On last panel, it looks her hairs started to have color (DIFFERENT color, but still) and it looks like she has less wrinkles each panel. I suspect that she will wake up next page, if she’s not awake already, and would consider it great awakening.
Is she? I don’t recall anything saying she’s mentally male its quite possible Araceli dream boy got the male half while Natalie is the female side. Probably wouldn’t be interested in herself but males are a possibility. I mean I could be wrong but I’m reserving judgement that like the boys have been mentally regressed (thinking Natalie was Rodge’s sister) she’s now mentally a young girl.
Bottle Alert–This just popped up, sorry, I mean POOFED up on the internet. Barbara Eden donated her bottle to the Smithsonian. It will be on display in The Smithsonian’s Museum of American History. In the “Entertainment Nation” exhibition.
So maybe this is granting Araceli romantic fantasy with Neil. So, it’s Wish for everyone’s desires rules.
You put Barbara Eden up top. Kewl!
Weird, I still see the regular Jeanie image in Firefox. I had to open this page in Edge to see the Barbara Eden image.
Press Ctrl+F5. That will force the browser to reload from the server instead of using cache that’s stored on your computer.
How does that work on a tablet?
Thanks. That did it.
Cool. What’s the equivalent on a Mac?
Ctrl = Cmd on Macs.
how are neail and Natalie both in the same room when they are the same person
The working theory is that the Neil shown here is a magical construct who is being made to act as Araceli’s “Prince Charming”.
Looks like the Neil-clone has the personality of Rodge.
Dunno about that. Aracelli views Neil as her prince charming. Rodge would likely skip the true love’s kiss stuff and go straight to groping.
Beautiful topper, thanks CD. 🙂
Hopefully Araceli gets some magic back as she’s obviously been drained of a lot.
Slightly odd to see “young” Natalie panicking over the kids while the two “teenage” kids are on board with true loves kiss but bewildered by tounging.
Neil—or whoever—sure has big hands.
So I split into a male and female form and one is making out with a genie is clearly the next big anime, right?
Why is Caley happy about “Neil” kissing Araceli? I thought she had a puppy crush on him too.
It’s romantic.
Apparently, their advanced age didn’t resulted in teenage hormones yet, as otherwise they would be making notes now.
Here’s a thought. Whatever it was that drained Araceli’s power has created a copy of Neil apparently to fulfill her not so secret desire to remain with “The best Master I’ve ever had” (page 185). This doppelganger (let’s call him Neil-2) seems to act and speak independently of Araceli’s control, unlike the one Jeanie created to buy their house.
Doppelganger is a German word meaning a ghostly or paranormal phenomenon and is usually seen as a harbinger of bad luck (Wiki). In Ancient Egyptian mythology, a ka was a tangible “spirit double” having the same memories and feelings as the person to whom the counterpart belongs (also Wiki–see what you learn when doing research for fanfiction?).
Neil is a hero type good guy (remember the SpaceX incident?), so trying to help Araceli is completely within the range of his emotional reactions, and Neil-2 has had that amplified into a knight in shining armor persona.
Here’s the rub. What would happen if Natalie makes a serious attempt to break up this enchantment? Will the spell defend itself to continue fulfilling Araceli’s fantasy, and what form will that defense take? Remember–bad luck, but for whom?
I don’t think this “Neil” has anything to do with real Neil except looking like him. Also, he seems to be doing exactly what would Ariceli wanted. Most likely, he’s controlled by her subconscious.
So, he is acting as an emergency, genie, battery recharger. At the last moment she realized she was being drained and quick created him as a last-ditch effort to survive.
Has anyone else noticed that Araceli’s top has changed? On page 797 it was plain, now it matches Caley’s.
I spotted that as well. BUT what do the logos stand for? ai can’t figure them out. Maybe a magic hex to protect the girls.
Good catch, but I’ll take it one step further, on 797, they both were wearing pink tops, therefore only the logos have been added to their shirts. So obviously it is important, but I do not know in what way.
Go back to # 771. They are matching Disney T-shirts
That can be explained by an off-screen change of clothes because the swimming and hot dog scenes were in between. On pages 790-797 it was plain.
Got it. they are mickey mouse ears. thanks.
In this cartoon, # 809, you can see the mouse ears and the D in the 2nd and third frames on Aricelli’s chest
What will be a real problem for Araceli later is that she is completely out of it now and can’t enjoy any of this.
You sure about it? On last panel, it looks her hairs started to have color (DIFFERENT color, but still) and it looks like she has less wrinkles each panel. I suspect that she will wake up next page, if she’s not awake already, and would consider it great awakening.
My looks like Natalie has a bit of jealousy rage going. That should have been meeeee!!0
You think Natalie wants to make it with a male clone of herself? Ick.
Particularly since Natalie/Neil is mentally still male. Double ick.
Is she? I don’t recall anything saying she’s mentally male its quite possible Araceli dream boy got the male half while Natalie is the female side. Probably wouldn’t be interested in herself but males are a possibility. I mean I could be wrong but I’m reserving judgement that like the boys have been mentally regressed (thinking Natalie was Rodge’s sister) she’s now mentally a young girl.
This started as a Gilligan’s Island spoof, but I think it might actually be a Fantasy Island spoof.
Unless it’s more along the lines of The Island of Doctor Moreau.
Bottle Alert–This just popped up, sorry, I mean POOFED up on the internet. Barbara Eden donated her bottle to the Smithsonian. It will be on display in The Smithsonian’s Museum of American History. In the “Entertainment Nation” exhibition.
Hmph. Seems like it really should be in the NASA Spaceflight exhibition, the Spacecraft Recovery section.
I looked for the press release. The Smithsonian also received her costume from Barbara’s collection.
Thats not Cinderella LOL
I think Araceli is dreaming about Snow White.
Back to school Jean love it.
He could be making her happy and interested in what’s going on.
Oh. I’ve caught up. How interesting.
I wonder how, boy form, Liam would react to his love interest being kissed by another man.
You know… I know this is played for laughs, but it really bothers me just how casually this comic treats sexual assault.