Jeanie Bottle 807
Apologies for the site being down for most of today, folks. Our host lost its connection to their service provider, so all the CD Rudd webcomic sites went down. 🙁
Apologies for the site being down for most of today, folks. Our host lost its connection to their service provider, so all the CD Rudd webcomic sites went down. 🙁
Wow. Natalie is a linguist!
She probably knows Pig Greek, as well.
Hey, first post…
she knew what the kids were really saying, cause she had to deal with Jeanie all the time. plus their attempt at Pig Latin leaves a bit to be desired.
Besides, she already knew that Araceli was a genie.
ose-Thay o-tway re-ay ucky-lay at-thay eir-thay ild-chay ized-say othes-clay ill-stay fit eir-thay ult-aday ized-say odies-bay. 😉
I have no idea what you said.
Those two are lucky that their child sized clothes still fit their adult sized bodies.
Thank you. I’m doing early/long shifts this week and was too tired to figure it out
Next time try Double Dutch.
ANY language has problem that names “stays”, while in serious encryption, names are the most important things to encrypt.
Panel 3, fourth wall. Love it.
Look again, Nat and Rodge are looking at each other as they both understand pig Latin and they both know Araceli is a genie. I think the only one who doesn’t know about magic is Liam, but I think he is about to get clued in.
Na… Rodge is clearly looking off panel towards Caley and Dominic, but Natalie is looking over his head at (in my opinion) the audience.
Is Natalie just a short girl or is she significantly younger than the other two? Behind the couch she looked like a teen but but next to Dominic and Caley she looks like she’s eleven or twelve at most.
Assuming that the doors are universally the same height, comparing Natalie against a door on this page vs page 805 is a big difference. Maybe she’s still regressing.
The two doors in first frame are different height.
So not reliable but still she does look like preteen/tweenies in age.
So how long before Rodge suggests he and Natalie play doctor?
I think he’s too young to have motivation (hormones) for that.
I’d put Natalie at 10 to 13 so prime hormone age. Though adult minds may encourage or discourage that. Rogers mind seems to have regressed to prime stupid decisions stage but the verdicts still out on Natalie.
So Dominic know about Araceli like Rodge knows about Jean.
I was wondering how he managed to get clued in so fast. And Caley & Dominic (plus Natalie) really let the cat out of the bag by discussing things in front of Liam. Those comments are going to be hard to cover up.
A tad surprising to find out someone knows about something you thought they didn’t know about. This will simplify things and make communication easier.
I think that Natalie revealing that she understands Pig Latin and so knows what Caley was trying to keep secret from the former adults while simultaneously remaining silent about already knowing Araceli is a genie has the potential to simplify things far too much for her.
100% agreed.
Adult Caley is cute.
Apparently they both grew into supermodels lol Dominic is looking kinda ripped.
Oh and does Liam know about magic? Rodge and Nat are obviously in the loop. I guess he does now, there’s not much explanation for this lol
Maybe they can later convince him that this was all a drunen hallucination.
In my house we use Esperanto for these things.
“Ne diru pri magion!”
So, the question now is “how was Araceli affected?”
I haven’t seen anyone reference Esperanto sine reading The Stainless-Steel Rat.
I loved that series, but it has been so long ago that I don’t remember much more than that I really enjoyed it.
It’s still an existing language, with about 1.5 million speakers worldwide. There are over 100 newspapers and magazines published in it, regularly.
I wonder how many people speak Klingon today? They are still both made up languages with a small Nitch following.
Good question. Klingon is included in Google Translate and Esperanto isn’t, so go figure.
Yeah, but Esperanto has had a lot longer to build up a following. Arika Okrent guessed in her 2009 book “In the Land of Invented Languages” that there might be 20–30 fluent Klingon speakers. And now that computer translation exists, there is even less incentive to become conversant in that language.
I am going to reread that. It has been at least 50 years since I first read the series and I remember I had really enjoyed it.
By the way…is that Morse Code on his shirt?
It’s Morse code for the letter “V”
I think it’s a pun on “v-neck shirt”
According to the maritime International Code of Signals, “V” stands for “I require assistance,” which is fitting under these circumstances.
I’m getting eye strain trying to figure out what the logo is on Calley’s t-shirt
I’m sure they thought it would work, since Pig Latin is how adults secretly communicate in the presence of children.
She should have spelled out each word
That would likely have kept Rodge in the dark. 😉
Nat’s got a lot of curves for a preteen, almost as much as Caley in adult form. She will be a real knockout when she grows up.
As if we didn’t already know what adult Natalie looks like.
saw the post on pateron. Happy Birthday Robert
“pig latin isn’t hard to figure out”
Yea that is why my parents always spoke a (real) foreign language with each other when they didn’t want us to understand what they were saying
Worst-kept secret.