Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
I’m having trouble finding the words to express how this strip is making me feel. That level of pettiness…genie society is truly irredeemable, isn’t it? They’re all bastards. Except for the newbies who haven’t yet been corrupted by it, they’re all scumbags. Jeanie really is a perfect fit for them.
Sounds a lot like Human society, doesn’t it?
To be fair, for Shula to spend “weeks conjuring the perfect hair style” seems like a lot of effort to look her best, only to have Ifta dismiss her effort with an offhand complement like “looks so nice.” Ifta may have been well respected as Lahab said, but she didn’t know how to read the room and came off to me as rather callous.
Oh, and another thing for Jeanie to be concerned about, Guano will probably maintain the custom and his First Wife will be expected to attend if not help plan.
512 years ago, seems pretty specific. That would be about the time Ifta went into her bottle before Kiran let her out.
If it’s a bicentennial event, and one of them happened 512 years ago, then the next one won’t be for about 87 more years, which is plenty of time to plan.
“She didn’t know how to read the room” and is callous because she gave a compliment? Her praise was insufficiently gushing, despite having no way of knowing that Shula had neurotically overprepared? You and Shula are peas in a pod.
Well, I still have grudges because of some things that happened to me…they don’t seem so petty.
Feel the need to explain one as an example. Our high-school group was planning a trip to see a Broadway musical. We voted on it. I wanted to see “Grease,” and voted for that, as did others. But my vote was vetoed by other others who had already seen it. We went to see “Chicago” instead. “Chicago” was wonderful—but I still would rather have seen “Grease.”
Made me permanently disinclined to put anything I wanted to do up to a vote.
Maybe Ifta was genuine and really did like her hairstile.
I think this is the case of people looking for a reason to get offended will always find one.
500 years ago, “nice” meant stupid and inconsequential. 🙂 But they probably weren’t speaking English. Shula is a few degrees off-plumb but we knew that.
Guy I was interviewing for a job. He saw the little set of Red vs. Blue figures that I keep on my desk, said it was cool to meet another fan, and then asked how I felt about a massive plot point in the finale (which I hadn’t seen at the time). If he hadn’t gotten flagged on his background check, there’s a strong chance that he would’ve been hired due to meeting pretty much every other qualification for the job.
I’m in charge of security for a few businesses (clubs and restaurants) that my boss owns. I had to interview a candidate for a security position, and he had a major red flag pop up in the background check.
And no, I will not elaborate further on what that flag was. Not my place to do so.
Well, there been bigger feuds over smaller things in life, right?
How about The War of Jenkins’ Ear?
Like the 1859 “Pig War”. (US & Britain)
The secession of Key West. (Conch Republic)
Alya is young enough that she would have never seen Ifta before and only heard of her, since Ifta was last seen in 1898.
I’m having trouble finding the words to express how this strip is making me feel. That level of pettiness…genie society is truly irredeemable, isn’t it? They’re all bastards. Except for the newbies who haven’t yet been corrupted by it, they’re all scumbags. Jeanie really is a perfect fit for them.
If I recall, Shula is a little bit crazy, so something this petty may not be all genies.
Sounds a lot like Human society, doesn’t it?
To be fair, for Shula to spend “weeks conjuring the perfect hair style” seems like a lot of effort to look her best, only to have Ifta dismiss her effort with an offhand complement like “looks so nice.” Ifta may have been well respected as Lahab said, but she didn’t know how to read the room and came off to me as rather callous.
Oh, and another thing for Jeanie to be concerned about, Guano will probably maintain the custom and his First Wife will be expected to attend if not help plan.
512 years ago, seems pretty specific. That would be about the time Ifta went into her bottle before Kiran let her out.
If it’s a bicentennial event, and one of them happened 512 years ago, then the next one won’t be for about 87 more years, which is plenty of time to plan.
“…which is plenty of time to plan.” And yet, Jeannie will still leave it till the last minute.
87 years should likely be after Neil has died of old age, so Jeanie had better learn to handle herself without him by then.
“She didn’t know how to read the room” and is callous because she gave a compliment? Her praise was insufficiently gushing, despite having no way of knowing that Shula had neurotically overprepared? You and Shula are peas in a pod.
Well, I still have grudges because of some things that happened to me…they don’t seem so petty.
Feel the need to explain one as an example. Our high-school group was planning a trip to see a Broadway musical. We voted on it. I wanted to see “Grease,” and voted for that, as did others. But my vote was vetoed by other others who had already seen it. We went to see “Chicago” instead. “Chicago” was wonderful—but I still would rather have seen “Grease.”
Made me permanently disinclined to put anything I wanted to do up to a vote.
Maybe Ifta was genuine and really did like her hairstile.
I think this is the case of people looking for a reason to get offended will always find one.
Shoula does seem to be a little bit unhinged, doesn’t she?
Worship the perfect hair! WORSHIP IT!
she said it was nice, and I think she really meant it. But Shula just wanted to be offended
Good thing Shula would never treat her daughter-in-law that way, right?
500 years ago, “nice” meant stupid and inconsequential. 🙂 But they probably weren’t speaking English. Shula is a few degrees off-plumb but we knew that.
Could’ve been worse, she could’ve spoiled a major plot point in the finale of your favorite show as an icebreaker.
So glad that prick failed his background check.
Huh? Who’s the prick in this scenario?
Guy I was interviewing for a job. He saw the little set of Red vs. Blue figures that I keep on my desk, said it was cool to meet another fan, and then asked how I felt about a massive plot point in the finale (which I hadn’t seen at the time). If he hadn’t gotten flagged on his background check, there’s a strong chance that he would’ve been hired due to meeting pretty much every other qualification for the job.
Background check?
I’m in charge of security for a few businesses (clubs and restaurants) that my boss owns. I had to interview a candidate for a security position, and he had a major red flag pop up in the background check.
And no, I will not elaborate further on what that flag was. Not my place to do so.
And it WAS pretty. Sheesh.