Asha is a genie who lives in LA, masquerading as a human Pop Star. Since her last master died before asking for his final wish, and being buried with Asha's Bottle. Haji has granted Asha the ability to stay in the human world without returning to her bottle.
Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
talk about an impressive Milestone on this comic. hopefully Jeanie will get things smoothed out.. for that matter, she forgot that she can poof to where Lahab is, did she?
You know Asha talked to Jean once because she had to Guano warned her about what would happen, and she couldn’t say no this is not all on Jean just because Asha ignored a problem. How will she react to Ifta news. Happy 800 pages CD and Robert
I’ll admit this is more a reaction to last week’s than this week’s, but I’ve been thinking about this, and Ifta/Kiran is still in this strip. Anyway, Jeanie now knows that genies can switch bodies with humans, most specifically female genies can switch bodies with human males. Would she try that? According to the canon fanfic, Ifta-in-Kiran didn’t appear to suffer like Jeanie did when she was re-humanized by the Blue Djinn, though Kiran never witnessed that. So, Jeanie doesn’t know that. Will Jeanie be tempted to try to switch? I guess she might not, considering she didn’t know that the switch didn’t devastate Ifta’s mind. We also don’t know if the switch can only be done through a wish, though I can’t remember that ever mattering in this story before.
I think, at this time, that Jeanie is sufficiently acclimated to being both female and a genie for to the switch to be a bad idea, even without considering the particular risks to her mind. But I don’t think she’s aware of how acclimated she is. My guess is that the only things that could stop Jeanie from wanting to switch bodies with a human man would be the fear of suffering as she did before and her lack of thinking things through to even come up with the idea.
“We also don’t know if the switch can only be done through a wish, though I can’t remember that ever mattering in this story before.”
It’s been established IIRC that wish-magic is more powerful and sticky.
In my other favorite online comic, in her audition tape Lindsey tells the producer, “I’m bilingual. I speak English and American.” I just figured he was speaking Canadian.
I occurred to me that Kiran was a single guy, possibly lonely although that wasn’t mentioned in his backstory. There must be something more than “uh” running though his mind when a beautiful pop star rushes up and gives him a huge hug.
Ashi doesn’t even care about Jean problem.
To be fair, Asha doesn’t realize that Jeannie HAS a problem.
talk about an impressive Milestone on this comic. hopefully Jeanie will get things smoothed out.. for that matter, she forgot that she can poof to where Lahab is, did she?
You know Asha talked to Jean once because she had to Guano warned her about what would happen, and she couldn’t say no this is not all on Jean just because Asha ignored a problem. How will she react to Ifta news. Happy 800 pages CD and Robert
I’ll admit this is more a reaction to last week’s than this week’s, but I’ve been thinking about this, and Ifta/Kiran is still in this strip. Anyway, Jeanie now knows that genies can switch bodies with humans, most specifically female genies can switch bodies with human males. Would she try that? According to the canon fanfic, Ifta-in-Kiran didn’t appear to suffer like Jeanie did when she was re-humanized by the Blue Djinn, though Kiran never witnessed that. So, Jeanie doesn’t know that. Will Jeanie be tempted to try to switch? I guess she might not, considering she didn’t know that the switch didn’t devastate Ifta’s mind. We also don’t know if the switch can only be done through a wish, though I can’t remember that ever mattering in this story before.
I think, at this time, that Jeanie is sufficiently acclimated to being both female and a genie for to the switch to be a bad idea, even without considering the particular risks to her mind. But I don’t think she’s aware of how acclimated she is. My guess is that the only things that could stop Jeanie from wanting to switch bodies with a human man would be the fear of suffering as she did before and her lack of thinking things through to even come up with the idea.
Still, we’ll see.
I think that if there’s anything that can absolutely be depended on, it’s that Jeannie wil NEVER think things through.
“We also don’t know if the switch can only be done through a wish, though I can’t remember that ever mattering in this story before.”
It’s been established IIRC that wish-magic is more powerful and sticky.
Did it? Then I forgot or failed to notice that. Either way, that’s good.
I think that Aazim is in for more than one thing to flip about. I wonder how quick Kiran is at improvising?
Congratulations on #800, CD! (golf clap)
Nice bonus picture of Jeannie & Natalie. I see that Neil is getting more practiced at putting on eyeshadow. I like the shade of green.
” I see that Neil is getting more practiced at putting on eyeshadow.” Makeup department.
Assuming Aazim isn’t a brother, I think it’s more likely Kiran/Ifta is the one that’s going to flip.
congrats on page 800
“laying on your side” should be “lying…”
Huh, today I learned… Will fix.
hmmmmm he might be speaking in Canadian.
Nah, he didn’t punctuate the sentence with “Eh?”. 😉
In my other favorite online comic, in her audition tape Lindsey tells the producer, “I’m bilingual. I speak English and American.” I just figured he was speaking Canadian.
Congrats on 800! 😀 That’s a heck of a milestone to reach.
Also, Jeanie is going to have a LOT of explaining to do. lol
I have also noted that this comic and number 700 were double sized. I hope CD has decided to make this a regular event for the century marks.
—and then it gets complicated!
You mean it wasn’t before?
I see Asha got out of ropes and doesn’t fear she will get back in with Jeanie not Blue Djinn anymore …
Jeanie may be a lot of things… reckless, inconsiderate, and self-centered, but evil isn’t one of them.
To continue the “boobs as numerals” gag from comic #700, having Natalie lying on her side makes hers into the “8”, while Jeanie’s make up the “00”.
Eyyy, someone finally noticed! 🙂
Oh, gawd. (Eye roll) I’m just glad it’ll be a long time until comic # 6900.
That made me go back and look at page 690. Our girl looks good in slinky blue gowns. And the thought was there.
Of course it was noticed. It just took this long for someone to comment.
Happy Birthday CD!
I occurred to me that Kiran was a single guy, possibly lonely although that wasn’t mentioned in his backstory. There must be something more than “uh” running though his mind when a beautiful pop star rushes up and gives him a huge hug.
when Aazim gets there she won’t be lonely any longer.
Um, this is more problem.