Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
@ Mike, you are right. She does look like she is having fun. Jean-you are a girl shopping for clothes. Natalie is still think like a man. The only reason a girl takes a man shopping is to have someone to carry the packages. Sitting there and watching is what we do.
And that happy, girly-girl in a dress shop expression fades as she looks at Natalie just sitting there. I fully expect something magical to happen in the very near future that triggers some femininity in Natalie’s attitude, sparking some fun, girl-time.
That what I have been saying for several month now. Jeanie isn’t Jean the guy anymore, but, Jeanie the girl. Here where it is obvious that there no longer a guy in Jeanie body, but, we have a fully functional girl here in both body, mind and soul and being Jean is just a memory now. Proof of that, is looking at the difference in the response to Jeanie dressing up on Jeanie face and on Natalie face. The first one has a girls response and the second one has a guys to her dressing up. We have a female genie now and now she even think like one too.
At this point in time, Jeanie would be as much out of place being turned back into a mortal man as she was being turned into a female genie originally. She may still have some kind of fantasy of being turned back into a guy, but, that not who she is anymore. It been a slow process, but, yes, Jeanie a girl now and there even been a slow process of her thinking more like a genie too. She been fighting it, but, that been happening too. That what this Jeanie Bottle series revolves around, is this process of Jean being turned into Jeanie and her eventual acceptance of her becoming a female genie.
That the difference between a guy and girl response to dressing up. Now there are some exception to this, but, this is the general rule of the why girl will think and the way we guys will think and operate on.
Neil, you lump, don’t make me come in there in and beat you with my slipstick. (It’s aluminum, so it’ll bend instead of breaking.)
Make your genie happy, Neil. Tell her how adorable she looks in this one, how you like the butterfly top but so much the jeans, how the stripes go (or don’t) with her cap, and how khaki and purple def don’t harmonize–whatever, it doesn’t matter. Just that you are paying attention to her, you care about her, you want her to look her best.
Understand, Neil: those poses and expressions are for you. Sure, she’s looking at herself in the mirror–but mostly she’s doing this for you.
You won’t be quite so bored, she’ll be delighted, and you’ll limber up for the real test: the prom dress fitting.
(And yeah–you are going to have to pick outfits for yourself, if you don’t want her to pick them for you. You need to learn to see why things look good or not, and you need to learn how to move in them. Watch Jeanie for practice.)
If by “slipstick” you mean a slide rule, then please don’t wreck up such a lovely antique. Use a computer instead. I recommend ye olde IBM model 5150. Just pick it up and apply directly to the forehead.
And once again, like the burger, Jeanie likes the experience of the real clothes, as oppossed to just poofing stuff up on her own. I think that’s a healthy sign.
Most of all, Neal–Jeanie (and Jean) knows how to have fun. You need to learn.
There’s also the matter that, for Jeanie to poof up her own clothes, she has to imagine what they will look like. Going to the shops lets her see all of the different styles available that she can use as a source for ideas beyond what she could think up herself.
It’s hard to tell what Natalie is feeling. She could be turned on by Jeanie; it’s certainly happened before. But I’m guessing she’s sad because she realizes that she’s got to humiliate Zoey all over again, because if she doesn’t, history could change.
I don’t think its a case of being turned on. Those occurrences were very specific instances of hot female in physical contact with male bachelor body. And I’m not sure that is a sad expression (although it could be), it may be boredom. As Larry mentioned, Neil/Natalie is a full on male inside of a female body without the genie bottle magic altering the core being, as happened to Jean/Jeanie.
@Larry: “Why waste energy…?” Well, there’s the burger thing, as has been mentioned. But what we’re seeing here is beyond that. Jeanie, for whatever reason, is having fun. Simple enough. And she wants her friend to have fun too–girls often go to the mall in packs.
She wants Natalie to enjoy herself, too. And she wants Natalie to participate, to be social, to share the experience.
But it’s no use. Neil is a nerd, and something of a lump. A grind. And, frankly, rather self-centered. He’s completely clueless when it comes to the care and feeding of his genie, to say nothing of the beautiful girl Jeanie presents as.
Jeanie would be so happy right now if Neil told her which of the four outfits she’s tried looks best. Such a tiny thing to ask. She’d be ecstatic if Natalie actually tried something on. Not that she cares what Nat would look like; it would just be a sign of trying to participate. Like surfing, only less physically challenging.
I really want Neil to stop being such a cipher. C’mon, boy–your genie wants you to have fun, wants you to be her friend. Stop asking her to limit herself to making ham sandwich hats.
As a guy, we just aren’t interested in that kind of crap. I have a sister in law who marring my brother 40 years ago and about 10 year after she married him she said that it took her three or four years to figure that he wasn’t really interested in her underwear when she went out to buy it. That he was only spending time with her when she was going out buying underwear before she got married to him. because, he just wanted to be with her. After they got married to each other, he had absolutely no interest in ladies underwear. I am sorry, but, Neil or Natalie has absolutely no interest in either dressing up as a girl or seeing Jeanie dress up as a girl. Natalie or should I say Neil is guy just like my brother and he has absolutely no interest in it. He may be in a female body, but, mentally he is still male and not a female inside.
@Larry: It’s not just shopping–think of girls going to the bathroom in bars or at concerts; they always travel in packs.
I’ve asked women about this, and the answer I’ve gotten is that it’s a form of security, strength in numbers.
Shopping’s a bit more complex–they want a second opinion. Us guys are rather drab, nothing like the variety of female dress. We rely on our tailors (or store help), our own taste (if any) and we’re fine. But girls need feedback.
In this case, I doubt she’d admit it, even to herself, but I suspect Jeanie very much wants the approval of her Master and friend, Neil. She’s showing off to the man she’s tied herself to.
Hm, sudden thought: she’s going out with teen-Jean because she wants to make Neil jealous. She wants him to see her with another guy, and not like it. She wants him to realize that, in fact, he’s not the only fish in the sea.
And she’s turned him into a girl to make him doubly powerless. That may backfire, though. I’m eager to see.
@50srefugee: “she’s going out with teen-Jean because she wants to make Neil jealous. She wants him to see her with another guy, and not like it. She wants him to realize that, in fact, he’s not the only fish in the sea. And she’s turned him into a girl to make him doubly powerless.”
This would be an interesting plot device. However, I don’t think Jeanie planned that in advance, she’s just doesn’t strike me as that creative. All Jeanie wanted to do was see the transfer student her younger self went to prom with… she couldn’t even remember the girl’s name, Turning Neil into teen Natalie was a disguise, a spur of the moment thing, something she’s familiar with and is almost reflexive. That doesn’t mean she can’t adapt and take advantage of the current situation in a way you describe. But to what end? Make Neil jealous? Has Jeanie developed feelings for our favorite nerd? Making Neil jealous really has only one end game.
@mike: I can attest from field observations of a niece that cute girls this age do crap like this almost instinctively. “Planning” is not part of the thought process. They are, like, totally astonished, TOTALLY! when the guy doesn’t go along with their little power plays. Amusing drama ensues. Intelligence has nothing to do with it; my niece is very smart–but her insane cuteness level gave her such an inflated sense of her own social status she thought guys she wasn’t interested in shouldn’t have been allowed to look at her on the beach.
Also see “shit test”.
For a good cultural reference to a similar situation, see Joanie Sommers’ 1962 pop song “Johnnie Get Angry”, recording the angst of a girl whose boyfriend is “so meek” he doesn’t object when another guy cuts in on her dancing. She’s apparently unaware that to Johnny, it looks like she’s going along “Freddy”.
@mike: ” Has Jeanie developed feelings for our favorite nerd? Making Neil jealous really has only one end game.”
I am currently working under the assumption that this is part of her bottle genie nature. We’ve seen evidence of other bottle genies acting this way. It would certainly be an effective way to bind a genie to her master–and, I suspect, the genie’s sexiness is a way to bind the master to his genie, perhaps making him less likely to mistreat his darling genie.
Those expressions aren’t just the expressions of a female; they’re the expressions of a TEENAGE female. One who’s about to go to a fancy dance with a boy. Jeanie agreed to go out with her younger self because she didn’t want him to be humiliated. She may still feel that way. But she also thinks of Jean as an attractive male — who wouldn’t think of themselves as being attractive, especially somebody as cocky as Jeanie. And I can’t help but wonder if some of that attraction isn’t going to show up in her behavior before, at, and AFTER the prom.
OMG I just realized. Jeanie very nearly slept with Neil because she was jealous of his apparent ability to strongly satisfy Belle in bed, and because she was delirious with lack of sleep after being deathly afraid of entering her bottle.
So what’s the one situation where she might find herself actually considering sleeping with a man, now that she’s not controlled by the sleepy green-eyed monster? When that man is Jean himself. I can totally see Jeanie being that self-centered. lol
What I see happening is Jean trying to bed Jeanie and Jeanie bailing at the last moment and refuses to go to the hotel room with Jean. Remember that Jeanie has had six or seven years to think about what Jean is getting ready to do to her, because, Jeanie is like six to seven years from the future. This isn’t going to be one of Jeanie spire of the moment decisions where she does something and then forget about it.
The question, however, is did Jean *succeed* in bedding his prom date? We know that whatever Jeanie remembers about her past is certain to happen again, since this is a stable time loop. But has she been carefully self-censoring her thoughts, “forgetting” about what happened to Jean *after* the prom? Or did nothing happen?
Because Neil doesn’t THINK like a Master, he still thinks like a friend. Ordering his friend to do things isn’t in his nature… yet. There have been a couple of instances when he commanded her to do/not do something, but the results were brief and limited and I don’t think he realizes the power he actually has over her. Basically, Neil is just a nice guy.
@mike: “Because Neil doesn’t THINK like a Master, he still thinks like a friend”
Pretty much. He can’t get it through his head that a genie NEEDS a master. And he’d be such a good one! Not cruel, not selfish, not reveling in power for its own sake–but once he got the hang of it, full of interesting ideas for wishes.
And the thing is, Jeanie would LOVE it! She’s bored now, can’t think of anything to do with her wonderful power. She was thrilled to bring Neil to this timestream for a mere hamburger. And it’s part of her bottle-genie nature to want to do so.
All Neil has to do is show the tiniest bit of interest in HIS FRIEND, to care about what she wants, and as a genie, NEEDS, and she’ll fall all over herself to please him.
That is the true “power he has over her”–or more accurately, the power they share. They’re a team, a dyad.
As is, he’s being incredibly selfish, and maybe even a bit cowardly.
@50srefugee: “the power they share”
You’re correct, and I misspoke. I’m not sure selfish or cowardly are the right words… dense might be a better description. Neil may be a superior engineer, but he isn’t very intuitive when it comes to women, or genies.
In Melvin Chronicles, we get to see some of Lord Kazom’s backstory and the history of Genies.
Basically they were a magical master race lording over powerless mortals. with powerful lords like Blue fighting each other for supremacy.
They branded humans with magical marks to ensure their obedience. Sadly for them, one of them was cunning enough learn the procedure, create his own Mark and use it to bing geniekind, their totems AND their magical source, becoming the first Witch.
Basically bottle Genies were part of the “compensations” after several millenia of human slavery. Again, they may have been extra cursed with instincts toward pleasing their masters.
@Dagor: ” is servitude the natural instinct for Genies?”The Information page says specifically, “Genies naturally wish to serve a master.” There are several other references to service. I can’t find the discussion in the comic at the moment, but I believe bottle genies in particular delight in serving masters.
So, whatever the history, I’m going along with a desire to serve being part of a genie’s nature as the current default. I think we’ve seen evidence that our Jeanie would gladly serve Neil if only he’d stop being such a lumpen
@ijuinkun: “The least that Neil could do is to ask to go on a vacation to someplace interesting.”
Like the moon? Mars? How about a stroll in the coronal rain? youtube dot com/watch?v=HFT7ATLQQx8
I bet there’d be some great surfing on THAT ocean. Jeanie would be absolutely thrilled. In the very heat of passion, they’d make love on Granulation Beach, and cool off in a Jovian ammonia thunderhead.
Unfortunately, by order of Haji, using Genie magic to aid humans in space exploration is forbidden. However, as First Wife to the next Haji (Guano), she may be able to persuade her hubby to rescind that particular order.
I think Jean was aways lying about bedding his date, (A legend in his own mind). Jeannie realized the wrongness, fled, or teleported out in embarrised panic. Or Jean was so drunk he fell asleep, Jeannie left with her honor intact, Jean remembers nothing, and invented an imaginary night of passion.
Jean posing like a store mannequin makes me hope that Jeannie gets mad, and turns Natalie into a mannequin. The reason Natalie misses the prom is she’s in a store window. When Jean comes by the morning after the prom to change Natalie back, the mannequin is gone! A good excuse for a parody of sixties sitcom zanyness ensues.
@gildsoul The first section that you wrote, I am pretty much in agreement with you on, because, just prior to this period of about 20 or 30 minutes ago, Jeanie was remembering everything from Jean perspective and not from Jeanie perspective like she is now. Jeanie is just now coming to the conclusion that the blond exchange girl that she took to the prom was her and not some other blond bombshell that was out there. But, wait until Jean try to take Jeanie to bed with himself at the hotel and then we are going to wait the fire works while Jeanie find someway to bail out of the situation.
The mannequin idea, I don’t see happening, but, it is an interesting idea though. But, something like a mannequin idea could still come out of something like this. I am still holding out for Rita being a witch and Jeanie and Rita get into chick fight and tear everything up and then they have to put everything back together again. Then have Neil/Natalie playing the fifth wheel on a jeep or possibly the only sane person here, because, there nobody else around that can play roll that need to be played as everything come apart. Also, Neil/Natalie isn’t interested in the prom past what happened in the pas, least not like what Jeanie is about the upcoming prom to her.
Of course Natalie may just date her earlier self and end the date with a shy, modest peck on the lips, goodbyes, and leave it at that.
If you check my deviantart, gildsoul page you’ll see I have a thing for transformations into sentient, aware, happy inanimate statues. Metal, glass, plastic, and mannequins, Bewitched, IDOJ, style, harmless, zany fun where everyone is all right in the end, with a happy ending.
Seeing old IDOJ episodes on TVLand, I fantasized about Jeannie’s evil sister turning Jeannie into a bronze or gold statue and selling the sentient statue to an art dealer. Bewitched, it was either Samantha or Serena turned into a sentient statue or mannequin. The recovery/rescue efforts would of been comedy gold!
Got the mannequin idea from a TVLand rerun of My Favorite Martian. The cute landlady is accidentally turned into a mannequin in a department store, and placed in a store window display! The show prop department made an actual mannequin copy of the actress. The prop was picked up, tilted, leaned stiffly against a wall, etc, it was a store dummy! No cheap, unconvincing, someone standing still stuff.
Jeannie or Natalie temporarily stuck as self aware statues or mannequins would be great! And they start to like it!
Next week is Natalie’s turn. So time for a fashion montage!
So no prom dresses for two weeks?
Oh well, its a nice start at least. ^^
I hop Natalie gets her own montage.
the montage and the link don’t match each other. the ones in the link are in the wrong order.
I’m sorry that this offends your sensibilities. But I was lazy. 😉
I’m not offended at all. I was just pointing it out.
The phrase “offends your sensibilities” is an idiom. It just means that I’m acknowledging that you don’t like it. heh
You missed the perfect opportunity to reply “What you talkin’ about, Willis?”
Half expect Jean might need to flip that switch in Natalie’s brain again to get her into it.
Jeanie certainly looks happy trying on girl clothes.
She’s been a clothes horse since Page 12:
Though I believe this may be the first time she’s actually trying on clothes, as opposed to just poofing them onto herself.
She might still be. I don’t know how she would’a gotten some of those pants over her shoes.
@ Mike, you are right. She does look like she is having fun. Jean-you are a girl shopping for clothes. Natalie is still think like a man. The only reason a girl takes a man shopping is to have someone to carry the packages. Sitting there and watching is what we do.
And that happy, girly-girl in a dress shop expression fades as she looks at Natalie just sitting there. I fully expect something magical to happen in the very near future that triggers some femininity in Natalie’s attitude, sparking some fun, girl-time.
That what I have been saying for several month now. Jeanie isn’t Jean the guy anymore, but, Jeanie the girl. Here where it is obvious that there no longer a guy in Jeanie body, but, we have a fully functional girl here in both body, mind and soul and being Jean is just a memory now. Proof of that, is looking at the difference in the response to Jeanie dressing up on Jeanie face and on Natalie face. The first one has a girls response and the second one has a guys to her dressing up. We have a female genie now and now she even think like one too.
At this point in time, Jeanie would be as much out of place being turned back into a mortal man as she was being turned into a female genie originally. She may still have some kind of fantasy of being turned back into a guy, but, that not who she is anymore. It been a slow process, but, yes, Jeanie a girl now and there even been a slow process of her thinking more like a genie too. She been fighting it, but, that been happening too. That what this Jeanie Bottle series revolves around, is this process of Jean being turned into Jeanie and her eventual acceptance of her becoming a female genie.
Jeanie seems to be getting into the fun. Natalie not so much.
That the difference between a guy and girl response to dressing up. Now there are some exception to this, but, this is the general rule of the why girl will think and the way we guys will think and operate on.
Maybe it’s the way she looks between changes.
Natalie: Hooray. Shopping for clothes. Just shoot me.
well said
Neil, you lump, don’t make me come in there in and beat you with my slipstick. (It’s aluminum, so it’ll bend instead of breaking.)
Make your genie happy, Neil. Tell her how adorable she looks in this one, how you like the butterfly top but so much the jeans, how the stripes go (or don’t) with her cap, and how khaki and purple def don’t harmonize–whatever, it doesn’t matter. Just that you are paying attention to her, you care about her, you want her to look her best.
Understand, Neil: those poses and expressions are for you. Sure, she’s looking at herself in the mirror–but mostly she’s doing this for you.
You won’t be quite so bored, she’ll be delighted, and you’ll limber up for the real test: the prom dress fitting.
(And yeah–you are going to have to pick outfits for yourself, if you don’t want her to pick them for you. You need to learn to see why things look good or not, and you need to learn how to move in them. Watch Jeanie for practice.)
If by “slipstick” you mean a slide rule, then please don’t wreck up such a lovely antique. Use a computer instead. I recommend ye olde IBM model 5150. Just pick it up and apply directly to the forehead.
And once again, like the burger, Jeanie likes the experience of the real clothes, as oppossed to just poofing stuff up on her own. I think that’s a healthy sign.
Most of all, Neal–Jeanie (and Jean) knows how to have fun. You need to learn.
There’s also the matter that, for Jeanie to poof up her own clothes, she has to imagine what they will look like. Going to the shops lets her see all of the different styles available that she can use as a source for ideas beyond what she could think up herself.
It’s hard to tell what Natalie is feeling. She could be turned on by Jeanie; it’s certainly happened before. But I’m guessing she’s sad because she realizes that she’s got to humiliate Zoey all over again, because if she doesn’t, history could change.
I don’t think its a case of being turned on. Those occurrences were very specific instances of hot female in physical contact with male bachelor body. And I’m not sure that is a sad expression (although it could be), it may be boredom. As Larry mentioned, Neil/Natalie is a full on male inside of a female body without the genie bottle magic altering the core being, as happened to Jean/Jeanie.
why waste energy when Jean can zap Natalie into any outfit
The hint to why Jeanie doing what she doing was in last week strip when she said:
What shall we do in the mean time?
I know, let go check out the Mall.
I want to see why girls are so interested in them.
This is what Jeanie doing and why doing what she doing. Why does everybody want to clime up a tree backward, when the answer right in front of you?
@Larry: “Why waste energy…?” Well, there’s the burger thing, as has been mentioned. But what we’re seeing here is beyond that. Jeanie, for whatever reason, is having fun. Simple enough. And she wants her friend to have fun too–girls often go to the mall in packs.
She wants Natalie to enjoy herself, too. And she wants Natalie to participate, to be social, to share the experience.
But it’s no use. Neil is a nerd, and something of a lump. A grind. And, frankly, rather self-centered. He’s completely clueless when it comes to the care and feeding of his genie, to say nothing of the beautiful girl Jeanie presents as.
Jeanie would be so happy right now if Neil told her which of the four outfits she’s tried looks best. Such a tiny thing to ask. She’d be ecstatic if Natalie actually tried something on. Not that she cares what Nat would look like; it would just be a sign of trying to participate. Like surfing, only less physically challenging.
I really want Neil to stop being such a cipher. C’mon, boy–your genie wants you to have fun, wants you to be her friend. Stop asking her to limit herself to making ham sandwich hats.
@50srefugee girls often go to the mall in packs.
OK, I ask you one question ask of you and that is:
Why do the girls generally go to the mall in packs?
Because, they have the same interest in thing that we guys don’t have like.
Perched ears, hair stylist, perfume, ladies jewelry, ladies underwear, braes, dresses. etc.
As a guy, we just aren’t interested in that kind of crap. I have a sister in law who marring my brother 40 years ago and about 10 year after she married him she said that it took her three or four years to figure that he wasn’t really interested in her underwear when she went out to buy it. That he was only spending time with her when she was going out buying underwear before she got married to him. because, he just wanted to be with her. After they got married to each other, he had absolutely no interest in ladies underwear. I am sorry, but, Neil or Natalie has absolutely no interest in either dressing up as a girl or seeing Jeanie dress up as a girl. Natalie or should I say Neil is guy just like my brother and he has absolutely no interest in it. He may be in a female body, but, mentally he is still male and not a female inside.
@Larry: It’s not just shopping–think of girls going to the bathroom in bars or at concerts; they always travel in packs.
I’ve asked women about this, and the answer I’ve gotten is that it’s a form of security, strength in numbers.
Shopping’s a bit more complex–they want a second opinion. Us guys are rather drab, nothing like the variety of female dress. We rely on our tailors (or store help), our own taste (if any) and we’re fine. But girls need feedback.
In this case, I doubt she’d admit it, even to herself, but I suspect Jeanie very much wants the approval of her Master and friend, Neil. She’s showing off to the man she’s tied herself to.
Hm, sudden thought: she’s going out with teen-Jean because she wants to make Neil jealous. She wants him to see her with another guy, and not like it. She wants him to realize that, in fact, he’s not the only fish in the sea.
And she’s turned him into a girl to make him doubly powerless. That may backfire, though. I’m eager to see.
@50srefugee: “she’s going out with teen-Jean because she wants to make Neil jealous. She wants him to see her with another guy, and not like it. She wants him to realize that, in fact, he’s not the only fish in the sea. And she’s turned him into a girl to make him doubly powerless.”
This would be an interesting plot device. However, I don’t think Jeanie planned that in advance, she’s just doesn’t strike me as that creative. All Jeanie wanted to do was see the transfer student her younger self went to prom with… she couldn’t even remember the girl’s name, Turning Neil into teen Natalie was a disguise, a spur of the moment thing, something she’s familiar with and is almost reflexive. That doesn’t mean she can’t adapt and take advantage of the current situation in a way you describe. But to what end? Make Neil jealous? Has Jeanie developed feelings for our favorite nerd? Making Neil jealous really has only one end game.
@mike: I can attest from field observations of a niece that cute girls this age do crap like this almost instinctively. “Planning” is not part of the thought process. They are, like, totally astonished, TOTALLY! when the guy doesn’t go along with their little power plays. Amusing drama ensues. Intelligence has nothing to do with it; my niece is very smart–but her insane cuteness level gave her such an inflated sense of her own social status she thought guys she wasn’t interested in shouldn’t have been allowed to look at her on the beach.
Also see “shit test”.
For a good cultural reference to a similar situation, see Joanie Sommers’ 1962 pop song “Johnnie Get Angry”, recording the angst of a girl whose boyfriend is “so meek” he doesn’t object when another guy cuts in on her dancing. She’s apparently unaware that to Johnny, it looks like she’s going along “Freddy”.
@mike: ” Has Jeanie developed feelings for our favorite nerd? Making Neil jealous really has only one end game.”
I am currently working under the assumption that this is part of her bottle genie nature. We’ve seen evidence of other bottle genies acting this way. It would certainly be an effective way to bind a genie to her master–and, I suspect, the genie’s sexiness is a way to bind the master to his genie, perhaps making him less likely to mistreat his darling genie.
Those expressions aren’t just the expressions of a female; they’re the expressions of a TEENAGE female. One who’s about to go to a fancy dance with a boy. Jeanie agreed to go out with her younger self because she didn’t want him to be humiliated. She may still feel that way. But she also thinks of Jean as an attractive male — who wouldn’t think of themselves as being attractive, especially somebody as cocky as Jeanie. And I can’t help but wonder if some of that attraction isn’t going to show up in her behavior before, at, and AFTER the prom.
OMG I just realized. Jeanie very nearly slept with Neil because she was jealous of his apparent ability to strongly satisfy Belle in bed, and because she was delirious with lack of sleep after being deathly afraid of entering her bottle.
So what’s the one situation where she might find herself actually considering sleeping with a man, now that she’s not controlled by the sleepy green-eyed monster? When that man is Jean himself. I can totally see Jeanie being that self-centered. lol
That would give new meaning to the expression “go **** yourself”.
That would, indeed, be the ultimate form of masturbation.
What I see happening is Jean trying to bed Jeanie and Jeanie bailing at the last moment and refuses to go to the hotel room with Jean. Remember that Jeanie has had six or seven years to think about what Jean is getting ready to do to her, because, Jeanie is like six to seven years from the future. This isn’t going to be one of Jeanie spire of the moment decisions where she does something and then forget about it.
The question, however, is did Jean *succeed* in bedding his prom date? We know that whatever Jeanie remembers about her past is certain to happen again, since this is a stable time loop. But has she been carefully self-censoring her thoughts, “forgetting” about what happened to Jean *after* the prom? Or did nothing happen?
We don’t know yet.
Even Jean’s skirt, in the last panel, looks disapproving of Neil’s attitude.
Good catch! Very good eye!
If Neil is Jeanie’s master, why doesn’t he order her to do what he wants?
Because Neil doesn’t THINK like a Master, he still thinks like a friend. Ordering his friend to do things isn’t in his nature… yet. There have been a couple of instances when he commanded her to do/not do something, but the results were brief and limited and I don’t think he realizes the power he actually has over her. Basically, Neil is just a nice guy.
@mike: “Because Neil doesn’t THINK like a Master, he still thinks like a friend”
Pretty much. He can’t get it through his head that a genie NEEDS a master. And he’d be such a good one! Not cruel, not selfish, not reveling in power for its own sake–but once he got the hang of it, full of interesting ideas for wishes.
And the thing is, Jeanie would LOVE it! She’s bored now, can’t think of anything to do with her wonderful power. She was thrilled to bring Neil to this timestream for a mere hamburger. And it’s part of her bottle-genie nature to want to do so.
All Neil has to do is show the tiniest bit of interest in HIS FRIEND, to care about what she wants, and as a genie, NEEDS, and she’ll fall all over herself to please him.
That is the true “power he has over her”–or more accurately, the power they share. They’re a team, a dyad.
As is, he’s being incredibly selfish, and maybe even a bit cowardly.
The least that Neil could do is to ask to go on a vacation to someplace interesting.
@50srefugee: “the power they share”
You’re correct, and I misspoke. I’m not sure selfish or cowardly are the right words… dense might be a better description. Neil may be a superior engineer, but he isn’t very intuitive when it comes to women, or genies.
But is servitude the natural instinct for Genies?
In Melvin Chronicles, we get to see some of Lord Kazom’s backstory and the history of Genies.
Basically they were a magical master race lording over powerless mortals. with powerful lords like Blue fighting each other for supremacy.
They branded humans with magical marks to ensure their obedience. Sadly for them, one of them was cunning enough learn the procedure, create his own Mark and use it to bing geniekind, their totems AND their magical source, becoming the first Witch.
Basically bottle Genies were part of the “compensations” after several millenia of human slavery. Again, they may have been extra cursed with instincts toward pleasing their masters.
@Dagor: ” is servitude the natural instinct for Genies?”The Information page says specifically, “Genies naturally wish to serve a master.” There are several other references to service. I can’t find the discussion in the comic at the moment, but I believe bottle genies in particular delight in serving masters.
So, whatever the history, I’m going along with a desire to serve being part of a genie’s nature as the current default. I think we’ve seen evidence that our Jeanie would gladly serve Neil if only he’d stop being such a lumpen
@ijuinkun: “The least that Neil could do is to ask to go on a vacation to someplace interesting.”
Like the moon? Mars? How about a stroll in the coronal rain? youtube dot com/watch?v=HFT7ATLQQx8
I bet there’d be some great surfing on THAT ocean. Jeanie would be absolutely thrilled. In the very heat of passion, they’d make love on Granulation Beach, and cool off in a Jovian ammonia thunderhead.
Unfortunately, by order of Haji, using Genie magic to aid humans in space exploration is forbidden. However, as First Wife to the next Haji (Guano), she may be able to persuade her hubby to rescind that particular order.
I think Jean was aways lying about bedding his date, (A legend in his own mind). Jeannie realized the wrongness, fled, or teleported out in embarrised panic. Or Jean was so drunk he fell asleep, Jeannie left with her honor intact, Jean remembers nothing, and invented an imaginary night of passion.
Jean posing like a store mannequin makes me hope that Jeannie gets mad, and turns Natalie into a mannequin. The reason Natalie misses the prom is she’s in a store window. When Jean comes by the morning after the prom to change Natalie back, the mannequin is gone! A good excuse for a parody of sixties sitcom zanyness ensues.
Now that’s an interesting scenario.
@gildsoul The first section that you wrote, I am pretty much in agreement with you on, because, just prior to this period of about 20 or 30 minutes ago, Jeanie was remembering everything from Jean perspective and not from Jeanie perspective like she is now. Jeanie is just now coming to the conclusion that the blond exchange girl that she took to the prom was her and not some other blond bombshell that was out there. But, wait until Jean try to take Jeanie to bed with himself at the hotel and then we are going to wait the fire works while Jeanie find someway to bail out of the situation.
The mannequin idea, I don’t see happening, but, it is an interesting idea though. But, something like a mannequin idea could still come out of something like this. I am still holding out for Rita being a witch and Jeanie and Rita get into chick fight and tear everything up and then they have to put everything back together again. Then have Neil/Natalie playing the fifth wheel on a jeep or possibly the only sane person here, because, there nobody else around that can play roll that need to be played as everything come apart. Also, Neil/Natalie isn’t interested in the prom past what happened in the pas, least not like what Jeanie is about the upcoming prom to her.
Of course Natalie may just date her earlier self and end the date with a shy, modest peck on the lips, goodbyes, and leave it at that.
If you check my deviantart, gildsoul page you’ll see I have a thing for transformations into sentient, aware, happy inanimate statues. Metal, glass, plastic, and mannequins, Bewitched, IDOJ, style, harmless, zany fun where everyone is all right in the end, with a happy ending.
Seeing old IDOJ episodes on TVLand, I fantasized about Jeannie’s evil sister turning Jeannie into a bronze or gold statue and selling the sentient statue to an art dealer. Bewitched, it was either Samantha or Serena turned into a sentient statue or mannequin. The recovery/rescue efforts would of been comedy gold!
Got the mannequin idea from a TVLand rerun of My Favorite Martian. The cute landlady is accidentally turned into a mannequin in a department store, and placed in a store window display! The show prop department made an actual mannequin copy of the actress. The prop was picked up, tilted, leaned stiffly against a wall, etc, it was a store dummy! No cheap, unconvincing, someone standing still stuff.
Jeannie or Natalie temporarily stuck as self aware statues or mannequins would be great! And they start to like it!
Oh wow, the quality of your work has improved quite dramatically since the last time I checked out your gallery, gildsoul. Nice!
The one I like the best would be the butterfly tank top.
Jean may have finally broken Neil. He tried hard enough.