Jeanie Bottle 637
Aaaand of course. Jeanie hasn’t change a bit.
NOTE: Due to the missed page last week, CD is going to try to get another page done for Thursday.
Aaaand of course. Jeanie hasn’t change a bit.
NOTE: Due to the missed page last week, CD is going to try to get another page done for Thursday.
Jean a good friend always looking for Neil. But a loss for his high school romance with Zoey. Well it’s time for a Natalie prom dress montage.
> Natalie prom dress montage.
I can’t wait! 🙂
So, is it incest?
Or masturbation?
Poor Zoey. This is probably why Neal is single.
Natalie is having a sense of Deja Vu… Now where’s the drifting race car?
Well we all knew it was going to happen.
All that’s left now is the fallout of this little lie…
Well, it up to Natalie to save the day if there is any saving the day, because, she the only one that can see what happening and has the ability to change the outcome now.
“You ain’t never had a friend like me!”
Well… while Neil is there, he might as well buy some bit coins.
Robin Williams or Will Smith she ain’t.
Don’t forget Dan Castellaneta too (he played Genie in the Aladdin movie sequel, animated series, and Kingdom Hearts).
There are three different voices and portrayals for Genie.
Will Smith wasn’t a bad Aladdin. I watched the whole movie when it came out and the only real weak point is the music. But it just didn’t have the most important magic: Robin Williams.
So Jean ruined a potential romance?
Well, good going Jeanie and Jean. Never pick up a spoiler things for the younger Neil and there stands Zoe watching all this stuff too. This is one time that Jeanie/Jean should have minded her/his own business.
While another page would be nice CD shouldn’t push himself into burnout. The internet is already littered with abandoned comics.
Thanks. I try not to be one of those abandoned comics (too many of them out there).
I try to be as fair as possible with my commitments.
Poor Zoe and Neil not finding love thanks to a couple of Idiots that were made for each other.
A couple of idiots? Those two are the SAME idiot.
“You’ll never have a friend like me”
Wait, wrong genie.
That’s the helpful and competent one I was thinking of.
There is a chance that Genie is actually the Haji (after all, we never see the Haji in person).
I’m amazed he never ditched Jean, to be honest.
Neil is a doormat, and Jean is the right type of toxic bro to take advantage of that.
Natalie should do the smart thing and talk to Zoe on the side, bow out gracefully, then encourage her to ask young Neil out to the prom.
I agree that Natalie should find an excuse to bail out of this arrangement, except that we don’t know who Neil went to the prom with, if anyone. Jean certainly would have known that Neil and Zoey were “interested” in each other as possible dates (based on Jean’s earlier comments) and blithely shoved Natalie on him regardless. Its entirely likely that Neil never asked her, which is why Jean felt that Natalie being his date was a good thing because Neil probably never would.
Actually, this is kind of an old fashion way of doing things, but, Natalie could choose to play chaperon to both young Neil and Zoe so that they could both go to the Prom with each other. That assuming that neither Neil or Zoe went to the Prom with each other or at all. Jeanie/Jean could be trying to get Neil to go to the Prom in this time line with Natalie.
If I were Natalie, I would choose to play chaperon to Neil and she would be able to keep an eye on Jeanie to make sure she doesn’t do something crazy during the prome.
Well, she did change *just* a little bit…
Correct me if I am wrong, but Jeannie didn’t recall who she went to Prom with, but it turns out she in fact did go with herself. Which seems totally consistent with Jean’s ability to process things.
Neil, on the other hand, I would expect to be very clear on who he went to Prom with. So, either he shouldn’t be surprised by this turn of events, or they are altering the past.
If Jean had never become a genie, he would not remember who he went to the prom with. That’s not the kind of thing that sticks to his brain, and by extension, Jeanie’s brain.
Based on Natalie face, I’m sure Neil just realized what happened and is now thinking about altering the past … and trying to remember what EXACTLY happened at the prom.
Good point. However, does Neil remember going to the prom with a stranger named Natalie? If not, “she” will have to come up with a different alias in a hurry.
Following that logic, did young Neil really want to go out with Zoe and because, of his youth, he screwed everything up and now regret his poor choices in the past and now he has chance to change the decision that he made in the past and go out with Zoe now.
It could break in either direction of going out with either Zoe or Natalie to the prom for Neil.
jean in sterio
I wonder what could be going on inside Natalie’s head. Obviously Natalie is experiencing deja vu–but she’s also remembering what happened next. What did happen could depend on whether he ever found out Zoey knew Jean had found Neil a date with another girl. Maybe not; Zoey might well have just turned around and quietly went away. Neither Neil or Jean seems aware that Zoey is so close.
And now I’m thinking that it’s Natalie who’s going to make things go wibbly wobbly instead of Jeanie for a change.
I just noticed something. Young Neil wears glasses, adult Neil (and Natalie of both ages) does not. Lasix, maybe?
Neil really, REALLY should have switched genies when he had the chance.
What I would like to see happen, is to see Natalie trying to get Neil and Zoe together so she doesn’t have to go out with Neil or at least reduce place of being a Chaperon for those two. Then have Jeanie and Neil go back to the future and Zoe is Neil girlfriend after this trip into the past. Of course only Jeanie and Neil will know that the past has been changed, because, for everyone else, this is the past that everyone else remembers.
It wouldn’t have to be a radical change of their history… Neil goes to prom with Zoey and the following school year they go their separate ways to different colleges. Neil becomes an engineer and ends up in Coco beach working on the space program. Zoey, always a book worm, becomes an archivist working at the Southeast Archeological Center in Tampa. They stumble into each other in Orlando (Agent Anderson works there and I know we all miss her) for some reason and the flame ignites.
See what I did there? Genius.
Love it, love it, love it, then Jeanie can get jealous of Zoe like the Jeanie in the TV series got jealous of Major Anthony Nelson fiance in the TV Series. It kind of a late bloomer to the Jeanie Bottle series, but, coming in late beat not coming in at all. It would give a new angle to the story line too.
Robert? CD? How bout some love here? We really want Zoey to be happy too.
Is it just me or does Zoe remind anyone else of a young Rouyaa?
I’m getting some real “Back To The Future” vibes here.
Poor Zoe. No wonder she went into computer science.