Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Most like Rita and her boyfriend. About the only question that remains is, are they going to be both boy or both girl or she going to reverse there gender or just send them the way they are to that exotic dancers club in Istanbul?
Are there bets as to how there going to get there and in what shape there going to be arriving there?
Rita isn’t very far off the mark when she said Istanbul is where Jeanie school is. Jeanie does have that kind of look about her too. but, Rita needs to be careful about what she doing and saying to Jeanie, because, there could be some serious consequences here when you mess with Jeanie, because, she a real live Genie and can do the genie blink on you and do some some bad thing to you. We have already gone past the point where Jeanie going to be doing something to Rita, but, just don’t know what yet.
I recently found about this comic, and have been reading it to the present strip.
While I enjoy the shenanigans in general, I wish to express my disappointment regarding the Blue Djinn arc and its impact on the two main characters:
-For the first time, we saw Jeanie/Jean having to face the consequences of her poor choices and showing regret about it. Blue was in many aspects a reflection of her owst traits: uncaring, amoral, selfish, petty, etc… The perfect scenario for some needed personal development.
-Same with Neil. He had to take care of a broken, violated Jeanie. He could have finally undertood the responsability of being the Master of a Genie, and what happens when you ignore it. He had the chance to grow a pair and use his engineer brain to develope a solution to the Blue problem. Like the possibilities of a certain anti-genie Moonshine.
Aaaaand as we know, nothing came from it. Jeanie and Neil remain the same.
Please, I’m not trying to be overly critic over a comic strip. Just pointing out how, in my opinion, could have been better.
First off welcome to the comic! One fan to another fan I don’t think you are overly critical. You do raise some good points though I would like to counter them a bit if I may in hopes you can see another perspective. I feel that the author is doing very well and appears to be striving towards a balance between drama and comedy. The blue Djinn arc was certainly very grim and had a very serious tone so I can see how it might feel a bit jarring.
I personally think Jeannie is actually traumatised by those recent events. She’s trying to act similar to as she did before, perhaps in a more extreme way. Physically she’s literally gone back to her teen years… could she have some ulterior motive in mind? All those things ‘did’ happen and I don’t think its been forgotten. I think its actually driving the current situation.
Another thought; It was also established that a genie mind is somehow more ‘infinite’ then a human mind. (I don’t know the best word to use, I wouldn’t say more intelligent but there’s clearly something more massive in a genie mind when Jeannie was turned human briefly and got a massive hangover from ‘compaction’.) As a result it’s difficult to assess her actions on purely human terms, especially when dealing with trauma. A human trapped in a bottle for even an hour might go mad, a genie will be fine for a few centuries. There’s no comparison here.
We also do not know what happened to Jeannie in the Genie realm for all that time. They literally said they can ‘fix her brain’ if she keeps lashing out. Perhaps she’s quietly scheeming something. Jeannie has access to an awful lot of genie magic now, well beyond the limits of the others. Perhaps this is why time travel is actually possible for her allowing this situation to unfold.
I feel like Neil is being extremely cautious and for good reason, when messing with the supernatural. He is an engineer that is used to dealing with the laws of normal physics… Jeannie breaks those laws so he can not use his natural foresight to determine a best course of action. He’s going with the flow quietly noting things down in his head.
Generally I think there is an awful lot going on underneath the surface. The comic strip gets updated once a week, and from just a few sentences we get to glimpse just a little more of whats going on. I think part of the issue is that you’ve played catch up and read the whole thing in one go without taking that same time to digest each moment and anticipation like older fans have.
Perhaps I am reading too much into it but I do love the comic an awful lot. The author has pushed the envelope a bit but it usually has a purpose. … I still wonder about those two beach goers who ended up in D-day for a few minutes.
First, Jean was on the verge of opening up to Neil when she returned from Haji’s palace, only to clam up when she spotted him snuggling with Aracelli, and her behavior since implies that she is still miffed about that. And since Jean was allowed to leave Haji’s palace there must have been some epiphany that we have yet to be made aware of. She must have said, done, or shown something that convinced Lahab she could go free.
Second, we’re about to get some insight into Jean’s past which might explain Jean’s character. More importantly, Jean is about to get some insight into Jean’s past, probably about things that Jean has either forgotten or convinced himself to remember differently. The inevitable disaster may provide some insight into Neil’s character as well. It’s not like there’s been no progress on Neil’s part, he did offer to pretend to be Jean’s boyfriend so she didn’t have to hide in his room. The way Jean turned him down is why I think she’s still miffed. Maybe we’re about to see something that explains why he is so reticent and ambivalent about the whole master/genie thing.
The lack of progress in their relationship might be a callback to the original source material. Major Nelson was also an overly conventional stick in the mud too worried about his image and his career to appreciate the unconventional things that Jeannie could do for him. Unfortunately the writers “solved” that problem by making her and their relationship more conventional, which ultimately ruined the premise.
There’s also been some recent indications that Jean has finally achieved some degree of awareness about what it feels like to be regarded primarily as a sex object. Whether that will translate into self-awareness about her own behavior remains to be seen.
Or a boy. That would work too. And if she really wanted to get nasty, she could turn Rita into sex crazed boy and turn her date into the girl that Rita going to mess with. Since this is a family show, any triple X material will have to be left to your imagination to fill in the detail if we go there, but, just allude to it happening or it may or may not be happening. It would be your choice to what happened here.
Larry: Jennie has the very sexist mindset that turning someone into a girl is a punishment, something he can do to humiliate his enemies. He’s internalized the idea that becoming a woman is a step DOWN. It’s a pretty common attitude in society in general; it’s why it’s considered progressive for a woman to do stereotypically masculine activities, but if a man does feminine things he’s looked down on as a “sissy”.
As such, Jennie probably wouldn’t consider turning her rival into a boy to be a punishment, let alone a boy who then gets lucky.
Whether Rita gets turned into an attractive girl/boy is irrelevant. I think the key is in her first sentence: “I don’t get dumped.” Her whole shtick is baiting a guy into asking her out, agreeing, then crushing his dreams by refusing. She wants to be in control – the dumper, not the dumpee. If she really didn’t care about Jean as she claims, she would’ve just said “whatever” and walked off. But because of Jeanie stepping in, Jean has managed to avoid her planned humiliation. And she can’t handle that so is continuing to press the matter.
The way to give her her comeuppance is to turn the tables and have her planned humiliation foisted upon herself: Her real date dumps her (presumably the jock next to her), and takes Natalie to the prom instead, leaving her dateless. Much to Natalie’s consternation.
Interesting idea. However, I think its been established that genies can’t mess with a mortal’s free will (page 148), so how will she get the stud football player to suddenly drop Rita for Natalie? In the greater scheme of things, Natalie, although really cute, is rather plain compared to Jeanie or Rita.
Mike: even though Jeannie can not compel him, she can still make Natalie look extra hot, have extra pheromones, etc., which would make her look like the more desirable girl provided that Mr. Football Jock doesn’t have any actual committed emotional attachment to Rita.
Yes, that might work. It has also been established that messing with hormones doesn’t seem to mess with free will (page 481), so jacking up Natalie’s pheromones along with a boost to her bust… that just might do it.
I think the more important question is has Jean developed enough as a person to undo whatever she does to Rita, especially if it seems disproportionate.
“Jeannie Bottle” was something Rodge thought up when he went to New York as Jean, with Jean, in I Dream of Verisimilitude. It’s canon that Belle knows Jean was supposed to have a fiance named “Jeannie Bottle”. If Belle digs a bit more, NOW she just might find out that Jean actually went to his senior prom with “Jeannie Bottle”. If it wasn’t true before, looks like it will be by the end of this arc.
Now about Neil and Zoey: I’m guessing now that High School Neil hasn’t actually asked Zoey to be his prom date. Check out the last panel of #628: Seems to me that Zoey was hinting that he should ask. And maybe the reason Neil didn’t go to the prom with Zoey was either she stayed home or some other boy did ask her.
Neil also strikes me as being the sort who would be oblivious to the hinting and needs to be hit over the head with notification of s girl’s affection before he will notice it.
Specially if the girl in question is his former male friend, who is in denial about how much both “him” and their relationship have changed since he touched that genie totem.
@HKMaly: Armenians had their territories further east in Anatolia and had no business in name-choosing. Greeks however were historically much more prevalent in old Istanbul. (the name even means “in the polis (city)” in Greek).
Why it got the works, oh, it was “just” like a regular rebranding issue. Why do we call Persia “Iran” today? Reasons, mainly political correctness and national pride in a newly nationalized nation, which also included nationalism, and nation-nation. Also, Nation!!
The song was of course written after once too often a Turc called out a foreigner for ignorantly using the “wrong” name.
Constantinople is named for the early 4th century Roman Emperor Constantine the First. He built up the village of Byzantium on the Bosphorus Strait into a new large city that he named Nova Roma (“New Rome”), but everyone else just called it “Constantine’s City” (“Constantinopolis”).
The had may have gotten its name from Morocco, but it became Turkish headgear in the late days of the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century as a gesture to modernization. The Ottoman Empire was still gigantic as the century began and basically held the entire south coast of the Mediterranean east of Morocco. After the French conquered Algeria in the 1830s, they started fielding Zouve regiments wearing fezes. These were so stylish that there were both Union and Confederate regiments in the Civil War wearing fezes and baggy red trousers. Then after the Ottoman dynasty picked the wrong side in World War I, their only good general took over and got rid of the now old-fashioned fezes along with the old-fashioned sultanate and caliphate.
I just thought of something which might become significant: Jean is the only genie in this series whom we know can send herself and others back in time. This is the fourth time Jean has done it we know of (back to when Apollo 10 returned in I Dream of Technicolor; sending those two jerks to Omaha Beach on D-Day in I Dream of and Escape and twice back to Sartorelli’s for kibble burgers before it was closed down for some “mysterious” reason…
The other Genie can do time travel too, but, Jeanie is the only one that we have seen doing time travel. Since Jeanie is the star of the Jeanie Bottle series, most of our focus is on her and not the other Genie and they are just extra and are only are use to advance the story line. But, if the need arrive for them to have to do time travel, I am sure that we will see them doing it too.
No, she was de-Genied about 1975 or so, which would have been another 30 years or more ago from this time period. This time travel was from about 2020 back to about 2013 or so only.
Well, when Jean was turned into Jean, he or she was 23 years old and he been a she for about one year now or more. That would make Jeanie about 24 right now. Jean probably graduated when he was about 18 years old. If we use 2020 as are start date or 2021, then subtract 6 year from either 2020 or 2021, that would give 2014 or 2015 that they graduated in. The School Prom that they are going to is probably in either 2013 or 2014 and 2015 would latest time that they could be going to the school and still be in high school and it would be there senior year before graduation.
@Robert If you check out #382-391, you’ll find it seems that Rouyaa’s master was working on a proposal for the shuttle program right after Sid’s visit, which seems to be when Rouyaa cast her forbidden spell. So I guess this is canon in the Jeanieverse–although in fact the prototype Enterprise shuttle they were talking of refitting wasn’t built until the 1970s, and the first launch wasn’t until 1981.
Went back and checked. In panel 382 it shows Apollo 10 splashdown. That was on May 26, 1969. Sid and Andy go home and talk about retrofitting the Enterprise or cheaper to build a new shuttle. That took place in Sept. 1976. Give 4 years at MIT and 4 years (?) at space center would put Graduation around 2012. If they timey travel back to 1969 or 1976 they can’t meet themselves behind the dumpster because they won’t be born until 1994.
Yes, that solves the running-into-themselves-problem back in I Dream of Technicolor (but not the timey-wimey problem of Jean running into himself in the current arc)–but what bugs me is the seeming error of mixing up the Space Shuttle program and the Apollo program. There may be a way around it CD already put in.
Looking again at #388, which is clearly right after Sid visited, Andy has some lines in his face, but his hair is still brown. In the last panel, he’s revealed to be working on the budget for a “Reusable Rocket”–not yet “Space Shuttle”. But in #389, Andy’s hair is going gray and he has more age lines. So it could be the 1970s or even the 1980s–the proposal to refit the Enterprise was to replace the Challenger after it blew up in 1986. That would also make Rouyaa/Ms. Eden not quite as extremely old as she was when we first see her just after Jean became Jeanie.
The Space Shuttle concept really goes back to Werner von Braun back in World War II, BTW. He proposed a winged spacecraft, allegedly to bomb New York and Washington. And winged spacecraft appear in a Disney film about the future of space travel made in the 1950s with von Braun’s participation. There was a program in the early Sixties called the Manned Orbital Laboratory–really a manned spy satellite–and the Air Force was going to build a winged orbiter to service it called Dyna-Soar. It would have been launched on a Titan missile, like the Gemini program. But the program was killed as a combination of Vietnam and the Apollo program got priority. The Clint Eastwood movie Space Cowboys was actually inspired by the USAF astronauts who never got to space because the program was cancelled.
I can’t resist going further: The Soviet Union actually did build a manned spy satellite, the Salyut, in public a program for “scientific research”, just like the “Manned Orbital Laboratory” was supposed to be. It didn’t get a winged orbiter service vehicle, but it did get a 23mm cannon to research blowing up any Capitalist who got too close.
I was supprised that Rita would know what a Fez was. Most high school girls would call it a little hat. And then she tagged Istanbul and mentioned Jeanie’s bottle. Rita isn’t an undercover geanie is she.
I will admit that having some girl knowing some stuff like that is rare, but, not impossible either. We would need something more than that to confirm that possibility, but, it definitely is possible that she an under cover Genie or a former Genie or one of those off brand Genie’s or even plausibility of being a witch even. If Rita is a magical being, I would go with her being witch personally. Who she is or even what she is, is still in question and we don’t know yet.
After thinking about it, I think gary might have the right idea, I can’t see a better climax for this Arc than having a witch/genie duel at the school prom. Then Jeanie will have to clean everything up afterward and of course she going to leave her past self with the idea that dumped Rita and not the other way around and leave him with the idea that there was a Hot Blond exchange student that went out with him to the Prom. That way everything will line up to what Jeanie remembered when she was still Jean. The Kelvin Time Line has been saved or at least it was saved as Jeanie remembered anyway.
The Shriners (AAONMS) and their children’s hospitals are well known enough that the term “fez” isn’t all that obscure in the USA. What most people do not know is that the name comes from its popularity in the city of Fez. The original name for it is tarboosh.
By the way, Persia was renamed due to a relationship between that country and Nazi Germany. Hitler’s obsession with the supposed Aryan race led to the name Iran, as a form of the word Aryan.
Well Jean better show off or just shut up cause the hole he dug is getting deep.
Jeanie has a big, big ego
Two guesses what teen couple is about to become a pair of very pretty exotic dancers at a club in Istanbul.
Most like Rita and her boyfriend. About the only question that remains is, are they going to be both boy or both girl or she going to reverse there gender or just send them the way they are to that exotic dancers club in Istanbul?
Are there bets as to how there going to get there and in what shape there going to be arriving there?
Or Jeannie will say something like, “You might like it in a fez,” and transport her to Fes, Morocco.
That would imply a familiarity with geography that I’m not sure Jean possesses.
You do NOT mock the fez. Fezzes are cool, so sayeth Matt Smith.
I didn’t realize the Jeannie poofed us all back to 2010.
Jeanie can’t do a snow job on Rita.
Rita isn’t very far off the mark when she said Istanbul is where Jeanie school is. Jeanie does have that kind of look about her too. but, Rita needs to be careful about what she doing and saying to Jeanie, because, there could be some serious consequences here when you mess with Jeanie, because, she a real live Genie and can do the genie blink on you and do some some bad thing to you. We have already gone past the point where Jeanie going to be doing something to Rita, but, just don’t know what yet.
I recently found about this comic, and have been reading it to the present strip.
While I enjoy the shenanigans in general, I wish to express my disappointment regarding the Blue Djinn arc and its impact on the two main characters:
-For the first time, we saw Jeanie/Jean having to face the consequences of her poor choices and showing regret about it. Blue was in many aspects a reflection of her owst traits: uncaring, amoral, selfish, petty, etc… The perfect scenario for some needed personal development.
-Same with Neil. He had to take care of a broken, violated Jeanie. He could have finally undertood the responsability of being the Master of a Genie, and what happens when you ignore it. He had the chance to grow a pair and use his engineer brain to develope a solution to the Blue problem. Like the possibilities of a certain anti-genie Moonshine.
Aaaaand as we know, nothing came from it. Jeanie and Neil remain the same.
Please, I’m not trying to be overly critic over a comic strip. Just pointing out how, in my opinion, could have been better.
First off welcome to the comic! One fan to another fan I don’t think you are overly critical. You do raise some good points though I would like to counter them a bit if I may in hopes you can see another perspective. I feel that the author is doing very well and appears to be striving towards a balance between drama and comedy. The blue Djinn arc was certainly very grim and had a very serious tone so I can see how it might feel a bit jarring.
I personally think Jeannie is actually traumatised by those recent events. She’s trying to act similar to as she did before, perhaps in a more extreme way. Physically she’s literally gone back to her teen years… could she have some ulterior motive in mind? All those things ‘did’ happen and I don’t think its been forgotten. I think its actually driving the current situation.
Another thought; It was also established that a genie mind is somehow more ‘infinite’ then a human mind. (I don’t know the best word to use, I wouldn’t say more intelligent but there’s clearly something more massive in a genie mind when Jeannie was turned human briefly and got a massive hangover from ‘compaction’.) As a result it’s difficult to assess her actions on purely human terms, especially when dealing with trauma. A human trapped in a bottle for even an hour might go mad, a genie will be fine for a few centuries. There’s no comparison here.
We also do not know what happened to Jeannie in the Genie realm for all that time. They literally said they can ‘fix her brain’ if she keeps lashing out. Perhaps she’s quietly scheeming something. Jeannie has access to an awful lot of genie magic now, well beyond the limits of the others. Perhaps this is why time travel is actually possible for her allowing this situation to unfold.
I feel like Neil is being extremely cautious and for good reason, when messing with the supernatural. He is an engineer that is used to dealing with the laws of normal physics… Jeannie breaks those laws so he can not use his natural foresight to determine a best course of action. He’s going with the flow quietly noting things down in his head.
Generally I think there is an awful lot going on underneath the surface. The comic strip gets updated once a week, and from just a few sentences we get to glimpse just a little more of whats going on. I think part of the issue is that you’ve played catch up and read the whole thing in one go without taking that same time to digest each moment and anticipation like older fans have.
Perhaps I am reading too much into it but I do love the comic an awful lot. The author has pushed the envelope a bit but it usually has a purpose. … I still wonder about those two beach goers who ended up in D-day for a few minutes.
A few thoughts about that:
First, Jean was on the verge of opening up to Neil when she returned from Haji’s palace, only to clam up when she spotted him snuggling with Aracelli, and her behavior since implies that she is still miffed about that. And since Jean was allowed to leave Haji’s palace there must have been some epiphany that we have yet to be made aware of. She must have said, done, or shown something that convinced Lahab she could go free.
Second, we’re about to get some insight into Jean’s past which might explain Jean’s character. More importantly, Jean is about to get some insight into Jean’s past, probably about things that Jean has either forgotten or convinced himself to remember differently. The inevitable disaster may provide some insight into Neil’s character as well. It’s not like there’s been no progress on Neil’s part, he did offer to pretend to be Jean’s boyfriend so she didn’t have to hide in his room. The way Jean turned him down is why I think she’s still miffed. Maybe we’re about to see something that explains why he is so reticent and ambivalent about the whole master/genie thing.
The lack of progress in their relationship might be a callback to the original source material. Major Nelson was also an overly conventional stick in the mud too worried about his image and his career to appreciate the unconventional things that Jeannie could do for him. Unfortunately the writers “solved” that problem by making her and their relationship more conventional, which ultimately ruined the premise.
There’s also been some recent indications that Jean has finally achieved some degree of awareness about what it feels like to be regarded primarily as a sex object. Whether that will translate into self-awareness about her own behavior remains to be seen.
Hmm I wonder what the outcome of this will be, Jeannie’s favourite move of turning her opponent into an attractive girl is hardly going to work here.
Maybe turn Rita into an ugly girl?
Or a boy. That would work too. And if she really wanted to get nasty, she could turn Rita into sex crazed boy and turn her date into the girl that Rita going to mess with. Since this is a family show, any triple X material will have to be left to your imagination to fill in the detail if we go there, but, just allude to it happening or it may or may not be happening. It would be your choice to what happened here.
Larry: Jennie has the very sexist mindset that turning someone into a girl is a punishment, something he can do to humiliate his enemies. He’s internalized the idea that becoming a woman is a step DOWN. It’s a pretty common attitude in society in general; it’s why it’s considered progressive for a woman to do stereotypically masculine activities, but if a man does feminine things he’s looked down on as a “sissy”.
As such, Jennie probably wouldn’t consider turning her rival into a boy to be a punishment, let alone a boy who then gets lucky.
Whether Rita gets turned into an attractive girl/boy is irrelevant. I think the key is in her first sentence: “I don’t get dumped.” Her whole shtick is baiting a guy into asking her out, agreeing, then crushing his dreams by refusing. She wants to be in control – the dumper, not the dumpee. If she really didn’t care about Jean as she claims, she would’ve just said “whatever” and walked off. But because of Jeanie stepping in, Jean has managed to avoid her planned humiliation. And she can’t handle that so is continuing to press the matter.
The way to give her her comeuppance is to turn the tables and have her planned humiliation foisted upon herself: Her real date dumps her (presumably the jock next to her), and takes Natalie to the prom instead, leaving her dateless. Much to Natalie’s consternation.
Interesting idea. However, I think its been established that genies can’t mess with a mortal’s free will (page 148), so how will she get the stud football player to suddenly drop Rita for Natalie? In the greater scheme of things, Natalie, although really cute, is rather plain compared to Jeanie or Rita.
Mike: even though Jeannie can not compel him, she can still make Natalie look extra hot, have extra pheromones, etc., which would make her look like the more desirable girl provided that Mr. Football Jock doesn’t have any actual committed emotional attachment to Rita.
Yes, that might work. It has also been established that messing with hormones doesn’t seem to mess with free will (page 481), so jacking up Natalie’s pheromones along with a boost to her bust… that just might do it.
I think the more important question is has Jean developed enough as a person to undo whatever she does to Rita, especially if it seems disproportionate.
“Jeannie Bottle” was something Rodge thought up when he went to New York as Jean, with Jean, in I Dream of Verisimilitude. It’s canon that Belle knows Jean was supposed to have a fiance named “Jeannie Bottle”. If Belle digs a bit more, NOW she just might find out that Jean actually went to his senior prom with “Jeannie Bottle”. If it wasn’t true before, looks like it will be by the end of this arc.
Now about Neil and Zoey: I’m guessing now that High School Neil hasn’t actually asked Zoey to be his prom date. Check out the last panel of #628: Seems to me that Zoey was hinting that he should ask. And maybe the reason Neil didn’t go to the prom with Zoey was either she stayed home or some other boy did ask her.
Neil also strikes me as being the sort who would be oblivious to the hinting and needs to be hit over the head with notification of s girl’s affection before he will notice it.
Specially if the girl in question is his former male friend, who is in denial about how much both “him” and their relationship have changed since he touched that genie totem.
I don’t know about Istanbul (NOT Constantinople!) but there are a couple of places in Ankara, near Uluz…
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That’s nobody’s business but the Turks!
@Lee: I think you should consult Armenians too.
@HKMaly: Armenians had their territories further east in Anatolia and had no business in name-choosing. Greeks however were historically much more prevalent in old Istanbul. (the name even means “in the polis (city)” in Greek).
Why it got the works, oh, it was “just” like a regular rebranding issue. Why do we call Persia “Iran” today? Reasons, mainly political correctness and national pride in a newly nationalized nation, which also included nationalism, and nation-nation. Also, Nation!!
The song was of course written after once too often a Turc called out a foreigner for ignorantly using the “wrong” name.
Constantinople is named for the early 4th century Roman Emperor Constantine the First. He built up the village of Byzantium on the Bosphorus Strait into a new large city that he named Nova Roma (“New Rome”), but everyone else just called it “Constantine’s City” (“Constantinopolis”).
The had may have gotten its name from Morocco, but it became Turkish headgear in the late days of the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century as a gesture to modernization. The Ottoman Empire was still gigantic as the century began and basically held the entire south coast of the Mediterranean east of Morocco. After the French conquered Algeria in the 1830s, they started fielding Zouve regiments wearing fezes. These were so stylish that there were both Union and Confederate regiments in the Civil War wearing fezes and baggy red trousers. Then after the Ottoman dynasty picked the wrong side in World War I, their only good general took over and got rid of the now old-fashioned fezes along with the old-fashioned sultanate and caliphate.
I like Panel Two. It’s as if she got to feel himself up. Hope she’s not disillusioned by it.
This will not end well.
I think Natalie needs to step in and intervene to prevent bloodshed.
Rita’s mouth is going to get her into so much trouble.
I assume Natalie will separate these two in the next strip.
I just thought of something which might become significant: Jean is the only genie in this series whom we know can send herself and others back in time. This is the fourth time Jean has done it we know of (back to when Apollo 10 returned in I Dream of Technicolor; sending those two jerks to Omaha Beach on D-Day in I Dream of and Escape and twice back to Sartorelli’s for kibble burgers before it was closed down for some “mysterious” reason…
The other Genie can do time travel too, but, Jeanie is the only one that we have seen doing time travel. Since Jeanie is the star of the Jeanie Bottle series, most of our focus is on her and not the other Genie and they are just extra and are only are use to advance the story line. But, if the need arrive for them to have to do time travel, I am sure that we will see them doing it too.
Is Rouyaa still a geanie in this time period?
No, she was de-Genied about 1975 or so, which would have been another 30 years or more ago from this time period. This time travel was from about 2020 back to about 2013 or so only.
Rouyaa was de-Genied right after Apollo 10 returned to Earth. That happened on May 26, 1969, about the same time I graduated from high school.
What year did our twosome graduate from high school
Well, when Jean was turned into Jean, he or she was 23 years old and he been a she for about one year now or more. That would make Jeanie about 24 right now. Jean probably graduated when he was about 18 years old. If we use 2020 as are start date or 2021, then subtract 6 year from either 2020 or 2021, that would give 2014 or 2015 that they graduated in. The School Prom that they are going to is probably in either 2013 or 2014 and 2015 would latest time that they could be going to the school and still be in high school and it would be there senior year before graduation.
@Tom Sewell: Wait, really? I thought she got de-genied during the Shuttle Program.
@Robert If you check out #382-391, you’ll find it seems that Rouyaa’s master was working on a proposal for the shuttle program right after Sid’s visit, which seems to be when Rouyaa cast her forbidden spell. So I guess this is canon in the Jeanieverse–although in fact the prototype Enterprise shuttle they were talking of refitting wasn’t built until the 1970s, and the first launch wasn’t until 1981.
who she messing with is the wife of the new haji of all genies
Went back and checked. In panel 382 it shows Apollo 10 splashdown. That was on May 26, 1969. Sid and Andy go home and talk about retrofitting the Enterprise or cheaper to build a new shuttle. That took place in Sept. 1976. Give 4 years at MIT and 4 years (?) at space center would put Graduation around 2012. If they timey travel back to 1969 or 1976 they can’t meet themselves behind the dumpster because they won’t be born until 1994.
Yes, that solves the running-into-themselves-problem back in I Dream of Technicolor (but not the timey-wimey problem of Jean running into himself in the current arc)–but what bugs me is the seeming error of mixing up the Space Shuttle program and the Apollo program. There may be a way around it CD already put in.
Looking again at #388, which is clearly right after Sid visited, Andy has some lines in his face, but his hair is still brown. In the last panel, he’s revealed to be working on the budget for a “Reusable Rocket”–not yet “Space Shuttle”. But in #389, Andy’s hair is going gray and he has more age lines. So it could be the 1970s or even the 1980s–the proposal to refit the Enterprise was to replace the Challenger after it blew up in 1986. That would also make Rouyaa/Ms. Eden not quite as extremely old as she was when we first see her just after Jean became Jeanie.
The Space Shuttle concept really goes back to Werner von Braun back in World War II, BTW. He proposed a winged spacecraft, allegedly to bomb New York and Washington. And winged spacecraft appear in a Disney film about the future of space travel made in the 1950s with von Braun’s participation. There was a program in the early Sixties called the Manned Orbital Laboratory–really a manned spy satellite–and the Air Force was going to build a winged orbiter to service it called Dyna-Soar. It would have been launched on a Titan missile, like the Gemini program. But the program was killed as a combination of Vietnam and the Apollo program got priority. The Clint Eastwood movie Space Cowboys was actually inspired by the USAF astronauts who never got to space because the program was cancelled.
I can’t resist going further: The Soviet Union actually did build a manned spy satellite, the Salyut, in public a program for “scientific research”, just like the “Manned Orbital Laboratory” was supposed to be. It didn’t get a winged orbiter service vehicle, but it did get a 23mm cannon to research blowing up any Capitalist who got too close.
I was supprised that Rita would know what a Fez was. Most high school girls would call it a little hat. And then she tagged Istanbul and mentioned Jeanie’s bottle. Rita isn’t an undercover geanie is she.
I will admit that having some girl knowing some stuff like that is rare, but, not impossible either. We would need something more than that to confirm that possibility, but, it definitely is possible that she an under cover Genie or a former Genie or one of those off brand Genie’s or even plausibility of being a witch even. If Rita is a magical being, I would go with her being witch personally. Who she is or even what she is, is still in question and we don’t know yet.
Or… she’s someone that actually pays attention in class and is more than just eye candy on the jock’s arm. Shocking, but possible.
Maybe a witch/genie duel at prom. I have always heard that girls with red hair are witches.
After thinking about it, I think gary might have the right idea, I can’t see a better climax for this Arc than having a witch/genie duel at the school prom. Then Jeanie will have to clean everything up afterward and of course she going to leave her past self with the idea that dumped Rita and not the other way around and leave him with the idea that there was a Hot Blond exchange student that went out with him to the Prom. That way everything will line up to what Jeanie remembered when she was still Jean. The Kelvin Time Line has been saved or at least it was saved as Jeanie remembered anyway.
The Shriners (AAONMS) and their children’s hospitals are well known enough that the term “fez” isn’t all that obscure in the USA. What most people do not know is that the name comes from its popularity in the city of Fez. The original name for it is tarboosh.
By the way, Persia was renamed due to a relationship between that country and Nazi Germany. Hitler’s obsession with the supposed Aryan race led to the name Iran, as a form of the word Aryan.
Or she’s been to an Archie McPhee Pez-and-Fez party!
Oh I hope Rita’s last name is Repulsa X)
That would fit the continuing mashup with various television shows that have appeared in this story.
I mean, they already established witches exist. And they are back in high school. And some of the teenagers seem to have attitude X)