Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Technically, Jean very early on had poofed Neil’s whole apartment into connecting with “her” original apartment to bypass the “can’t own anything” genie rule (@ Part 65 to 68). So I don’t know how that works for Neil’s rent or leasing along with Jean’s previously but they were already living together before.
Jeanie merged their two apartments magically. IIRC, she created a magic door that just leads from one apartment to the other, rather than physically moving anything.
Does that mean that there is a door connecting the two apartments still. That might be a problem for Neil as it would look like they altered the apartment illegally and make it hard to rent to new tenants. They could make him pay for both, and having and smashed in hole in the wall would not make Neil safe from thief while he is at work.
She shouldn’t care about this kind of triviality. She could move into Neil’s closet, and make it a palace inside.
Also, she’s been in Guano’s care for three weeks? And he STILL hasn’t satisfied himself that Jeanie isn’t Blue? Still hasn’t figured out who the baby is?
Genies just aren’t all that smart. Being able to *poof* things without effort must corrode the problem solving area of the brain. That’s why they need smart masters.
C’mon, Neil. Step up. Take command, you nerd. Stop being such a pushover. Be your genie’s MASTER.
NOT a triviality? Why ever so? If jean, human, slacker, beach bum surfer, and internet movie reviewer, got evicted, that would be non-trivial, a disaster even.
But Jeanie is a quasi-immortal genie. All she really needs is her bottle, and that can reside on Neil’s bedside table, or in his sock drawer, or closet, or car trunk, or wherever.
And if she needs more than that, she can conjure it up.
Or…what am I missing?
@50srefugee – Jean’s staying in Haji’s palace because they want her to fix the damage caused by Blue. Also, it’s not a triviality because Jean doesn’t want to be a genie. If/when she becomes Guy-Jean again, she loses that convenient lamp in terms of living space.
Several of you guys have come to false conclusions and they are as such.
1. When Jean picked up the Genie Bottle or Totem, his core being of being mortal man physical was permanently changed into a Female Genie Body Core Being that is quasi-immortal and is now impossible to reverse this process forever and that according what Kazon told Jeanie when she was going to Genie School. So that rips a hole of Jeanie ever being a mortal Male again or even Genie Male at her Core even. This condition is permanent, like forever permanent.
2. Yes, Jean said that he didn’t want to be either Genie Male or Female when he first became a Female Genie. But, since that time, she said that she like being a Genie, but, not a Female Genie and that was like about six month ago.
3. Beside that physical out side part of Jean being turned into a Physical quasi-immortal Female Genie, there is also an internal or spiritual side of being turned into a Female Genie too, which we didn’t see with our eyes, but, also had to happen to complete the process of turning Jean into Jeanie the bottle Genie. But, in the beginning when Jean was first transformed into Jeanie, he or she resisted those changes, but, over time those changes are slowly seeping into Jean character or consciousness and transforming him into a Female Genie.
So what are some of these Female Genie traits that haven’t broken through yet, but, were put inside of Jean when he first became a Female Genie and complete this process?
1. Calling Neil Master.
2. Female Genie have a Motherly spirit about themselves for there Master welfare.
3. Genie like serving there Masters and they seem to derive Joy or pleasure out of serving there Masters too.
This is obviously not who Jean or Jeanie is for that matter, but, that where Jeanie development as a Genie should go to, but, with a few bumps and hiccups along the way, which is basically what Jeanie Bottle is as a series. Yes, I generally agree with 50srefugee in what eventually should happen and have Jeanie accept her new position in life as a Female Genie, but, not right away and it would signal the coming end of Jeanie Bottle if or when it does happen. 50srefugee was kind of crude with the way he wrote it, but, yes that what we should see when the Jeanie bottle series come to it end as a series and everything is being clean up and loose ends are being tied up.
Actually, Jean(ie) was made mortal by the Blue Meanie just recently (in the comic), and it seems as if he could have given hir a male body. Also, Rouyaa was made mortal.
Neil isn’t one to go forcing someone to change what kind of person they are, even if he might be able to do that. And to be honest, would be straight up selfish of anyone to try that so strongly. Forced conversion is never as effective as natural change.
@Jenny: “Neil isn’t one to go forcing someone to change what kind of person they are….”
No, he’s not; that would be very wrong–even flat out evil. I’m not saying she’d become loyal because he wished her to be loyal, I mean she’d become loyal because he’d be providing for her. I’m looking more at things like, “I wish you would make a comfortable apartment for yourself in my closet.” In the larger sense, he’d be giving her interesting things to do with her power. jeanie doesn’t have much imagination or ambition–note that Jean was a movie reviewer, not a screenwriter. Neil does, if only he’d put it to use.
If Jeanie can do some time travel, she and Neil/Natalie could travel back to Florida in the 1940’s and spend some time in one the 40’s musical, with the singing and dancing and all the other trimmings!
Lessee, I’ve got Ash from Misfile in a poodle skirt:[httpreamble]i1375.photobucket dot com/albums/ag471/50srefugee1/Hazelton/poodle-skirt-final-full.jpg
In thinking about last night and being there is a like for the poodle skirt, and being the poodle skirt is more of the 50’s thing, how about Jeanie with Neil/ Natalie along as a sidekick, poof back into the 50’s where they run into mad scientist, monster, space aliens, and of course the 50’s dance music. What do you think?
Good eye, but no, I don’t think so. Don’t know off hand what it really is, but there are significant differences from Doc’s device. (See, ferex, here: https colon blahblah backtothefuture dot fandom dot com/wiki/Flux_capacitor?file=Flux-Capacitor.jpg )
Actually, Jeanie is caught between to realities. The one she use to know as Jean a mortal man and the other Reality of being a Female Genie. The old reality were Jeanie was a guy is gone and lost forever and she will never be changing back into a mortal man again, like never or even a Male Genie even. That male side of Jeanie that we know as Jean is just memory now, that basically only Neil and Jeanie remember and of who Jeanie still kind of identifies herself as and is having a hard time releasing the past of who she use to be and will never be again.
Then there the Female Genie side of Jeanie, which is the new reality of who she going to be forever and I mean forever, this is her new Core Being, which is eternal and unchanging and can’t be change either and that according to Kazom when Jeanie went to Genie school to get training to be a Genie. Kazom told her then that it was permanent and that it was unchangeable, what ever she became when she became a Genie, basically set in stone who she going to be forever. But, he also said that over time and as she becomes an experienced Genie, like in a 100 years or so, that she could make some superficial and look like a guy if she want to, but, it will never her Genie Core from when she first became a Genie and that will always stay the same no matter she does.
So what is the Core of a Female Genie made of?
1. The person that posses the bottle, she calls him or her Master.
2. Female Genie’s as a general rule, have a tender sport for there Masters or even a Mothering type of spirit to them.
So yes, in the end, Jeanie need to end up with Neil and as 50srefugee has said many time and call him Master. But, here where I disagree with 50srefugee, we don’t want it to happen immediately, because, Jeanie Bottle series revolve around Jeanie resisting her new reality. What we are seeing, is battle between the old Jean of who she use to be to becoming the New Jeanie that she become or is being formed into.
“Ex-PLOS-tion” is the technical term for “destructive magical energy burst”. The difference between “explostion” and “explosion” is rather like that between “fuse” and “fuze”. It fell out of use after the invention of guncotton, which is more reliable, easier to produce, and can be used by non-magical entities. Neil knows it because it’s in the “Siegecraft” chapter of “The Care and Feeding of Genies” manual. See Megumin in the anime Konasuba for some of the problems with the techniques, especially the difficulty in controlling the power of the burst. It’s unfortunate that the series translators were unfamiliar with the term.
Jean probably would’ve got that fixed up with a magic poof beforehand, if not for the sudden Genie Guard Raid led by Guano. He didn’t allow Jean to fully clean up in the aftermath of defeating Blue.
I am surprised that our favorite Home Land Security Agent Anderson hasn’t showed up to investigate this strange happening. Like it right down here alley and she only like 50 miles away or so. She can be there in an hour or so, no problem.
Hachimitsu, if your crying in tears!, Please note, SAN FRANCISCO SUCKS and your better off without that city!
(For anyone who didn’t know, Hachimitsu got Evicted and lost a lawsuit… he lost almost everything, it’s the reason why he has not been in Jeannie bottle for a LONG long time)
Well Jean apartments are hard to find move in with Neil for now.
Technically, Jean very early on had poofed Neil’s whole apartment into connecting with “her” original apartment to bypass the “can’t own anything” genie rule (@ Part 65 to 68). So I don’t know how that works for Neil’s rent or leasing along with Jean’s previously but they were already living together before.
Well at least Jean got the bottle to live in.
So I guess she will be staying with Guano from now on then?
Also will we learn what happened with the the other characters that were captured by the Blue Djinn?
For “kept prisoner by” values of “staying with”, I guess.
I thought Jeanie had moved/connected her apartment to Neil’s since Niel his her master and she to with him and not own anything.
Jeanie merged their two apartments magically. IIRC, she created a magic door that just leads from one apartment to the other, rather than physically moving anything.
Does that mean that there is a door connecting the two apartments still. That might be a problem for Neil as it would look like they altered the apartment illegally and make it hard to rent to new tenants. They could make him pay for both, and having and smashed in hole in the wall would not make Neil safe from thief while he is at work.
My guess would be that Jeanie probably removed the magical door as part of her temporary return over the weekend.
And the landlord didn’t notice before that the door to the apartment disappeared all this time? Not exactly a hands-on manager, is he?
I guess the magic bomb also destroyed the spell that put Neil’s apartment inside Jean’s.
She shouldn’t care about this kind of triviality. She could move into Neil’s closet, and make it a palace inside.
Also, she’s been in Guano’s care for three weeks? And he STILL hasn’t satisfied himself that Jeanie isn’t Blue? Still hasn’t figured out who the baby is?
Genies just aren’t all that smart. Being able to *poof* things without effort must corrode the problem solving area of the brain. That’s why they need smart masters.
C’mon, Neil. Step up. Take command, you nerd. Stop being such a pushover. Be your genie’s MASTER.
Except it’s not a triviality.
NOT a triviality? Why ever so? If jean, human, slacker, beach bum surfer, and internet movie reviewer, got evicted, that would be non-trivial, a disaster even.
But Jeanie is a quasi-immortal genie. All she really needs is her bottle, and that can reside on Neil’s bedside table, or in his sock drawer, or closet, or car trunk, or wherever.
And if she needs more than that, she can conjure it up.
Or…what am I missing?
Frankly, I think this may be a good thing, if it forces Jeanie to live with her Master.
@50srefugee – Jean’s staying in Haji’s palace because they want her to fix the damage caused by Blue. Also, it’s not a triviality because Jean doesn’t want to be a genie. If/when she becomes Guy-Jean again, she loses that convenient lamp in terms of living space.
Several of you guys have come to false conclusions and they are as such.
1. When Jean picked up the Genie Bottle or Totem, his core being of being mortal man physical was permanently changed into a Female Genie Body Core Being that is quasi-immortal and is now impossible to reverse this process forever and that according what Kazon told Jeanie when she was going to Genie School. So that rips a hole of Jeanie ever being a mortal Male again or even Genie Male at her Core even. This condition is permanent, like forever permanent.
2. Yes, Jean said that he didn’t want to be either Genie Male or Female when he first became a Female Genie. But, since that time, she said that she like being a Genie, but, not a Female Genie and that was like about six month ago.
3. Beside that physical out side part of Jean being turned into a Physical quasi-immortal Female Genie, there is also an internal or spiritual side of being turned into a Female Genie too, which we didn’t see with our eyes, but, also had to happen to complete the process of turning Jean into Jeanie the bottle Genie. But, in the beginning when Jean was first transformed into Jeanie, he or she resisted those changes, but, over time those changes are slowly seeping into Jean character or consciousness and transforming him into a Female Genie.
So what are some of these Female Genie traits that haven’t broken through yet, but, were put inside of Jean when he first became a Female Genie and complete this process?
1. Calling Neil Master.
2. Female Genie have a Motherly spirit about themselves for there Master welfare.
3. Genie like serving there Masters and they seem to derive Joy or pleasure out of serving there Masters too.
This is obviously not who Jean or Jeanie is for that matter, but, that where Jeanie development as a Genie should go to, but, with a few bumps and hiccups along the way, which is basically what Jeanie Bottle is as a series. Yes, I generally agree with 50srefugee in what eventually should happen and have Jeanie accept her new position in life as a Female Genie, but, not right away and it would signal the coming end of Jeanie Bottle if or when it does happen. 50srefugee was kind of crude with the way he wrote it, but, yes that what we should see when the Jeanie bottle series come to it end as a series and everything is being clean up and loose ends are being tied up.
Actually, Jean(ie) was made mortal by the Blue Meanie just recently (in the comic), and it seems as if he could have given hir a male body. Also, Rouyaa was made mortal.
I mean, all Neil has to do is say the magic words: “Jeanie, I wish you would…”whatever he thinks is best for HER. Instant loyalty.
Neil isn’t one to go forcing someone to change what kind of person they are, even if he might be able to do that. And to be honest, would be straight up selfish of anyone to try that so strongly. Forced conversion is never as effective as natural change.
@Jenny: “Neil isn’t one to go forcing someone to change what kind of person they are….”
No, he’s not; that would be very wrong–even flat out evil. I’m not saying she’d become loyal because he wished her to be loyal, I mean she’d become loyal because he’d be providing for her. I’m looking more at things like, “I wish you would make a comfortable apartment for yourself in my closet.” In the larger sense, he’d be giving her interesting things to do with her power. jeanie doesn’t have much imagination or ambition–note that Jean was a movie reviewer, not a screenwriter. Neil does, if only he’d put it to use.
Landlord, they can be so un rock n roll. Bummer. With the powers that Jeanie has, she could live in Idaho and commute to Florida.
This is assuming Jean realizes that
“Explosion” (no “T” in the word)… panel 3.
If Jeanie can do some time travel, she and Neil/Natalie could travel back to Florida in the 1940’s and spend some time in one the 40’s musical, with the singing and dancing and all the other trimmings!
That sounds like tons of fun! Natalie in a poodle skirt? Yes, please!
Lessee, I’ve got Ash from Misfile in a poodle skirt:[httpreamble]i1375.photobucket dot com/albums/ag471/50srefugee1/Hazelton/poodle-skirt-final-full.jpg
But no Natalie. Ash’ll have to do.
Adorable. But it was a huge pain in the ass to figure out the right text for that URL. For anyone who wants to see it, here’s the right URL:
In thinking about last night and being there is a like for the poodle skirt, and being the poodle skirt is more of the 50’s thing, how about Jeanie with Neil/ Natalie along as a sidekick, poof back into the 50’s where they run into mad scientist, monster, space aliens, and of course the 50’s dance music. What do you think?
Robert: Aargh! No, the spam trap caught me again. obfuscation is a must. What do you recommend?
Is that a drawing of a flux capacitor on the wall in panels 1 and 4, under Rog’s right arm?
Oh and in panel 3, “explosion” should not have a “t” in it.
Good eye, but no, I don’t think so. Don’t know off hand what it really is, but there are significant differences from Doc’s device. (See, ferex, here: https colon blahblah backtothefuture dot fandom dot com/wiki/Flux_capacitor?file=Flux-Capacitor.jpg )
Typo fixed!
@Robert: “Typo fixed!” Aww, I liked that typo. See my reply to Frith Ra
Yes, I think it is. IIRC Doc Brown’s hand drawn sketch of the flux capacitor in 1955 looked like that.
Ms Eden apartment is next door,may be Jean can move in with Rouyaa now she a genie again.I wonder how than would work out???
jeanie could do that–but as I’ve been saying, she needs to stay with her Master.
Actually, Jeanie is caught between to realities. The one she use to know as Jean a mortal man and the other Reality of being a Female Genie. The old reality were Jeanie was a guy is gone and lost forever and she will never be changing back into a mortal man again, like never or even a Male Genie even. That male side of Jeanie that we know as Jean is just memory now, that basically only Neil and Jeanie remember and of who Jeanie still kind of identifies herself as and is having a hard time releasing the past of who she use to be and will never be again.
Then there the Female Genie side of Jeanie, which is the new reality of who she going to be forever and I mean forever, this is her new Core Being, which is eternal and unchanging and can’t be change either and that according to Kazom when Jeanie went to Genie school to get training to be a Genie. Kazom told her then that it was permanent and that it was unchangeable, what ever she became when she became a Genie, basically set in stone who she going to be forever. But, he also said that over time and as she becomes an experienced Genie, like in a 100 years or so, that she could make some superficial and look like a guy if she want to, but, it will never her Genie Core from when she first became a Genie and that will always stay the same no matter she does.
So what is the Core of a Female Genie made of?
1. The person that posses the bottle, she calls him or her Master.
2. Female Genie’s as a general rule, have a tender sport for there Masters or even a Mothering type of spirit to them.
So yes, in the end, Jeanie need to end up with Neil and as 50srefugee has said many time and call him Master. But, here where I disagree with 50srefugee, we don’t want it to happen immediately, because, Jeanie Bottle series revolve around Jeanie resisting her new reality. What we are seeing, is battle between the old Jean of who she use to be to becoming the New Jeanie that she become or is being formed into.
Is that supposed to be “Explosion” in the third panel?
“Ex-PLOS-tion” is the technical term for “destructive magical energy burst”. The difference between “explostion” and “explosion” is rather like that between “fuse” and “fuze”. It fell out of use after the invention of guncotton, which is more reliable, easier to produce, and can be used by non-magical entities. Neil knows it because it’s in the “Siegecraft” chapter of “The Care and Feeding of Genies” manual. See Megumin in the anime Konasuba for some of the problems with the techniques, especially the difficulty in controlling the power of the burst. It’s unfortunate that the series translators were unfamiliar with the term.
Or it could be Canadian spelling. Knowing our Jeanie I have to feel sorry for that guard.
Couldn’t she have just covered it up with a painting?
Well, it’s a bit large for, say, a Rita Hayworth poster…
From the movie Gilda 1946
Jean probably would’ve got that fixed up with a magic poof beforehand, if not for the sudden Genie Guard Raid led by Guano. He didn’t allow Jean to fully clean up in the aftermath of defeating Blue.
Really the landlords not reported the explosion/dissapearance of one of their tenants to the police just evicted them?
I am surprised that our favorite Home Land Security Agent Anderson hasn’t showed up to investigate this strange happening. Like it right down here alley and she only like 50 miles away or so. She can be there in an hour or so, no problem.
Hachimitsu, if your crying in tears!, Please note, SAN FRANCISCO SUCKS and your better off without that city!
(For anyone who didn’t know, Hachimitsu got Evicted and lost a lawsuit… he lost almost everything, it’s the reason why he has not been in Jeannie bottle for a LONG long time)
Atrax, I’ll be fine…
I just need some time alone! v_v