The Blue Djinn is an evil genie who was apparently defeated by Lord Guano in the past. But now he's back, and he's angling to take down the Genie Lords... but how does Jeanie factor into his plans?
Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
I would personally guess “Yes, Jeanie realizes what’s happening”, based on her attempted defiance of Blue’s will last week. If she weren’t aware, she’d have a hard time fighting back.
@SageM – in reply to your first point, I suspect not as harsh of one as what we might do to gropers at my place of employment. At least, not in physical terms.
I’d make a joke about the blind seer just tuning in, but I don’t know if any of you are old enough to remember radios where you had to turn knobs to pick out a station.
I do wonder if Kahin will mention sensing Rouyaa’s totem, which would puzzle Blue because he didn’t steal her magic; he actually gave her some.
On the other…uh, hand…perhaps he’s just answering Blue’s question concerning the whereabouts of a totem. Blue just failed to realize this particular totem always comes in pairs.
Blue, have you considered the possibility that since this old cave-dwelling hermit does you a substantial service, you might consider letting him cop a feel or two–particularly considering that they’re not actually yours, and the genie to whom they belong will likely never know?
First Comment.
Also, I see a smack in the robe guy’s future.
Oh, the robe guy is just a dirty old man and deserve a smack too.
He is looking for the totem that can contain his power. Also Kahin is in a lot of trouble for his future
Since all Genies supposedly have totems, perhaps he is looking for where Haji’s own totem is hidden so that he may seize it and thus be Haji’s master?
There no telling which totem that the Blue Djinn looking for.
Makes me wonder what punishment the Blue Djinn has in mind for Kahin for taking advantage of his blindness to get a squeeze or two in.
Either way, the blue djinn’s expression is priceless.
Makes me wonder if Jeanie realizes what happened too?
I would personally guess “Yes, Jeanie realizes what’s happening”, based on her attempted defiance of Blue’s will last week. If she weren’t aware, she’d have a hard time fighting back.
@SageM – in reply to your first point, I suspect not as harsh of one as what we might do to gropers at my place of employment. At least, not in physical terms.
Panel 2: “I foresaw your visit to the pit of the damned…”
As was established on a previous page, the name of this place is “The Pitt of the Damned”.
I’d make a joke about the blind seer just tuning in, but I don’t know if any of you are old enough to remember radios where you had to turn knobs to pick out a station.
I do wonder if Kahin will mention sensing Rouyaa’s totem, which would puzzle Blue because he didn’t steal her magic; he actually gave her some.
Oh, yes I remember this being a reoccurring jokes during my high school days.
Those were good time man I get a little irk when I here kids on the street complain how “hard” they have it like seriously ?
Anyways I’m going to stop myself as I could go on with that subject.
The blind equivalent of, “My face is up here.”
On the other…uh, hand…perhaps he’s just answering Blue’s question concerning the whereabouts of a totem. Blue just failed to realize this particular totem always comes in pairs.
Welp, Kahin’s dead.
OK it was only a filler
But he could just be gauging how much magic big blue now has.
Could be like in the manga “miss kobayashi dragon maid” were the larger the breast of a dragon while in human form means a stronger fire power.
🙂 lol
Hahah, good point!
very robin hood prince of thieves
You mean “Men in Tights,” right?
I heard [well-known blind singer name redacted] used to pull this wheeze all the time.
Blue, have you considered the possibility that since this old cave-dwelling hermit does you a substantial service, you might consider letting him cop a feel or two–particularly considering that they’re not actually yours, and the genie to whom they belong will likely never know?
Come on, let the old guy have a bit of fun.
I mean, Blue’s reaction here is relatively neutral, all told. It’s entirely possible that he doesn’t really mind all that much.
I would guess he does not care as well. Unless it starts her motor running i am guessing it is just skin.
Deer Blue, what did thou expect, he is blind, he is seeing with his hands
And he likes what he “sees”. 🙂
Indeed, for all the old myths and legends say that it is only when blind that one can truly see best.
I mean, he might as well. It ain’t like he’s gonna get a better chance.
He’s not gonna get another chance, that’s for damn sure.
Touch any further down the line Seer and you will be a hurting feeler.
Dammit, Kahin! That is NOT where your king needed your….your….
Sorry, what was I spying — er, saying?