Jeanie Bottle 507
Oh my!! I sure hope that bottle’s full of water…. but with that shape, it’s probably not.
We’ve also got a special message today! Pip, maker of the webcomics “Sins”, “Mercynaries”, “Transported”, and various other fun stories, made a piece of art staring Jeanie and Natalie!
It sure is unusual to see Jeanie and Natalie so happy at the same time, isn’t it?
(click for full size)
You can read the archives of Pip’s “Sins” webomic here, and you can check out his Patreon for the new Sins Manitou story, and lots of extra goodies!
Quite the interesting family I guess, but in any case, this should erase any doubts in regards if Blue is truly evil or not!
Her father is the Blue Djinn and he was the original ruler of genies who was her mom then?
@Robert: 1st of all: I did NOT expect that Rouyaa and the Blue Djinn would be related to each other. and 2nd: on Panel 2, “And unless i miss my guess, also your FATHER…”
He already say Father on his first line, I think he means, that, in a genie way, Jeanie (his current body) is Rouyaa’s daughter. She was “born” of her bottle after all… which would explain how and why he found Jean to begin with!
Carlos is right. Blue is continuing his explanation of who he is from the previous lines. He’s Rouyaa’s father, he’s the Taewang King, he’s the rightful ruler of all genies, and (since he’s possessing Jeanie) he’s also Rouyaa’s daughter (because Jeanie was “born” from Rouyaa’s totem).
It’s gonna be one weird Mother’s(Father’s?) day for those 2.
The impression I’m getting is that Rouyaa figured out “Jeannie” was really the Blue Djinn because she knows the Blue Djinn is her father. And that the artifact Big Blue is sensing but can’t quite locate is her concubine armlet, last seen in the second panel of #387
Also notice that Rouyaa inside the bottle in the final panel has her old hair color and her old figure back..
Oh, that’s where we’ve seen that armlet! I knew that sounded vaguely familiar.
Lahab also has her own armlet, so it must be important for the members of the Harem.
You could say that I forget to add it in the last page of MC, *but* Kazom may prefer to remember Lahab from the time she wasn’t Haji’s first!
As I was trying to say, maybe Big Blue might wind up as Neil’s father-in-law?
That is interesting! Maybe by shrinking she has more genie magic to retain youth? That’s why kazom is a small cat. Could be why genies in a rested state end up small?
That’s an intriguing idea!
i agree that is a very interesting idea
So, Jean/Blue is their own grandmother now? Well, maybe she can start a club with Phillip J. and Yancy Fry Sr. I’m sure they could all use a support group right now . . .
On a more serious note (man I say that a lot, don’t I?), at least we have a better idea of what Blue was sensing earlier.
Got a little younger as she was stuffed into the liquor bottle, did she?
She’s a Djinn in a Gin bottle!
Djinn, no chaser.
Honey explained it all in Sailor Sun 11-16-2006. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Can’t wait for the Easter Banner.
It’s amazing how quickly Mrs. Eden regresses back in age.
Just a few seconds after hearing her true name and she have lost 20 years. In the next frame she will be back to her old sexy self again.
Glass is an insulator. Djinn are magical powered entities. These bottles could be a way of keeping magical energy from bleeding off. By reducing Ms. Eden’s size and containing her in a bottle, this reduced the amount of energy bleeding off and allowed her to revert to a younger state. I am not sure what effect that alcohol/liquid will have on her over time. I am guessing being bound to a bottle/totem allows magical creatures to have longer life spans.
So Carlos just pointed this out to me, and it’s way too amusing not to share:
I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle is totally a Harem Anime.
Think about it: Jeanie, Araceli, Caley, and Belle are “pursuing” Neil in one way or another. Jeanie tried to sleep with him to figure out why Belle enjoyed having sex with “Jean” so much, Araceli wants a kind master, Caley has a crush on Neil, and Belle (without realizing it) enjoys Neil’s company more so than her actual boyfriend.
And just to add to the confusion (and hilarity!) Rodge and Anderson are pursuing Natalie, too! Rodge quite literally, since he’s totally smitten with her, and Anderson quite literally, too, but with a different meaning of “pursuit”!
My first thought was I hope the liquid is not the moonshine which affected Jeannie that she’s soaking in right now because that could be very bad.
Second, just because Blue is the rightful ruler doesn’t mean he should be ruling. I don’t think he was imprisoned just so Haji could usurp his position. The rank and file genies like and respect Haji but seem to fear the Blue Djinn.
I have to wonder if Big Blue is telling the truth about being the “rightful ruler”, though…
It may be what he believes for some reason, perhaps he is the son of the previous ruler but the position is not hereditary and Haji was selected by the previous ruler.
I’m wondering which Lord Rouyaa was going to tell at the end of the second panel. Perhaps it will come up again?
Rouyaa was good friends with Guano, back when she was still a genie, so it was probably him.
I suspect she might’ve meant Kazom, honestly. I feel she doesn’t know he’s no longer a Genie Lord, and I feel that he was a more competent genie than LSH. Plus, she liked Guano; I doubt she’d risk his life getting him to fight the Blue Meanie again.
EDIT – Cool Easter banner.
@He Who Abides:
Well, no. She liked it when she felt she had the upper hand over Guano, but other than that, she acted like he was a boy playing at being a man.
That said, I’m pretty sure she hates Kazom, since he was the one who stripped her of her memories of Andy and Sid (and vice-versa) so she couldn’t use
Andy’s wishes“the last little bit of genie magic she has” to fix her mess, so if she wanted to send Big Blue after someone, It’d be Kazom.@Oruncrest – yeah, maybe she treated him like a kid, but it was still favoring him (as a possible dupe). And I suspect she hated Kazom (who she absolutely couldn’t control or even phase, really) looooooooong before he mind-wiped her.
This brings up some interesting possibilities.
1. Beside getting 20 to 30 years younger, did Rouyaa get re-genienified and now is a full fled Genie again.
2. Did the wine bottle just become a new totem or Genie Bottle that will either have to have Rouyaa or some other Genie the future, because and empty totem will seek out a new person to man or women the Genie Bottle.
3. If Rouyaa goes back to being just a mortal again, will she retain her youth from her time a being a Genie again.
I’m curious what abilities the concubine amulet has.
Well, an amulet links one of the harem girl to Haji as one of his wife’s so it represent a magical link to the one that the Blue Djinn hates. But, to answer your question an amulet would have Genie magic on it and some body wanting to do evil to Haji who was the originator of that amulet would have a connection or link to Haji threw the amulet and might be able to do harm to him.
I hope that answers your question, I represent Genie power and a connection.
“I’ll tell Lord….”
[face palm]
Please remind me that when I confront the evildoer, I should NOT say anything like “I’m going to report you to the authorities!”
Unless she’s really, really canny, and doing a, ‘Brer Fox ! Don’t throw me into that icky briar patch !’
Incidentally, as a ‘human’, she might tolerate, even enjoy imbibing cogeners that would give a full genie the hiccups– And are now wafting around the room…
Or she’s trying to send him after an old enemy. Also, mad props for the “Song of the South” reference.
I have a question for discussion… we’ve all seen that smashing a genie’s totem kills the genie and that the Blue Djinn can somehow absorb the slain genie’s magic. Obviously this is something that djinn can do.
What would happen to the Blue Djinn if Jeanie’s bottle were broken while “he” was possessing “her” body? Could we suppose that both are released from their link to the bottle and a quick thinking Rouyaa (or other djinn) uses an empty bottle to catch Jeanie’s spirit, thus saving her life, and absorbs the Blue Djinn’s magic, returning her to full genie status?
The totem is what contains the Genie and there magic in one place and together. Once the totem is broken then the Genie magic will dissipate and once the magic is gone, the Genie dies. That why the Blue Djinn picked Jeanie to take possession of her so he could preserve is Genie Magic and not die. In the case that you mentioned, they would both probably die, because, they both need Jeanie totem to keep there Genie Magic from dissipating into thing air. The only one of the three that might survive is Rouyaa, because, is technically not a Genie anymore, but, a mortal again.
But that death does not seem to be instantaneous as demonstrated when the Blue Djinn escaped. Or does he have a totem someplace else, in which case why does he need Jeanie to preserve his magic? If that’s the case, Haji could simply rub that totem and stick Blue back in his lamp… which raises the question, why didn’t the council do that when he escaped?
RanmaJeanie 1/2I assume you intended to say this in response to my comment about JB being a Harem Anime?
If so, wow, yeah, you’re right!
If the Blue Djinn doesn’t know what happened to Rouyaa, he doesn’t know that Jean’s bottle was Rouyah’s. According to I Dream of Technincolor, the Guano defeated the Blue Djinn before Rouyaa lost her powers.
Is the Blue Djinn going to carry out his threat? It wouldn’t be too hard to shatter that bottle.
Not necesary, he could justedes assume Rouyaa die just like Eeve, when he found Jean, and her bottle. He may have been looking for Rouyaa at first, found Jeanie, and decide to work with what he got. Hence his comment of “this explain a few things” in the previous page.