An unfortunate run-in with a notorious bottle left a young German girl named Jehane transformed into an genie who looks just like Barbara Eden's famous character.
I dunno… these two are clearly children. I find it unlikely that either is old enough for a “boyfriend”-type relationship.
And he also doesn’t seem likely to know what happened to Jehane, since he was in a hurry to keep moving. He may not have been looking her way when she got poofed into the bottle. It’s entirely possible that she’ll be trapped in there until someone randomly comes across it again… 🙁
Well… you’re the author, Rob, so what you say goes but kids get into the boyfriend/girlfriend thing as early as 8 though often they hardly know what it means, and into the while sexual awareness thing as early as 14. (No pedo, GG)
That doesn’t explain why she said “nein” in response to a question in English. I don’t speak French very well, but if someone walked up to me and asked a question in French which I actually knew the answer to, and the answer was “yes”, I wouldn’t say “yes”, I’d say “oui”.
So why would she say “nein” in response to a question that was asked in English? Either she knows English and knows to say “no” or she shouldn’t have understood the question.
I had a holiday in Mexico when someone approached me and in English asked if I spoke English (English is my first language). Without even thinking about it my response was “Si”. They just gave me a funny look and walked away. 🙂
@ Fearless Ferret – Been there done that. When speaking a foreign language long enough (French, Spanish, or Japanese), it’s like my English linguistics database gets put into cold storage and takes awhile to reload. Not usually fast enough to catch the next thing that comes out of my mind.
I took it as a sarcastic response to a stupid question. Jean knows perfectly well, that Barbara Eden is way too old to look like that, and since Jean herself (himself?) became young, blonde and female, then obviously it’s possible that the same thing might have happened to someone else.
Besides, most educated people, even if they don’t speak a foreign language, can interpret Yes and No from context. And I would expect Jean to have heard “Nein” before, if nothing else, from watching Hogan’s Heros.
@Kattgirl: Jean’s expression in that panel doesn’t show sarcasm, it shows wide-eyed recognition. Jean’s had more than enough time to at least notice she has much bigger bazongas than Barbara Eden ever had–and Jehane’s are 1965-vintage Barbara Eden-sized. Jean may have been thinking that the real Barbara Eden opened an empty genie bottle.
It may also be of note that Cincinatti, Ohio, where Jean is supposed to be from, was founded by Germans and that schools there taught in German until World War I. And isn’t “Nessman” a German name?
Those things really need to come with a great big label saying, “WARNING! Vacant Genie Bottle! Opening this vessel will transform you into a genie!”. Or an age limit of who can get djinnfied by those things.
If you carefully examine the second ring from the bottom of the bottle you will find just such a warning – little tiny letter. They had to make the lettering small to include the warning in 78 languages.
I on the other hand suspect it just grabs any poor soul to touch it as the genies have made it quite clear they don’t actually care about humans only their own laws and traditions. Young, old, male, female, recently married who cares your a genie now so grant your wishes, learn the rules and stop griping about being a girl who’s essentially property. Look at the way all Jean’s possesions were now longer his when he got changed.
Not to nitpick but it’s not Germany but West Germany and in the second panel it’s “an astronaut”. That said, how odd that the two sisters bottles end up getting picked up by two people who loved the same show.
@Robert – it’s hard for people to remember that for a period of just over 40 years there was an “East” and “West” Germany. Most people these days have gotten so used to it just being “Germany” and take it for granted.
@Raven: Well, at the time (particularly in the ’70s, after syndication) it was a very popular and widely-watched show. It probably would have been hard to find anyone who hadn’t seen it, at least once.
Yeah, ’72-’75 was about the height of the IDoJ craze. Not sure how much it was in Germany, though. The ’70s was still very much an era of “our TV” and “their TV” and never the twain shall meet. It took about 5 years for a show to be converted from NTSC to PAL in those days, and possibly an additional year or two to be dubbed into German, if they didn’t do those simultaneously. I thought for a moment that perhaps they had caught it from a US Military broadcast network, but there’s no US Airbase near Berchtesgaden.
Although it’s rather late for an answer:
„Bezaubernde Jeannie“ (“Enchanting Jeannie”, its German title) started in 1967 in (West) Germany and had a viewer quota of about 48%, so, yes, it was (is) well known over here.
Well, at least she ain’t Hitler’s daughter. But why would her bottle be near Berchtesgaden? Hitler’s supposed to die in Berlin.
So I guess next week we find out who found Jehane’s bottle, and maybe how long she was stuck in it. Jehane could have been stuck in her bottle until after our Jeanie became a genie, meaning she wouldn’t know anything that’s happened since 1972.
Tom, it doesn’t matter where Hitler died – what matters is where Evie’s bottle got left after she was stripped of her powers.
Berchtesgaden is in Bavaria – Hitler had a house near Berchtesgaden, in the Obersalzberg area, that he spent a lot of time in, and it would make complete sense that the bottle might have gotten left there. The house, along with all the other Nazi buildings, was demolished after the war, but the bottle, likely due to being being magical, survived, waiting for a new occupant.
No Nazis, but the Soviet-ruled Eastern Block was right there on the border. This whole situation makes me more than a little nervous, given the girl’s apparent age. (Note that the Arabic host culture for genies approves of wives as young as nine.)
This isn’t just guys, we’re talking about… this is JEAN.
Jean would have had a mental picture of an ‘IDoJ’-type genie with huge breasts – so after being transformed, that’s what he wound up with. Jehane had no such fantasies – and so got a much more average figure.
“Jehane”, by the way, is actually of French derivation, and is more typically spelled with two ‘N’s.
Nobody leaving those genie bottle or totems around to trap innocent people into being becoming Genie’s. When ever a Genie dies or is striped of his or her power or generally isn’t operational to perform there duties as the Genie more of the bottle, Lamp or totem, then basically a sign go up, Looking for new Genie or occupant to take possessing of the bottle, Lamp or totem and be the new Genie.
Eve lost her powers or right to be Genie about 1945 and so we have an empty bottle that current girl that look like Jeanie, was the one that transformed Nein into a Genie.
Barbra Eden or Ray empty bottle or Genie bottle is the one that got Jean and transformed her into Jeanie.
Are there any other Genie that have also lost there bottle, because, they either died or were striped of there power or generally cease being a Genie. Don’t know, but, there could be.
How ever, we see a new Genie Bottle. We know one of two things is going to happen. The first person to open the bottle will either be Master of Genie of the bottle or they will be the Genie of that bottle if there not a Genie in the bottle already.
Like Larry said, I don’t think anyone is just placing them in any old place for the sake of capturing people. However, I’m not happy about the thought that when a genie vessel becomes vacant, that it would just be neglected or left out in the open where anyone could get a hold of it and just be converted like that. Much like an arms holder leaving out their weapons where anyone can take or use them. The genies’ sense of responsibility towards managing these vessels is disturbingly apathetic.
Well, you never know; genies might consider being genie-fied as the best thing that could possibly happen to a human. So it’s not like weapons, but more like leaving winning lottery tickets laying around.
Which makes me wonder: What if an empty bottle gets dropped in, say, Africa, and a curious chimpanzee opens it? Do you get a ChimpanGenie?
Except its not necessarily a lottery winner if you don’t want magic powers, like your life, are a typical guy turned into a girl. I’m beginning to understand why witches don’t really like genies.
To quote Guano .. it’s not the Middle Ages. The only thing demanded is that she grants three wishes… as long as Neil doesn’t use the last wish she’s free to do whatever- and use her power to perform other acts she wants…
Though this does depend on where her bottle is and who has it. She’s a slave to her bottle more then anything else and the code of genie rules…
I don’t think genies see it as slavery but as a service to humanity’s desires?
If it is supposed to be a service in their viewpoint, then who had set that up in this matter in the first place? Why did they decide to do this and for mortals that they (genies) see themselves superior overall?
Humans have free will… this is not just me saying it’s been established as a power humans have against genie magic. In reverse that means to not be human means Not having free will in all things. One you are a being outside the mortal cycle, rules exist in what you may or may not do.. ordained, if we look at it philosophically. Genies follow Haji’s will… otherwise they can not be genies…
It’s possible such a genie would be returned to mortality but Jeannie would still be a girl. It’s not a way out of her situation unless she was happy with that outcome.
The problem is we’ve already seen Jeanie has lost things due to this transformation. Her home was no longer hers as soon as she was transformed instead she was expected to go live with her new master. She only got round that by using magic to move his apartment into her old one. So she’s still living with him but after those 3 wishes her choices where either stay with her master or move on no option to keep living her old life. Same in the current arc she was just grabbed and told what she was going to be doing and as a “reward” if Haji choose her she’d get to be his new wife. No mention there on whether she’d actually want that.
Power has a price. It -is- bad that she doesn’t get given a choice in the matter… maybe it is seen as a reward. Jeanie will feel no pain, no sufferings of age, discomfort, the ability to see and experience the full story of humanity in the centuries. Keeping posessions just seems like baggage. She can create any ‘possession’ she desires, have want and need of nothing… even her own appearance can be adjusted with practice.
There are drawbacks … huge ones… but there are a ton of perks too. As for Haji… I don’t get the impression he would ‘hurt’ the genies that must serve him. Perhaps he’s as much part of the system then running it… we just have to wait and see.
‘Obey’ isn’t quite right. They ‘must’ grant wishes, but the how is up to them. I’m not even sure they have a ‘no kill’ rule at the moment… so the power is pretty much with the genie… I think.
It looks like one must be ‘thinking’ about genies when holding such a totem or at least be aware of the concept of one… or maybe have a sufficient level of understanding and/or imagination. Haji probably senses the creation of new genies to accept them too.
I get a destiny vibe. They probably have an idea somone suitable will touch a bottle at a particular place.
On the other hand they have a “master”, jeanie had to grant him 3 wishes and then either leave or choose to stay with her master at reduced power she didn’t get a choice to carry on her old life. Her attempts to do so have in fact got her threatened with shape up or we will seal you away forever. This being when we KNOW they can strip a genie of their powers and make her human. Sure Jeanie would still be a girl but that option has never been given to her its just been “You are going to behave like a proper female genie now or you are going to get locked way for all eternity”. I’m also pretty sure I’ve seen several strips where its made pretty clear she’s even now expected to be taking care of Neil rather than her own interests. Slavery is a pretty close definition.
Fearless Ferret, the certain Greek fishing boat captain that your referring to, I have absolutely no sympathy for him or should I say her. Instead of taking his three wishes and going and leaving Jeanie alone, he wanted to force her against her will to be stuck with him by making a wish that would forever bound Jeanie through married to him and having a child by him.
That Jerk, got exactly what he deserved! He wanted something that wasn’t his to have.
It occurs to me that if Aurik never came back to look for Jehane and she’s been stuck in that bottle for 40-odd years, once Jehane gets some free time, expressing her “appreciation to” Aurik might be first on her to-do list. Our Jeanie could give Jehane some helpful suggestions.
Well he would be in his 50’s and most likely has a wife and grown kids.
Also on first seeing her the first question would be – Who are you? – followed by – Are you some kind of Barbara Eden Cosplay Fan? – or possibly – Lies, she would have been my age. or some such – all in German most likely but a whole lot can change in 40 years.
Most parents would punish their children for watching TV. Given how TV addiction is very real, it’s hardly paranoia. (There’s a reason the word ‘couch potato’ has entered our language.).
Wait, what? Most parents would punish their children for watching TV? Like, any TV?!
Did you grow up in a severely repressive household or something? I consider my parents to have been particularly strict, but my sister and I still got to watch an hour of TV a day when we were kids. Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers were my go-to shows for that hour.
Being punished for watching TV sounds completely ludicrous.
When I was growing up, TV was the New Hotness. Watching the TV was a family activity. of course, we only had three channels, so deciding what to watch wasn’t that big a deal. (Of course, IDOJ was in the rotation.)
I predicted that several pages ago, not that Jeannie II used to be a German girl, but that it would be quite obvious that many would have a similar origin story.
The cat djin-lord said it himself a long time ago “you wont believe how many blue genies we have running around thanks to Aladdin”
Better yet, let Jeanie II be the long lost twin sister of Jean separated at birth because they were orphans. They would obviously be fraternal twin and not identical twin, in that one started off as a guy and the other started off as a girl. But, you would not be able to tell the difference now. So they were adopted out to different families. One in Germany and one in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Yes, they knew about each other or at least heard stories about the other one and wanted to meet each other and now they have.
It would also give us some back history on Jean and make a family connection to the other girl that look like Jeanie. It could also be the foundation for another Arc in the Jeanie Bottle Series too.
Except that this scene is set in 1972 and Jean probably wasn’t born until the late 80’s early 90’s.
Though Aurik could end up being Jean’s father so Jeanie II may want some revenge for being left in the bottle.
You should read, CD Rudds other. Comic. A guy turned girl has a long lost twin sister who looks exactly like the gender changed main character Bay
oohh.. NOW i get it. Jehane, Jeannie II.
It look like Nein was always a girl too. It look like that guy might actually be her boyfriend too, in addition to becoming her Master also.
I dunno… these two are clearly children. I find it unlikely that either is old enough for a “boyfriend”-type relationship.
And he also doesn’t seem likely to know what happened to Jehane, since he was in a hurry to keep moving. He may not have been looking her way when she got poofed into the bottle. It’s entirely possible that she’ll be trapped in there until someone randomly comes across it again… 🙁
1, ‘Nein” is German for “no”. and 2, Aurik is the guy, Jehane is the girl-turned-genie.
Well… you’re the author, Rob, so what you say goes but kids get into the boyfriend/girlfriend thing as early as 8 though often they hardly know what it means, and into the while sexual awareness thing as early as 14. (No pedo, GG)
Uh, CD Rudd is the author. Robert has another role.
Well, that explains why she speaks german….
That doesn’t explain why she said “nein” in response to a question in English. I don’t speak French very well, but if someone walked up to me and asked a question in French which I actually knew the answer to, and the answer was “yes”, I wouldn’t say “yes”, I’d say “oui”.
So why would she say “nein” in response to a question that was asked in English? Either she knows English and knows to say “no” or she shouldn’t have understood the question.
I had a holiday in Mexico when someone approached me and in English asked if I spoke English (English is my first language). Without even thinking about it my response was “Si”. They just gave me a funny look and walked away. 🙂
@ Fearless Ferret – Been there done that. When speaking a foreign language long enough (French, Spanish, or Japanese), it’s like my English linguistics database gets put into cold storage and takes awhile to reload. Not usually fast enough to catch the next thing that comes out of my mind.
I took it as a sarcastic response to a stupid question. Jean knows perfectly well, that Barbara Eden is way too old to look like that, and since Jean herself (himself?) became young, blonde and female, then obviously it’s possible that the same thing might have happened to someone else.
Besides, most educated people, even if they don’t speak a foreign language, can interpret Yes and No from context. And I would expect Jean to have heard “Nein” before, if nothing else, from watching Hogan’s Heros.
@Kattgirl: Jean’s expression in that panel doesn’t show sarcasm, it shows wide-eyed recognition. Jean’s had more than enough time to at least notice she has much bigger bazongas than Barbara Eden ever had–and Jehane’s are 1965-vintage Barbara Eden-sized. Jean may have been thinking that the real Barbara Eden opened an empty genie bottle.
It may also be of note that Cincinatti, Ohio, where Jean is supposed to be from, was founded by Germans and that schools there taught in German until World War I. And isn’t “Nessman” a German name?
Those things really need to come with a great big label saying, “WARNING! Vacant Genie Bottle! Opening this vessel will transform you into a genie!”. Or an age limit of who can get djinnfied by those things.
Why would the elder genies do that? They want more genies. Who cares if insignificant mortals are inconvenienced? They should be grateful!
Or at least an internal release lever on the bottle stopper…
If you carefully examine the second ring from the bottom of the bottle you will find just such a warning – little tiny letter. They had to make the lettering small to include the warning in 78 languages.
My guess is, the bottle doesn’t capture anyone who is not suitable to be a genie, for whatever reasons. We’ll see, I guess.
I on the other hand suspect it just grabs any poor soul to touch it as the genies have made it quite clear they don’t actually care about humans only their own laws and traditions. Young, old, male, female, recently married who cares your a genie now so grant your wishes, learn the rules and stop griping about being a girl who’s essentially property. Look at the way all Jean’s possesions were now longer his when he got changed.
Quite the coincidence there huh?
Not to nitpick but it’s not Germany but West Germany and in the second panel it’s “an astronaut”. That said, how odd that the two sisters bottles end up getting picked up by two people who loved the same show.
They’re kids. They can’t be expected to speak with perfect grammar. Even in German.
I’ll fix the West Germany thing, though.
Oh, uh, Robert – a typo: In Panel 3, “Berhorf” should be “Berghof”.
Whoops, that’s not even CD’s error. I rewrote that line to fix a different typo, and accidentally changed that word.
Yea! I don’t suck! 😀
@Robert – it’s hard for people to remember that for a period of just over 40 years there was an “East” and “West” Germany. Most people these days have gotten so used to it just being “Germany” and take it for granted.
@Raven: Well, at the time (particularly in the ’70s, after syndication) it was a very popular and widely-watched show. It probably would have been hard to find anyone who hadn’t seen it, at least once.
Yeah, ’72-’75 was about the height of the IDoJ craze. Not sure how much it was in Germany, though. The ’70s was still very much an era of “our TV” and “their TV” and never the twain shall meet. It took about 5 years for a show to be converted from NTSC to PAL in those days, and possibly an additional year or two to be dubbed into German, if they didn’t do those simultaneously. I thought for a moment that perhaps they had caught it from a US Military broadcast network, but there’s no US Airbase near Berchtesgaden.
I can testify that McMillan and Wife was big on Spanish TV in 1975, because I was there.
Although it’s rather late for an answer:
„Bezaubernde Jeannie“ (“Enchanting Jeannie”, its German title) started in 1967 in (West) Germany and had a viewer quota of about 48%, so, yes, it was (is) well known over here.
Well, at least she ain’t Hitler’s daughter. But why would her bottle be near Berchtesgaden? Hitler’s supposed to die in Berlin.
So I guess next week we find out who found Jehane’s bottle, and maybe how long she was stuck in it. Jehane could have been stuck in her bottle until after our Jeanie became a genie, meaning she wouldn’t know anything that’s happened since 1972.
Tom, it doesn’t matter where Hitler died – what matters is where Evie’s bottle got left after she was stripped of her powers.
Berchtesgaden is in Bavaria – Hitler had a house near Berchtesgaden, in the Obersalzberg area, that he spent a lot of time in, and it would make complete sense that the bottle might have gotten left there. The house, along with all the other Nazi buildings, was demolished after the war, but the bottle, likely due to being being magical, survived, waiting for a new occupant.
Also, Berghof is where Eva Braun spent most of her time. She would have kept her bottle there.
BTW, although the area was mostly rolling farmland when Hitler took it over it HAS become a nicely forested place now.
“Eva”‘s powers were obviously taken away before they wound up in Berlin…
Poor kid. 🙁
On the upside: no Nazis with genie powers!
No Nazis, but the Soviet-ruled Eastern Block was right there on the border. This whole situation makes me more than a little nervous, given the girl’s apparent age. (Note that the Arabic host culture for genies approves of wives as young as nine.)
Ha! She was a woman to begin with. I called it!
The cup size was the tip-off.
Oh, I get it. Guys want boobs as big as they can get ’em.
This isn’t just guys, we’re talking about… this is JEAN.
Jean would have had a mental picture of an ‘IDoJ’-type genie with huge breasts – so after being transformed, that’s what he wound up with. Jehane had no such fantasies – and so got a much more average figure.
“Jehane”, by the way, is actually of French derivation, and is more typically spelled with two ‘N’s.
@Kattgirl: Jehane (or Jihan, etc) can also be an Arabic name. Genie ancestor?
Berchtesgaden? Berghof? So this is Eva’s bottle she’s found.
Most likely. And note the similarity of the design to that of her sister’s (Rouyaa’s) bottle. Araceli’s is very different.
Actually there were a lot of identical bottles in Haji’s vault.
I thought that was an interesting detail of Jehain carrying a jump rope through the woods.
Hm.. she was a mortal kid… but has 40 years experience compared to Jean then.
So who’s leaving all these genie conversion bottles around to trap the unsuspecting?
Nobody leaving those genie bottle or totems around to trap innocent people into being becoming Genie’s. When ever a Genie dies or is striped of his or her power or generally isn’t operational to perform there duties as the Genie more of the bottle, Lamp or totem, then basically a sign go up, Looking for new Genie or occupant to take possessing of the bottle, Lamp or totem and be the new Genie.
Eve lost her powers or right to be Genie about 1945 and so we have an empty bottle that current girl that look like Jeanie, was the one that transformed Nein into a Genie.
Barbra Eden or Ray empty bottle or Genie bottle is the one that got Jean and transformed her into Jeanie.
Are there any other Genie that have also lost there bottle, because, they either died or were striped of there power or generally cease being a Genie. Don’t know, but, there could be.
How ever, we see a new Genie Bottle. We know one of two things is going to happen. The first person to open the bottle will either be Master of Genie of the bottle or they will be the Genie of that bottle if there not a Genie in the bottle already.
Like Larry said, I don’t think anyone is just placing them in any old place for the sake of capturing people. However, I’m not happy about the thought that when a genie vessel becomes vacant, that it would just be neglected or left out in the open where anyone could get a hold of it and just be converted like that. Much like an arms holder leaving out their weapons where anyone can take or use them. The genies’ sense of responsibility towards managing these vessels is disturbingly apathetic.
Well, you never know; genies might consider being genie-fied as the best thing that could possibly happen to a human. So it’s not like weapons, but more like leaving winning lottery tickets laying around.
Which makes me wonder: What if an empty bottle gets dropped in, say, Africa, and a curious chimpanzee opens it? Do you get a ChimpanGenie?
Except its not necessarily a lottery winner if you don’t want magic powers, like your life, are a typical guy turned into a girl. I’m beginning to understand why witches don’t really like genies.
To quote Guano .. it’s not the Middle Ages. The only thing demanded is that she grants three wishes… as long as Neil doesn’t use the last wish she’s free to do whatever- and use her power to perform other acts she wants…
Though this does depend on where her bottle is and who has it. She’s a slave to her bottle more then anything else and the code of genie rules…
I don’t think genies see it as slavery but as a service to humanity’s desires?
If it is supposed to be a service in their viewpoint, then who had set that up in this matter in the first place? Why did they decide to do this and for mortals that they (genies) see themselves superior overall?
Humans have free will… this is not just me saying it’s been established as a power humans have against genie magic. In reverse that means to not be human means Not having free will in all things. One you are a being outside the mortal cycle, rules exist in what you may or may not do.. ordained, if we look at it philosophically. Genies follow Haji’s will… otherwise they can not be genies…
It’s possible such a genie would be returned to mortality but Jeannie would still be a girl. It’s not a way out of her situation unless she was happy with that outcome.
The problem is we’ve already seen Jeanie has lost things due to this transformation. Her home was no longer hers as soon as she was transformed instead she was expected to go live with her new master. She only got round that by using magic to move his apartment into her old one. So she’s still living with him but after those 3 wishes her choices where either stay with her master or move on no option to keep living her old life. Same in the current arc she was just grabbed and told what she was going to be doing and as a “reward” if Haji choose her she’d get to be his new wife. No mention there on whether she’d actually want that.
Power has a price. It -is- bad that she doesn’t get given a choice in the matter… maybe it is seen as a reward. Jeanie will feel no pain, no sufferings of age, discomfort, the ability to see and experience the full story of humanity in the centuries. Keeping posessions just seems like baggage. She can create any ‘possession’ she desires, have want and need of nothing… even her own appearance can be adjusted with practice.
There are drawbacks … huge ones… but there are a ton of perks too. As for Haji… I don’t get the impression he would ‘hurt’ the genies that must serve him. Perhaps he’s as much part of the system then running it… we just have to wait and see.
More like a cross between landmines and automated slaver systems. Boom you are now a Geanie and must obey – sounds like slavery to me.
Somehow, I don’t think Jean ever got the memo about that “obey” part.
‘Obey’ isn’t quite right. They ‘must’ grant wishes, but the how is up to them. I’m not even sure they have a ‘no kill’ rule at the moment… so the power is pretty much with the genie… I think.
It looks like one must be ‘thinking’ about genies when holding such a totem or at least be aware of the concept of one… or maybe have a sufficient level of understanding and/or imagination. Haji probably senses the creation of new genies to accept them too.
I get a destiny vibe. They probably have an idea somone suitable will touch a bottle at a particular place.
On the other hand they have a “master”, jeanie had to grant him 3 wishes and then either leave or choose to stay with her master at reduced power she didn’t get a choice to carry on her old life. Her attempts to do so have in fact got her threatened with shape up or we will seal you away forever. This being when we KNOW they can strip a genie of their powers and make her human. Sure Jeanie would still be a girl but that option has never been given to her its just been “You are going to behave like a proper female genie now or you are going to get locked way for all eternity”. I’m also pretty sure I’ve seen several strips where its made pretty clear she’s even now expected to be taking care of Neil rather than her own interests. Slavery is a pretty close definition.
” but the how is up to them”
There is a certain Greek fishing boat captain that would agree with you completely.
Fearless Ferret, the certain Greek fishing boat captain that your referring to, I have absolutely no sympathy for him or should I say her. Instead of taking his three wishes and going and leaving Jeanie alone, he wanted to force her against her will to be stuck with him by making a wish that would forever bound Jeanie through married to him and having a child by him.
That Jerk, got exactly what he deserved! He wanted something that wasn’t his to have.
I wonder if she’s been stuck in there ever since and has only now come out…
Once the party ends, back in the bottle
It occurs to me that if Aurik never came back to look for Jehane and she’s been stuck in that bottle for 40-odd years, once Jehane gets some free time, expressing her “appreciation to” Aurik might be first on her to-do list. Our Jeanie could give Jehane some helpful suggestions.
Well he would be in his 50’s and most likely has a wife and grown kids.
Also on first seeing her the first question would be – Who are you? – followed by – Are you some kind of Barbara Eden Cosplay Fan? – or possibly – Lies, she would have been my age. or some such – all in German most likely but a whole lot can change in 40 years.
By the way, nice genie-above-the-logo. Very Elvira-ish.
Hehe, I also like how the title of the comic is now “I Dream of a Jeanie
BottlePumpkin”.Sooo, is the banner gonna actually have Jeanie turned into a pumpkin/jack-o-lantern later?
That would be hilarious.
Anyone else notice it happened to her despite wearing gloves?
Also.. why was she sealed instantly? Jeannie changed without getting bottled up. In fact her bottle had no top for a while…
Possibly the reason she got sealed was precisely because there was a plug with this bottle?
Most parents would punish their children for watching TV. Given how TV addiction is very real, it’s hardly paranoia. (There’s a reason the word ‘couch potato’ has entered our language.).
Wait, what? Most parents would punish their children for watching TV? Like, any TV?!
Did you grow up in a severely repressive household or something? I consider my parents to have been particularly strict, but my sister and I still got to watch an hour of TV a day when we were kids. Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers were my go-to shows for that hour.
Being punished for watching TV sounds completely ludicrous.
When I was growing up, TV was the New Hotness. Watching the TV was a family activity. of course, we only had three channels, so deciding what to watch wasn’t that big a deal. (Of course, IDOJ was in the rotation.)
I predicted that several pages ago, not that Jeannie II used to be a German girl, but that it would be quite obvious that many would have a similar origin story.
The cat djin-lord said it himself a long time ago “you wont believe how many blue genies we have running around thanks to Aladdin”
I forgot about that!
It makes so much sense now, to have this duplicate genie!
They could be brother and sister.
I really hope we get a jeannie who looks and acts like Jeannie’s sister.
Me too. It would be so cute
Better yet, let Jeanie II be the long lost twin sister of Jean separated at birth because they were orphans. They would obviously be fraternal twin and not identical twin, in that one started off as a guy and the other started off as a girl. But, you would not be able to tell the difference now. So they were adopted out to different families. One in Germany and one in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Yes, they knew about each other or at least heard stories about the other one and wanted to meet each other and now they have.
It would also give us some back history on Jean and make a family connection to the other girl that look like Jeanie. It could also be the foundation for another Arc in the Jeanie Bottle Series too.
Except that this scene is set in 1972 and Jean probably wasn’t born until the late 80’s early 90’s.
Though Aurik could end up being Jean’s father so Jeanie II may want some revenge for being left in the bottle.
You should read, CD Rudds other. Comic. A guy turned girl has a long lost twin sister who looks exactly like the gender changed main character Bay
Those things are dangerous.