Jeanie Bottle 451
The long awaited meeting. Robert’s busy, so corrections may be a little delayed.
EDIT: Robert here. Corrections applied!
The long awaited meeting. Robert’s busy, so corrections may be a little delayed.
EDIT: Robert here. Corrections applied!
And something tells me that Eva made it out of that bunker…
i don’t think it is her.. but Eva’s bottle could have trapped a person the way Jean was. if it occurred after the TV show aired, the person might even have been stuck in the same form.
Agreed. That seems like the best explanation.
Well, let’s see. When Eva lost her powers, she was in the bunker with Hit…no….no…that wouldn’t explain why she’d look like Barbara Eden. It’s got to be some german schmoe from the 60s, 70s, or 80s.
1, I’m surprised Jeann(ie) actually REMEMBERED Araceli’s name. 2, Jeannie II is German? 3, I don’t see any mistakes so far. and 4, I need to get my eyes checked.. I’m seeing double.
No, your not seeing double. We have two women that used Barbra Eden as there model for what a Genie should look like. The only thing we don’t know yet is, if they were both men or if one of them was a women, before they became Genie. That still to be determined in the future, which could have some very interesting twist and turns in it.
Wow. To a grammar Nazi, you’re basically a defenseless Poland.
I have a thought it’s not a good one
Yea, I hope CD doesn’t go there.
I have a thought that *is* a good one, and I hope he *does* go there… those two could keep us entertained for months, albeit without advancing the plot…
Would that involve some narcissism, I’d like to see that ๐
Good to see you back in action, CD! Hope that the hand is still working as normal.
You know, looking at them side-by-side, I think I like Jeanie’s hair better hanging free instead of being in a pony tail.
What, you’re not going to say anything about the one on the right having bigger boobs?
Does she? Or are they just more exposed?
@Robert: Yeah. Definitely bigger, about two cup sizes, at least.
Wait, am I missing something? Why is there more Jeanie?
Well, you see, CD didn’t post last week, so he’s making up for it by posting double the Jeanie this week.
When Jeanie first arrived in Haji’s Palace, it was revealed that another genie in the room looked almost exactly like her. This is their first conversation.
I have an alternative theory of who Jeanie’s doppelganger is: Evie’s daughter. And that would mean her dad was…
Tom, the only problem with that is that that would mean that she was born BEFORE 1945. Making her too young to come out being a Barbara Eden look-alike from the TV show.
More likely, it’s someone who got transformed some time in the 1960s, in Germany, by Eevie’s bottle. And if my guess is right, was probably a woman to begin with.
Genies don’t age like humans. Half genies? CD hasn’t told us yet. Clearly Araceli does want to have kids with Neil, though, so eventually we may find out. Whoever she is, she identifies as German.
If she is Eevi, maybe the Blue Djinn restored her powers. If she’s Eevi’s daughter, the Blue Djinn could have recruited her by promising revenge against Haji for what he did to her mother.
But Tom, my point is that if she’s Evie, or Evie’s daughter, then why would she look like a character from a 1960s TV show? The only reason we’ve been given for that, is that transformed genies look like whatever they envision a genie as looking like. So if she looks like an IDoJ genie, it’s likely because she was transformed some time after 1965, not born a genie in the 1940s.
And Kazom seemed pretty sure that Evie died. Not that he couldn’t be wrong, but it seems more likely that her bottle got left behind, waiting to transform someone into a new occupant.
Let’s turn this around: In this webcomic, Sidney Sheldon cast Barbara Eden because she looked like Rouyah, and Rouyah and Eevi look like, well, sisters. Plus, we’ve never really seen Eevi, only Jean’s mental image of Eevi when Kazom told Jean about her.
I’m not giving up on this one yet because having the German genie being Eevi or Eevi’s daughter gives her a reason to be plotting against Haji with the Blue Djinn and a great reason to try to enlist Jean into the conspiracy. And if she isn’t a real baddie, the daughter would find a kindred soul in Jean in their evaluation of Haji’s rule.
Why couldn’t she have been transformed when she was 25? or 30? or 50? Plenty of time for her to have IDoJ and thought that’s what genies are.
I’m seeing double…oh gheesh too much cough syrup …..sigh
Ok just noticed something…its says 451….is it that many all ready…congrats on making JB go this far….a lot of web comics fold way way before that.
Yup, there are in fact 451 pages/strips of I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle! I hope CD does something big for the 500 milestone, though we’ve got almost a year to go before that happens.
Though even 500 pages would not be CD’s longest comic. has 1120!
Yeah its a pretty awesome accomplishment at 450 plus..:)
He didn’t mention anything about this benchmark.
I remember when this comic was just a throwaway gag on The Wotch forums. It’s easily become my favorite because it doesn’t shy away from consequences, mental changes, etc.
Lets hope we don’t have any book (comic) burning ala Fahrenheit 451
Groรer Gott! Sie ist Deutsch! Jetzt ist dieses gonna be interessant!
(Translation: Good God! She’s German! Now THIS is going to be interesting!)
Does anyone else notice that the Jeannie-Doppleganger appears to be maybe two cup sizes smaller? Maybe she was born a woman, rather than being a transformed man.
I think you meant / google translate should have said: “Jetzt wird es aber interessant!”
As for apparent cupsize, remember the difference in attire. ๐
That’s a little more formal way of saying it. My German is more Bavarian, so I tend to phrase things differently.
I’m making a different sort of deduction. Remember that transformed genies look like what they think a genie is supposed to look like – and Jean, being… well, Jean, naturally pictured a genie as having Hoiz vor da Hรผttn (i.e., a bodacious pair of gazongas.) Whereas a woman would have probably had a more realistic picture in mind. Which would account for why Jeannie #2 is less… disproportionate.
Anyway, that’s my crackpot theory of the week.
@Kattgirl: You mean, you’re holding back the rest of your crackpot theories from us? For shame!
@Tom: Hey, I’m doing a public service. People can only handle so much crackpottiness at a time. You gotta parcel it out a bit at a time. ๐
Not _all_ corrections; “Barbara” is still misspelled
Ooh – good catch!
omg you’re kidding. I couldn’t decide on whether to put an “e” or an “a” there, and I picked wrong, lol
Oh dear.
Well, if she was, that’d be awesome. (Good luck with your hand.)
Whoever this is, I really but really hope it isn’t some Nazi who picked up Eva’s totem after she was sentenced….
Probably not. Because, if she looks like that, it would mean she was transformed some time after at least 1965. So, not many people would still be identifying themselves as Nazis (even if they had been during the WWII period.)
Besides, most ordinary people in Germany during the war just went along with the Nazi thing, simply because the potential consequences for not doing so could include a trip on a cattle car.
Oh, that might be even better. Nazi war criminal incarcerated for life, getting his hands on eva’s totem in the 1965 after watching the Jeanie in the bottle TV Series. Oh, I love the idea!
I like Jeanie’s new top. Can she keep it?
In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s opaque!
Now I’ve got eye strain. Glad to have you back CD. Take it easy with the hand for a while.
I don’t. Breasts should properly be gift-wrapped, not just trussed up with a nondescript scrap of cloth.
Seconded. ๐
I’m wondering if Jean’s bottle is a cursed bottle and that anyone that opens it becomes a blonde Jeanie like Jean did?
If you go back to the beginning at the first one to about six pages of this series, you will clearly see that Jean became a blond female genie, because, he was thinking of Barbra Eden and her role in I Dream of Jeanie role. He was thinking Barbra Eden as the ideal genie and thinking of doing her sexually when he opened Genie Bottle or Totem and was turned into a Female Blond Genie.
Later in the series of Jeanie Bottle, Kazom the former Genie Lord, informs both Jeanie and us, that what ever form your transformed into when you first become a Genie will become your core being and it will never change. But, over time, you can change your appearance of your form. Like she can appear to be man or look like her old man some time in the future, once she become experienced enough and want to exert enough force or energy to hold that appearance of being a man. But, her core being will always be a female blond genie if she relackes, she will revert back to her core being of being a female blond genie. Basically, being a female blond Genie is who she is now, whether she like it or not.
It occurs to me that we haven’t seen any of the blue genies that Kazom mentioned.
Maybe they’re in another room.
Nope, they’re guarding the palace because they’re all guys who talk like Robin Williams.
EDITED: oh nevermind, recalled incorrectly.
Well based on how Jean got the core form that she now have, it is logical that someone else thinking the same would get the same result.
We’re definitely going to find out what the fuck is going on… any day now…
Also, that metal thing on Jean’s arm looks like two testicles wrapped around each other…
My guess would be a torc, very fashionable in Gaul when Julius Caesar conquered it and still in fashion with Vikings a thousand years later.
To be considered a proper torc, it’s usually worn around the neck, Tom. What she has is more of an armlet. Typically made of bronze, which has a springy quality that lends itself to such applications.
Oh, got an idea. Jeanie 2 or Nein is going to be like a sister spirit or be like a twin sister to Jeanie. An evil twin sister that is. If that happens, Poor Neil! Because, going to be on the receiving end of this business and he has no Genie powers to protect himself, except for what Jeanie can or will do.
There so many ways this could turn out for good, the bad or ugly.
Jeanie, (Barbara Eden), twin sister, had black hair, in the tv show.
Jeannie’s sister in the show also had a green costume, with a skirt instead of harem pants.
Sorry about the grammar, I have problems with my “,’s”.
I still find it odd that you drew them as a uniboob – Jeanie II looks like she has more cause of that.
Ha ha! They don’t talk to each other until one of them is wearing a different outfit so we can tell them apart!
I’m going to throw one possibility. The genie might not be German but her bottle is being held by someone who speaks German? Remember what happened to Jeannie when Greek sailors had her ‘new’ totem… she could only speak Greek.
Though this was only on the mortal plane… still… I think it’s worth considering. I highly doubt all genies around the world speak English.. maybe there’s some blanket translator working?
I wonder if Jeanie will do a poof to swap outfits ๐
I have a feeling that genies can speak any language that they want to. (Because, magic…)
I wonder if there are any more IDOJ Jeannies out there, and if so how many?
If the other Jeannie was originally a woman she’d obviously have a much easier time adjusting to her new role.
Depends on her personality and how she was brought up.
I doubt very many people would just up and accept being shanghaied for life and loose everything they had before.
At the very least, she wouldn’t have nearly as much of an issue with being a woman, as Jean does.
I do like Jeannie’s marshmallow skirt. Maybe later they’ll pick them off and make s’mores.