That would be really bad, since she actually slept with Neil disguised as Jean. Hmm, on second thought that could be a chaotic and comedic development as she puts two and two together after learning.
If the comic stays true to the TV show, Belle = Dr. Bellows, so is destined to remain clueless about Jeanie’s identity. She hasn’t played as big a role in the comic as Dr. Bellows did in the TV show though, so who knows.
Yeah – I was actually anticipating that the frames with Jeannie in them would simply turn out to be totally blank, but a fake lens flare is a bit less obvious.
Since Belle is apparently subscribed to the website, she’s clearly aware of Jean’s womanizing ways. Jean’s “engagement” to Jeannie would be the big shock–either the engagement or the claim that Jeannie is Jean’s first-cousin must be false.
Two possibilities come from this. Either A) The moderator approved the post in the few seconds between last week’s and this weeks, or B) Belle IS the moderator, which could possibly mean her “dating” of Jean was a ruse to get more dirt on him. I’m hoping this isn’t true because it’s going to make Belle into a bit of a evil b*tch.
I think it’s more likely that Belle is aware that Jean is a player. Probably why she was quick to assume he had left her. That’s pretty much why the whole “Jeanie tunes Neil into Jean ” thing happened in the first place.
Hokay, there are two errors in the little cast box in the upper left: The picture shows the male Agent Anderson, and it lists Belle’s first appearance as #265. Belle’s first appearance was in #15.
@Tom: The “First Appearance” statistic is based on the comic comic where the character was first placed on the Characters list. We didn’t start using the Characters list feature until fairly recently, so older comics don’t have anyone listed.
We’ve been meaning to go back and correct that, but it’s a lot of manual work. >_<
But, we don’t know how much time has passed since the last comic. The article could have been approved by then…
I don’t think Belle is the moderator. It looks more like she is a subscriber and got a new posting ping.
I could be wrong though, but it would be kind of a weird stretch for her to be running that site as his current girlfriend. Especially when it details his ex’s from before he met her. She would have had to do a lot of background work and research for that. Getting the names of his ex’s and flings, and then getting in touch with them and getting their stories. And all that other paperwork and footwork that goes along with it.
Doing all that work seems a bit much for a girlfriend to do. I can see her googling him just in case of something she should know about, and then running across the site. But she would not have had the idea for the site without talking to all those women. And if she found enough stuff to warrant a website about it, I would not see her staying with him.
Even if she is a student, becoming physically involved with a research subject would break a mess of ethics violations. I used to be a psych major so I know at least that much.
And that would still not answer how she got so much info from people who were involved with Jean well before they even met. How would she know about his philandering? I am quite sure that if she found out about it due to him cheating on her, that she would more than likely dump him instead of researching it and making that wound even worse.
And not to mention that the philanderings of a man would not give much useful information now would it?
Hurray, now Belle, who I’m guessing is slightly jealous of girls going after Jean?, will start to investigate this strange brunette named Natalie. Meaning, or so I hope, a convoluted story in which Jeanie forces Neil to be Natalie so as to save her relationship with Belle. Which sounds odd but Jeanie did set Neil up as Jean and make him go on a date with Belle to maintain Jeanie’s nigh impossible hope to return to normal and date Belle again. That all said, more Natalie time :). Maybe Belle will run off with Natalie to the mall like she did with Jeanie. By that I mean that aside from watching some soap operas and getting hit on by Rodge and some random Nerdy Engineers at Vegas Neil hasn’t seemed to be forced to confront much, I guess, woman’s stuff as Natalie. I mean hell, he kinda mentions that he hasn’t even had to deal much with getting dressed as a woman, while in Vegas, as Jeanie just poofed it into being for him. This went on longer than I intended. Regardless, I hope this leads to more Natalie time.
Belle would be quite a big hypocrite to be jealous of girls going after Jean. Every time she makes a cameo she’s with a new stud flavor of the week, she’s just a snooty, intrusive and abrasive slut. One who frequents a hate website dedicated to hurt one man. She’s probably the webmaster. She shouldn’t even be a character any more. And Jean’s no catch, but his/her best bet is to talk Neil into a lesbian relationship as Natalie. I bet it would be an easy sell, too. And Neil is a good guy. Rightfully TOO good for Jean but he’s also a beta male who hasn’t gotten any breaks in that department so it would be an improvement for all involved regardless.
Looks like that thread I mentioned last week just got cut.
Well, it could be worse. Belle isn’t showing a baby bump.
Belle’s hair is different, but I think it’s either morning hair or end-of-a-long-day hair, complementing the toothbrush in Belle’s mouth and her clothes which could be her jammies.
A baby bump? It wouldn’t be a surprise. Nor would it be surprising if the baby came out black. You’re trying to suggest she’d be pregnant because she had sex with Neil disguised as Jean, except she’s been shown hanging on some new stud’s arm every time she makes a cameo. And if you don’t believe me, read the whole comic start to finish again, I remember at least 2. Rather than having some excuse to have more of her in the comic, it would be better if she got run over by a train. I like trains.
Cameras capture the reflected light bouncing off of subject matters to create a flatten image of them. Looks like when you take a photograph of a genie, it’s like aiming at a light source or the sun; with so much light coming off from one (probably due to their magic or fiery essences).
Seems lucky that doesn’t happen with the local humans’ eyes in the comic, them being a set of biological cameras and all.
Well, with film cameras there is a sort of logic to it given that nearly all mass-produced film stock uses silver in it, and silver has known mystical properties. Purely electronic cameras however operate on a totally different principle for capturing the image.
Yes, but CMOS image sensors are based on rare doping elements like germanium, which could well have magical properties, too.
What interests me, however, is a related question. Genies may not be able to be photographed, but that says nothing about whether they can be recorded… so, did anyone pick up Jeannie’s voice while shooting video on on their iPhone?
And if so, did they post the recording… where Belle might be able to hear it? Hmmm???
Germanium is a semiconductor, like silicon and carbon: valence 4. Doping elements to create the junctions which are added to semiconductors to make crystal diodes and transistors work are either pentavalent (valence 5) or trivalent (valence 3).
Sorry, I had to say that. I was an electronics tech in the Navy.
I doubt that Belle would be able to access Homeland Security recordings; I was thinking of Agent Anderson’s *Bing! *Bing!-triggers.
I was referring to the gals at the magazine award conference possibly recording video of Jeannie and posting it on their website. The picture might not show up, but her voice might – and Belle might recognize it.
(And yes, I know how semiconductors work – I was was just trying to make a ‘magical’ connection with electronic cameras. )
Well, you know what CMOS is and I’ve forgotten. Just feeling more anal retentive a few hours ago.
BTW, I seem to be in a time warp here. Your post above is one hour and two minutes after the time here as I write this.
I hadn’t considered audio or that the camera might have a video option. I’ve had two different digital cameras but neither had these capabilities, and I have yet to get a smartphone. But speaking of video and audio, the magazine likely had some kind of official video coverage of the awards ceremony, and at least clips of that would be on their official website. And I’ve heard rumors that New York City actually has at least one television station now…
2 words: Time zones. My post above isn’t dated to the time where I am, but probably to wherever the server is. Which in turn, is different from the time wherever YOU are, producing the illusion of a post from the future.
I can only wish I had a time machine. But they’re a little expensive for my budget. (See HERE) So I’ll have to limit my time-travel to skydiving the Sun at Warp 8, for the moment.
Jeanie last name being bottle has never been determined or stated yet. So Bottle is the name that Rodge came up with so that he would not sound stupid, because, he didn’t know Jeanie last name. It was a spur of the moment of making up a last name for Jeanie.
Relationship, hell; Belle will probably put a contract out on Jean. She’s a psychologist; she probably knows where to find a sociopathic killer or two.
Now if the killer just knows that the secret is to slip Jean some crappy moonshine…
You know, the women running that website really need to get a life. Jean may be a scumbag, but this is over-the-top obsessive. Forget about him and move on, ladies. Jeez, he’s not worth it.
Agree with you that people should move on and get on down the line with there own lives. But, I have met some people who just wont let things go and they keep harping over what happened yesterday, last year or several years ago.
When I run into them, I just smile and keep going down the road and leave them to there own gripping to who ever will stay around to hear them.
Well… I could maybe see a single, static web page, saying, essentially, “watch out for this guy”. But – “Jean” news articles, constant location updates, push feeds? Good Godfrey, they’re treating him like he’s a celebrity, rather than just some garden-variety, ‘kick-em-to-the-curb’ type of guy. No WAY he was that impressive. Particularly given the poor review Belle gives him.
Actually, Jean is both a celebrity and a garden-variety ‘kick-em-to-the-curb’ type of guy too. Now, admittedly he not a movie or rock star with a big following, but, on some level and in some areas he would still be considered a celebrity of sort. Being that Magazine review critic, he still in the public eye of some people and there are some people that will follow Jean and his antics and such and will want more update on that bastard too. That just the people are, kind of like us following Jeanie Bottle and CD RUDD.
So, will Jean finally tell Belle the truth? Eventually, I think so.
But now? To paraphrase Jean’s (in)famous ancestor Jean Paul Jones Nessman, Jean has not yet begun to make things worse. Did Jean study the manual well enough to know genies can’t be photographed? No. Did Jean think that telling Neil to act more like Jean with Belle wouldn’t get Neil to act more like Jean with Belle? Of course not. Has Jean noticed yet that she created the Scarlet Avenger? Nah.
I’m not sure which site Belle is looking at in this week’s comic, but my best guess is that she’s been monitoring the site of Jean’s magazine. If they have a forum (remember that Playboy has had a forum since before there was an internet?), that could link her to the I Dream of Killing Jean Nessman site if Belle hasn’t found it already.
Whether Belle has a blue toothbrush or a blue highlighter, she’s definitely holding some papers in the first panel, and there might be a ream of paper sitting on once side of her laptop. On the other side are what could be either books or binders. Working on her dissertation, perhaps? Even if Belle is really in love with Jean, there’s still a potential Ph.D. or best-seller or both in Jean.
Either Jean or Neil should have made up excuses about why no emails or letters while Jean was in the Middle East. Does Belle really believe that story? She seems to in panel two. The new article could be either about the awards ceremony, or Jean’s revised review of that awful movie.
In Panel Four, I think Belle is reading from the IDOKJN site. Jean’s magazine wouldn’t put up crappy photos (except for crappy naked photos).
Has Belle connected “Jeannie Bottle” to Jean’s cousin Jeannie? Maybe not, since the “unexplained severe lens flare” not only obscures the image of Jeannie but messed up things next to her, such as Rodge. That clear photo with Natalie would be the one taken before Jean popped in here, when the camera finally worked.
So what’s our next exciting episode going to look like? A few possibilities:
(1) Belle calls Jeannie and demands to know the truth.
(2) Belle does not call before storming over to Jean’s apartment, suspecting Jean is already back and hoping and/or fearing to catch Jean with another woman.
(3) Agent Anderson’s laptop goes *BING! *BING!, alerting him that there’s a match between “Natalie” and “Cocoa Beach” and refers her to that one clear photo. Or, possibly, photo recognition–there would be photos of Natalie from the surveillance and the interrogation in Las Vegas, maybe even mugshots. That’s a way to get Agent Anderson back into the story even if she wasn’t the waitress here.
I don’t see 3 happening as Jeanie took all the case information when she left Agent Anderson a girl.
That would include images of Nat.
The only way i see agent Anderson involved in this is if she reads the web site hating on Jean Nessman. She has no reason to have access to that and no reason to care about some cheating scumbag she never met.
Yes, neither Agent Anderson nor Agent Allen know where the Cocoa Beach file is in Panel 4. But where did it go? If it’s the paper Rodge is holding in Panel 3, it’s kind of short. And interrogations are recorded. I don’t see any tapes, disks, or thumb drives, and it’s quite likely the recordings weren’t actually in the interrogation room. And what about the surveillance video? Yes, with her magic, Jeanie could probably erase all the records with her magic. Would Jeanie be smart enough to try? I’d say “doubtful”. And even if all the records are gone, Agent Anderson still remembers “Natalie”, and that she claimed to be from Cocoa Beach. Why else did she ask to be transferred?
Anyway, *BING! *BING! from Agent Anderson’s laptop in next week’s first panel makes for great symmetry.
Looks to me like Bell is running the web site If she is the person moderating the site.
Jean and her relationship might be a big social study for her. She also could be a really messed up chick.
It would explain why she had no problem dating other guys and why she didn’t dump his ass out right when he took off and didn’t call her for months on end.
I hope we see more of her in the comic. Jean/Jeanie as the prime mover is ok but it is good for a story to have other characters stirring the plot as well.
I agree with you on that, of having Belle in the story off and on. She would make a good Dr. Bellow of the female type. The one that always poking her nose in at the most in opportune time and then watch the other people like Jeanie, Neil and Rodge doing a fancy dance step to try and keep her in the dark as to what really going on.
It seems more likely that she is subscribed to the site not running it. There has been some time between the last comic and this one. So the new article most likely has been approved and she just got the notification.
I could be wrong, but it just seems that way to me.
What is weird is that she would know of that site and be subscribed to it. Not sure how many girls would stay with a guy if they thought he was such a bad guy to have a whole website dedicated to his philandering.
I guess she could have just been googling his name which seems to be a thing now, and ran across it. But not sure that many women would take a site like that seriously if it were run by jealous ex’s who have no life other than stalking their old boyfriends or hookups.
“Meanwhile” doesn’t always mean “at that exact same moment” but if it does, it doesn’t exclude Belle from getting her *Bing!s from other sites, such as the magazine’s web site which would be a good one for Belle to be monitoring for new info on Jean. And Belle being surprised and quite pissed at hearing about Jean’s fiancee and that brunette named Natalie doesn’t go all that well with my previous speculations that Jean might have known all along or Belle running the IDOKJN site.
On the other hand, it would be sweet if Belle has genie or witch powers to see what no one else has seen yet.
And anyway… why is she getting all worked up over this, or subscribing to this site anyway. I seem to remember her dating others guys too. Such as when she ran into Neil and Aracelli while on a date to the movies with some who she was hanging onto…
Belle getting upset about Jean, for the same reason that Jeanie/Jean is getting upset about seeing Belle going out with another guy. Both Belle and Jeanie/Jean consider each other there main partner, but, they both don’t like seeing the other one going out with someone else. They both cheat on the other one and they both get worked up when they see the other one cheating.
I’m sad the Jeanie at the top of the page is no longer looking at me anymore . She seems to be distracted by something else…
now the genie bottle smoke is animated
explains why it has Jean’s attention.
So Belle is actually Agent Anderson? Did not see that coming. π
Yeah. It appears the icons for the character tags needs some fixing. Maybe Jeanie can do it… unless she’s the reason it’s broken.
Not sure why Agent A’s Image was coming up. But it’s fixed now.
Oh shoot, is that what people were talking about? How the heck did I even make that mistake on the character list?
I hope Belle finally learns the truth. I also find it interesting that none of the photos of Jeanie actually show her.
That would be really bad, since she actually slept with Neil disguised as Jean. Hmm, on second thought that could be a chaotic and comedic development as she puts two and two together after learning.
If the comic stays true to the TV show, Belle = Dr. Bellows, so is destined to remain clueless about Jeanie’s identity. She hasn’t played as big a role in the comic as Dr. Bellows did in the TV show though, so who knows.
The picture problems are because, according to the info page, genies cannot be photographed; they simply don’t show up on film.
It is neat though that it’s showing up as a flaw in the photography as opposed to the genie simply being invisible to the camera.
Yeah – I was actually anticipating that the frames with Jeannie in them would simply turn out to be totally blank, but a fake lens flare is a bit less obvious.
Since Belle is apparently subscribed to the website, she’s clearly aware of Jean’s womanizing ways. Jean’s “engagement” to Jeannie would be the big shock–either the engagement or the claim that Jeannie is Jean’s first-cousin must be false.
Except Jeanie didn’t show up in any of the pictures, only Natalie did.
Ah, but remember: this post hasn’t appeared on the website yet. Jeanie said it wasn’t publicly visible.
I guess you didn’t read the post from X? Has Agent Anderson assumed Belle’s identity? And when did Agent Anderson recover his manhood?
Belle isn’t Agent Anderson.
Two possibilities come from this. Either A) The moderator approved the post in the few seconds between last week’s and this weeks, or B) Belle IS the moderator, which could possibly mean her “dating” of Jean was a ruse to get more dirt on him. I’m hoping this isn’t true because it’s going to make Belle into a bit of a evil b*tch.
I think it’s more likely that Belle is aware that Jean is a player. Probably why she was quick to assume he had left her. That’s pretty much why the whole “Jeanie tunes Neil into Jean ” thing happened in the first place.
Which means my comment was right, that it was waiting moderation. This is very funny indeed.
Hokay, there are two errors in the little cast box in the upper left: The picture shows the male Agent Anderson, and it lists Belle’s first appearance as #265. Belle’s first appearance was in #15.
So Belle is on the moderation duty, huh?
@Tom: The “First Appearance” statistic is based on the comic comic where the character was first placed on the Characters list. We didn’t start using the Characters list feature until fairly recently, so older comics don’t have anyone listed.
We’ve been meaning to go back and correct that, but it’s a lot of manual work. >_<
But, we don’t know how much time has passed since the last comic. The article could have been approved by then…
I don’t think Belle is the moderator. It looks more like she is a subscriber and got a new posting ping.
I could be wrong though, but it would be kind of a weird stretch for her to be running that site as his current girlfriend. Especially when it details his ex’s from before he met her. She would have had to do a lot of background work and research for that. Getting the names of his ex’s and flings, and then getting in touch with them and getting their stories. And all that other paperwork and footwork that goes along with it.
Doing all that work seems a bit much for a girlfriend to do. I can see her googling him just in case of something she should know about, and then running across the site. But she would not have had the idea for the site without talking to all those women. And if she found enough stuff to warrant a website about it, I would not see her staying with him.
Not seeing that as being too plausible.
But LeadFoot, Belle is a Psychology student. She could be doing a case study of Jean and hence have the website for her ‘research’.
Even if she is a student, becoming physically involved with a research subject would break a mess of ethics violations. I used to be a psych major so I know at least that much.
And that would still not answer how she got so much info from people who were involved with Jean well before they even met. How would she know about his philandering? I am quite sure that if she found out about it due to him cheating on her, that she would more than likely dump him instead of researching it and making that wound even worse.
And not to mention that the philanderings of a man would not give much useful information now would it?
And not that she can talk when it comes to running around…
Looks like Hurricane Belle is about to hit Cocoa Beach, Florida within this month’s forecast.
Loving her new hairstyle look by the way!
Hurray, now Belle, who I’m guessing is slightly jealous of girls going after Jean?, will start to investigate this strange brunette named Natalie. Meaning, or so I hope, a convoluted story in which Jeanie forces Neil to be Natalie so as to save her relationship with Belle. Which sounds odd but Jeanie did set Neil up as Jean and make him go on a date with Belle to maintain Jeanie’s nigh impossible hope to return to normal and date Belle again. That all said, more Natalie time :). Maybe Belle will run off with Natalie to the mall like she did with Jeanie. By that I mean that aside from watching some soap operas and getting hit on by Rodge and some random Nerdy Engineers at Vegas Neil hasn’t seemed to be forced to confront much, I guess, woman’s stuff as Natalie. I mean hell, he kinda mentions that he hasn’t even had to deal much with getting dressed as a woman, while in Vegas, as Jeanie just poofed it into being for him. This went on longer than I intended. Regardless, I hope this leads to more Natalie time.
I agree, we need more Natalie time. π
I second that!
Belle would be quite a big hypocrite to be jealous of girls going after Jean. Every time she makes a cameo she’s with a new stud flavor of the week, she’s just a snooty, intrusive and abrasive slut. One who frequents a hate website dedicated to hurt one man. She’s probably the webmaster. She shouldn’t even be a character any more. And Jean’s no catch, but his/her best bet is to talk Neil into a lesbian relationship as Natalie. I bet it would be an easy sell, too. And Neil is a good guy. Rightfully TOO good for Jean but he’s also a beta male who hasn’t gotten any breaks in that department so it would be an improvement for all involved regardless.
Looks like that thread I mentioned last week just got cut.
Well, it could be worse. Belle isn’t showing a baby bump.
Belle’s hair is different, but I think it’s either morning hair or end-of-a-long-day hair, complementing the toothbrush in Belle’s mouth and her clothes which could be her jammies.
Okay, the blue thing in Belle’s mouth could be a pen or a pencil. I’ve done that.
A baby bump? It wouldn’t be a surprise. Nor would it be surprising if the baby came out black. You’re trying to suggest she’d be pregnant because she had sex with Neil disguised as Jean, except she’s been shown hanging on some new stud’s arm every time she makes a cameo. And if you don’t believe me, read the whole comic start to finish again, I remember at least 2. Rather than having some excuse to have more of her in the comic, it would be better if she got run over by a train. I like trains.
Ruh ro Rhaggy. Someone is in trouble.
Anybody else notice that the “art” on Belle’s wall are Rorschach tests?
I thought they were some folded ink blotches made into art panels.
Ink blots are what are used in a Rorschach test. So, yes.
@Jenny – those are not ink blots. They are clearly a squatting man juggling bowling pins and a grasshopper being viewed from the front.
I wish I was joking, but that’s truly what I see.
Unexpected Lens flairs = Cameras can’t take pictures of Genies. Which means if you want to hunt down a djinn, just take pictures.
Cameras capture the reflected light bouncing off of subject matters to create a flatten image of them. Looks like when you take a photograph of a genie, it’s like aiming at a light source or the sun; with so much light coming off from one (probably due to their magic or fiery essences).
Seems lucky that doesn’t happen with the local humans’ eyes in the comic, them being a set of biological cameras and all.
Well, with film cameras there is a sort of logic to it given that nearly all mass-produced film stock uses silver in it, and silver has known mystical properties. Purely electronic cameras however operate on a totally different principle for capturing the image.
Yes, but CMOS image sensors are based on rare doping elements like germanium, which could well have magical properties, too.
What interests me, however, is a related question. Genies may not be able to be photographed, but that says nothing about whether they can be recorded… so, did anyone pick up Jeannie’s voice while shooting video on on their iPhone?
And if so, did they post the recording… where Belle might be able to hear it? Hmmm???
Germanium is a semiconductor, like silicon and carbon: valence 4. Doping elements to create the junctions which are added to semiconductors to make crystal diodes and transistors work are either pentavalent (valence 5) or trivalent (valence 3).
Sorry, I had to say that. I was an electronics tech in the Navy.
I doubt that Belle would be able to access Homeland Security recordings; I was thinking of Agent Anderson’s *Bing! *Bing!-triggers.
I was referring to the gals at the magazine award conference possibly recording video of Jeannie and posting it on their website. The picture might not show up, but her voice might – and Belle might recognize it.
(And yes, I know how semiconductors work – I was was just trying to make a ‘magical’ connection with electronic cameras. )
Well, you know what CMOS is and I’ve forgotten. Just feeling more anal retentive a few hours ago.
BTW, I seem to be in a time warp here. Your post above is one hour and two minutes after the time here as I write this.
I hadn’t considered audio or that the camera might have a video option. I’ve had two different digital cameras but neither had these capabilities, and I have yet to get a smartphone. But speaking of video and audio, the magazine likely had some kind of official video coverage of the awards ceremony, and at least clips of that would be on their official website. And I’ve heard rumors that New York City actually has at least one television station now…
2 words: Time zones. My post above isn’t dated to the time where I am, but probably to wherever the server is. Which in turn, is different from the time wherever YOU are, producing the illusion of a post from the future.
I can only wish I had a time machine. But they’re a little expensive for my budget. (See HERE) So I’ll have to limit my time-travel to skydiving the Sun at Warp 8, for the moment.
Works for vampires too?
Looks like Jean was a research project after all. This is going to take an interesting direction when the truth comes out.
Somehow I don’t see that. I think she is just a subscriber to that site. Which would be weird for a current girlfriend to do.
Annnnd there we go….. ^_^;
Well, well – it appears that Belle isn’t quite as clueless as we might have been led to believe.
And that right-hand ink blot looks like an evil bunny.
Jeanie’s last name is Bottle?
If you remember the comic WAY back early in the story,
Jeanie last name being bottle has never been determined or stated yet. So Bottle is the name that Rodge came up with so that he would not sound stupid, because, he didn’t know Jeanie last name. It was a spur of the moment of making up a last name for Jeanie.
Jean’s last name is Nessmith. At least, I think that’s the correct spelling.
Umm, Robert? It’s actually “Nessman”. ( Γ la maniΓ¨re de Les Nessman (from “WKRP in Cincinnati”.)
“Nesmith” was Michael on The Monkees.
Hey, I was close! I got the first 5 characters right! π
*sigh* I’ll write the eulogy for Jean and Belle’s relationship.
Relationship, hell; Belle will probably put a contract out on Jean. She’s a psychologist; she probably knows where to find a sociopathic killer or two.
Now if the killer just knows that the secret is to slip Jean some crappy moonshine…
You know, the women running that website really need to get a life. Jean may be a scumbag, but this is over-the-top obsessive. Forget about him and move on, ladies. Jeez, he’s not worth it.
Agree with you that people should move on and get on down the line with there own lives. But, I have met some people who just wont let things go and they keep harping over what happened yesterday, last year or several years ago.
When I run into them, I just smile and keep going down the road and leave them to there own gripping to who ever will stay around to hear them.
That’s what I said the other week!
Well… I could maybe see a single, static web page, saying, essentially, “watch out for this guy”. But – “Jean” news articles, constant location updates, push feeds? Good Godfrey, they’re treating him like he’s a celebrity, rather than just some garden-variety, ‘kick-em-to-the-curb’ type of guy. No WAY he was that impressive. Particularly given the poor review Belle gives him.
Actually, Jean is both a celebrity and a garden-variety ‘kick-em-to-the-curb’ type of guy too. Now, admittedly he not a movie or rock star with a big following, but, on some level and in some areas he would still be considered a celebrity of sort. Being that Magazine review critic, he still in the public eye of some people and there are some people that will follow Jean and his antics and such and will want more update on that bastard too. That just the people are, kind of like us following Jeanie Bottle and CD RUDD.
So, will Jean finally tell Belle the truth? Eventually, I think so.
But now? To paraphrase Jean’s (in)famous ancestor Jean Paul Jones Nessman, Jean has not yet begun to make things worse. Did Jean study the manual well enough to know genies can’t be photographed? No. Did Jean think that telling Neil to act more like Jean with Belle wouldn’t get Neil to act more like Jean with Belle? Of course not. Has Jean noticed yet that she created the Scarlet Avenger? Nah.
I’m not sure which site Belle is looking at in this week’s comic, but my best guess is that she’s been monitoring the site of Jean’s magazine. If they have a forum (remember that Playboy has had a forum since before there was an internet?), that could link her to the I Dream of Killing Jean Nessman site if Belle hasn’t found it already.
Whether Belle has a blue toothbrush or a blue highlighter, she’s definitely holding some papers in the first panel, and there might be a ream of paper sitting on once side of her laptop. On the other side are what could be either books or binders. Working on her dissertation, perhaps? Even if Belle is really in love with Jean, there’s still a potential Ph.D. or best-seller or both in Jean.
Either Jean or Neil should have made up excuses about why no emails or letters while Jean was in the Middle East. Does Belle really believe that story? She seems to in panel two. The new article could be either about the awards ceremony, or Jean’s revised review of that awful movie.
In Panel Three, “New York” might mean Belle is thinking Jean flew into New York from the Middle East like Jean led Belle to believe the last time “Jean” flew back from the “Middle East.”
In Panel Four, I think Belle is reading from the IDOKJN site. Jean’s magazine wouldn’t put up crappy photos (except for crappy naked photos).
Has Belle connected “Jeannie Bottle” to Jean’s cousin Jeannie? Maybe not, since the “unexplained severe lens flare” not only obscures the image of Jeannie but messed up things next to her, such as Rodge. That clear photo with Natalie would be the one taken before Jean popped in here, when the camera finally worked.
So what’s our next exciting episode going to look like? A few possibilities:
I don’t see 3 happening as Jeanie took all the case information when she left Agent Anderson a girl.
That would include images of Nat.
The only way i see agent Anderson involved in this is if she reads the web site hating on Jean Nessman. She has no reason to have access to that and no reason to care about some cheating scumbag she never met.
Yes, neither Agent Anderson nor Agent Allen know where the Cocoa Beach file is in Panel 4. But where did it go? If it’s the paper Rodge is holding in Panel 3, it’s kind of short. And interrogations are recorded. I don’t see any tapes, disks, or thumb drives, and it’s quite likely the recordings weren’t actually in the interrogation room. And what about the surveillance video? Yes, with her magic, Jeanie could probably erase all the records with her magic. Would Jeanie be smart enough to try? I’d say “doubtful”. And even if all the records are gone, Agent Anderson still remembers “Natalie”, and that she claimed to be from Cocoa Beach. Why else did she ask to be transferred?
Anyway, *BING! *BING! from Agent Anderson’s laptop in next week’s first panel makes for great symmetry.
OOOOOH, Tom – I really DO like possibility #3! That would be FUN!
Looks to me like Bell is running the web site If she is the person moderating the site.
Jean and her relationship might be a big social study for her. She also could be a really messed up chick.
It would explain why she had no problem dating other guys and why she didn’t dump his ass out right when he took off and didn’t call her for months on end.
I hope we see more of her in the comic. Jean/Jeanie as the prime mover is ok but it is good for a story to have other characters stirring the plot as well.
I agree with you on that, of having Belle in the story off and on. She would make a good Dr. Bellow of the female type. The one that always poking her nose in at the most in opportune time and then watch the other people like Jeanie, Neil and Rodge doing a fancy dance step to try and keep her in the dark as to what really going on.
It seems more likely that she is subscribed to the site not running it. There has been some time between the last comic and this one. So the new article most likely has been approved and she just got the notification.
I could be wrong, but it just seems that way to me.
What is weird is that she would know of that site and be subscribed to it. Not sure how many girls would stay with a guy if they thought he was such a bad guy to have a whole website dedicated to his philandering.
I guess she could have just been googling his name which seems to be a thing now, and ran across it. But not sure that many women would take a site like that seriously if it were run by jealous ex’s who have no life other than stalking their old boyfriends or hookups.
look at the top left corner of the first panel It says meanwhile as in at the same time. Bell is seeing what no one else can see yet.
@Bad Taiming:
“Meanwhile” doesn’t always mean “at that exact same moment” but if it does, it doesn’t exclude Belle from getting her *Bing!s from other sites, such as the magazine’s web site which would be a good one for Belle to be monitoring for new info on Jean. And Belle being surprised and quite pissed at hearing about Jean’s fiancee and that brunette named Natalie doesn’t go all that well with my previous speculations that Jean might have known all along or Belle running the IDOKJN site.
On the other hand, it would be sweet if Belle has genie or witch powers to see what no one else has seen yet.
In my post above, I meant to say that Belle, not Jean, might have known all along. Curse you, five-minute-limit for editing!
I seem to recall this webcomic that if you knew where to look one could find the update way before they were posted.
This…will not end well
And anyway… why is she getting all worked up over this, or subscribing to this site anyway. I seem to remember her dating others guys too. Such as when she ran into Neil and Aracelli while on a date to the movies with some who she was hanging onto…
Belle getting upset about Jean, for the same reason that Jeanie/Jean is getting upset about seeing Belle going out with another guy. Both Belle and Jeanie/Jean consider each other there main partner, but, they both don’t like seeing the other one going out with someone else. They both cheat on the other one and they both get worked up when they see the other one cheating.
Apparently the first thing that comes to mind when i see that right Rorschach test is Zorak. Maybe it’s actually a picture of the night sky.
It takes a real… … …. man? lol to fuck his/her life up this well π
Don’t you mean a real moron?
Ahhh, the sweet scent of consequences is in the air! ^_^
Hun, that new. The Genie Bottle has moving pink or reddish poof fog coming out of it.
Glad someone noticed that π
Hey love the new banner JIF.
Ohhh, is that what the Jeanie in the header is looking at?