Jeanie Bottle 409
Welcome to Day 5 of the 2016 Christmas Week of Updates! A new page of IDoJB will come out every day this week! So be sure to come back daily to see how the I Dream of Verisimilitude storyline shapes up.
Rodge seems to have rolled a critical botch on his Imagination Check.
Oh Rodge… you seriously messed that one up.
Sounds like Rodge it going to get his shit kicked in by Miss Jeanie Bottle
hopefully that’ll wait till after the ceremony.
Rodge should NOT try to ad-lib.
Although that should help cut down the number of guys hitting on Jeannie. Not that I expect she’ll be grateful.
You think “Jeannie” is shocked by this, wait until Belle hears about it! XD
Which makes me wonder if Belle happens to know Jean’s editor…? ;-b
Maybe, if some paparazzi photos or magazine articles on Jean’s bio were to be release for public reading/viewing. Someone might write down about that “engagement” in Jean’s bio upon the award ceremony and relating news.
Check out in Sailor Sun Webcomics, how “Bay’s” porn photos spread like wildfire among the news stands.
Jean need to poof that out of his mind this minute before it takes hold. Let’s hope that Jean’s girlfriend Belle doesn’t hear of this as Jeanie was introduced as his cousin to her, though that would make for a tightknit family.
Hey, they DO live in the South – the land where wives and daughters are the same thing.
Ever here of a song called “I’m my own grandpa” ??? Google it and treat yourself.
This is going to spiral very quickly.
And the fit hits the shan. How can Rodge give an acceptance speech, when he’s just rammed his foot up his mouth at least to the knee?
And why did he say that in the first place? Love/Lust for Jean? VERY POOR quick thinking? Why?
You were expecting brilliance from Rodge? Or even mediocrity? 😉
That is by far the most stupid answer.
Cousin is clichée but ok
Girlfriend is ok
Some Escort is rude but ok too
But finacée???
I think I spy Honey, and Robin.
And I think, maybe, Melvin?
Yeah, Rodge is dumb. He panicked, and came up with a dumb answer.
But Jeanie? You haven’t been drilling the cover story into Rodge’s head continuously until he could recite it in his sleep?
You knew Rodge is not all that bright. You probably said something like, “Hey, Rodge? Remember, you’re me now, right? Jean? And I’m like your cousin or girlfriend or something, got it?” “Um…” “Good. Don’t forget.”
After all, Rodge is just along for the ride, and a vague magical threat if he screws up.
Jeanie’s the one who really cares. the one who really has a stake in the game. It’s her responsibility to make sure Rodge knows his lines, and has a good positive reward for playing the role correctly.
Actually, this was better than saying Jean was his cousin. It probably will keep other men from hitting on Jean. It also covers the possibility of someone in Jean’s family wondering about “cousin Jeanie.”
However, if Belle shows up…
If Belle shows up and Jeanie can talk before Rodge opens his mouth, just tell her it was to keep other men from hitting on her. Remember, Belle thinks Jeanie has the hots for Niel. So Jeanie not wanting to be hit on while accompanying Jean makes sense.
Yes. But is Jeanie bright enough to think of it?
If she does come up with explanation, it will be after the pie hit the face and there a big fight and not before pie throwing contest or fight.
So where is the nearest stripper pole?
I’ll bet that’s the first she heard of *that*…
How long does she think she can continue with this double life?
She should have had Rodgers do something easy like sleep with Bell for her. He really is not very smart.
Besides Jeanie needs to stop stringing Bell along. Jeanie will never be Jean again so let her move on.
We haven’t seen all of the possible ways yet that could change Jean back to his original form. We got to see how a genie can become mortal with Rouyaa. If Jean can ever gets his trickery skills polished better than lacklustre, he could make it happen.
Rouyaa did go back to being a mortal again, but, she still looked like Rouyaa after she became a mortal again. Jean did change from being Jean into Jeanie, but, there no indication that Jeanie will go back to being Jean after becoming a mortal again. She just as well could stay Jeanie the blond headed girl with two cupped breast. It will be Jeanie the girl Genie that will be turned into a mortal and not Jean the male Genie that will be turned into a mortal.
CD Rudd didn’t reveal anything about Rouyaa being a mortal turned bottle genie long before meeting Andy and Sid. Kazom did say that Genies can be born or created.
I think a mortal Jeanie would be a worse fate for Jean than what he as now. I think he likes the power but not the conditions he has to deal with to have it. He clearly has no problem being a girl also.
But we haven’t heard the name of the Editor yet.
It is Mr Bob Lows, Belle’s uncle 🙂
Hoo-boy, THAT would be great!
So, “Bob’s your uncle”?
Wow – Rodge screwing up – that wasn’t likely at all really…
There so many ways that this could come apart or come apart several different ways at the same time. Jeanie getting box in by Rodge for a kiss and such. Rodge undercover for being Jean when Bod Lows show up, Belle’s uncle and then Belle show up. Let face it neither Rodge nor Jeanie seem to be capable of dealing with what getting ready to happen or could happen. It could turn into a real mess and probably will too.
I don’t know but it almost looks like Jeanie spotted someone by her expression. She listens about as well as Rodgers so maybe she did hear his goof up
Rodge, you just said something incredibly stupid. When this is over, you may find yourself dancing on a pole.
He is every bit as smart and creative as what I would expect from Philip J. Fry.
How did he graduate?