Jeanie Bottle 395
on October 27, 2016
at 12:00 am
and modified on November 27, 2022. at 12:54 am
Chapter: Story 09: I Dream of Technicolor
CD Rudd can be so mean to his characters…
CD Rudd can be so mean to his characters…
Oh, god. Andy! So close…
This is tearing me up. I want so badly for them to be happy and together.
Hm. Come to think of it, Rouyaa COULD contact Sid directly… she knows his name from the TV show credits, she could get in touch with him through his agent, and while he might not remember her, due to Haji, he could at least tell her that his inspiration for the show, were stories told by his old friend Andy.
Of course, it would be equally cute if Andy and “Ray” just spontaneously started dating, without realizing that they had known each other before, in a sort of “previous life”.
Oh dear,they were so close to found each other.
Please,CD,please make them be together,please.
(With “previous life” memorries or not.)
With Ms. Eden’s age in the present, he must be dead by now…
I’m OK with that.
(In short,I hope they became a coupe in the last 30-ish years….and maybe have some children…then,Andy dead in his girlfriend(or family)’s hands Sometime before the story started)
(And why “girlfriend” you ask?Will since Ms Eden is still Ms Eden today,I think she is possble didn’t got married so didn’t change Last name.)
Well, it is implied that this scene is about thirty years in the past compared to the “present”. Andy is in the age group that was eligible for drafting into WWII, so that would mean he was born in the 1920s, which would make him about ninety in the “present” if he were still alive.
Looks like Miss Eden is seeing the downsides of her actions on innocent people.
I figured that Rouyaa back then was going to grant Andy’s budget wish with that birthday candle at his house. I guess she ended up doing right when she heard it from at his office or shortly after.
Still, I’m going to keep having some doubt about it until I see a strip of her actually granting that wish.
Did you check their Christmas Club account?
Christmas Club account! I completely forgot about those! Thanks for the memory.
I was assuming that the “Christmas Club” line was a reference to the episode of IDOJ where Jeannie alters the records to Tony’s Christmas Club bank account to add several million dollars to it. Jeannie really had a hard time throughout the series grasping that all money in modern society is tracked, such that any money with an unknown source is almost automatically suspected of being illegitimately obtained.
Speaking of which, a smarter way for Rouyaa to have added the money for NASA would have been for her to alter the master copies of the spending bill that Congress used to authorize NASA’s budget, which would have given it a fully legitimate paper trail, with hopefully at worst a few Representatives wondering if they had mis-remembered something.
From Chief Accountant to his current position, that had to be quite the fall, bet he would love to know that the one responsible is setting across the desk from him.
Knowing Andy, I’ll bet he would understand and forgive her. She was trying to do the right thing, and please him, after all.
It got to be the pits to be sitting right across the table from the person that your looking for and you both are suffering from an Amnesia condition and don’t recognize each or know each other.
Oy! No real last names or addresses? Genies really DO get next to nil with ownership of entitlements!
Yes, another way that social support services discriminates against the homeless.
That kind of catch 22 here. If they don’t have an address and Miss Eden is an assumed name. Then people could have twenty or thirty assumed names to get benefits. So there a problem either way they go.
But, I do agree with you that the homeless should get the benefits that there entitled to under the law and this is one way that the government cheat people.
Yeah, having a government-recognized photo ID ought to be adequate. It is father neglectful of Kazom to leave her as a lehal non-entity and not at least create some usable ID for her–adding her name to birth and Social Security registries shouldn’t be too hard for a Genie Lord…
Yeah, that is sadistic.
Man this is extremely cruel
Oh right! They stripped everyone’s memories! I forgot that part.
If only Andy had described the appearance and disappearance of the money as being “like magic”, then Rouyaa might have gotten the feeling that maybe she was getting closer to finding her Master.