Jeanie Bottle 367
And so begins the next chapter in our tale: “I Dream of Technicolor”!
By the way, if you like th3go’s fanart, you should check out the new additions on our Fan Art page. He’s drawn the Duke Girls in a wide variety of sexy outfits!
I’m surprised that there was a call and not a ‘poof’ to get him over quicker!
Like the jersey look, curious the significance of the number.
I doubt this is it, but the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything found the golden ticket within the 497th bag of Mister Twisty’s Twisted Cheese Curls.
Jean has forgotten that Rodge is an engineer, i.e. a nerd, and therefore relatively clueless and unenthusiastic about professional sports.
Hey, don’t lump all nerds into one pile like that. I’m a software engineer, and I loves me some good ol’ gridiron and base-runnin’.
And that’s all good and well, but the fact of the matter is that in the Certificate IV I’m doing right now in programming, there’s not a single person I know that even knows how a ‘football’ works.
“Go, Chargers! And take the damn Padres with you!”
Now, ice hockey and curling are more interesting to me, but I don’t follow either of them regularly.
@Guy Vidocq: Most American don’t know how a football works. They play it almost as rugby. Hint: you are supposed to use your FOOT on a BALL. 🙂
Being it America, It’s not likely Hockey.
That’s how it was play historically. Until someone decided to carry the ball across the field instead. This is why there’s some who will now call it soccer instead of football. They do still kick-offs with the ball.
Foot Ball, isn’t it that funny little game where they kick that funny little pumpkin around and they tackle it and beat up on it?
I don’t know why anybody would want it!
You can’t eat or anything!
@hkmaly No way could I be the “World’s Finest” if I were American.
@Guy Vidocq:
I’m ashamed of your certificate class! Isn’t there a football hardware driver API for Python? I think I saw a nifty little Raspberry Pi app for it, let me go look….
@50srefugee I’m not saying we couldn’t learn how it works, we’re just too lazy to Google it. Also, we’re not doing Python. Not yet at least. Timetable’s very vague in its description of subjects.
And I’m one of those guys whom the athletes in my high school and college liked to beat up for fun, so “Athlete” is forever burned into my brain as “bullies people like me for laughs”.
@ijuin: See, here’s how to avoid being bullied. Just grab a time machine and inform your past self about this one simple trick, and you’ll be aaaallll right.
I was just like you. My social status, friend sphere, intelligence, nerdiness, and weight should have made me a prime bullying target. But no one so much as mocked me in the halls, because I stabbed a kid with a mechanical pencil in middle school. Got suspended for 3 days over it, but it was goddamn worth it, because that dick had it coming.
And from that day forth, not a single one of those cowardly bullies ever even spoke a harsh word to me in my vicinity. Because bullies are not strong, they are cowards who pick on those who can’t defend themselves. Prove you can defend yourself, and you won’t be bothered. At least, that’s my experience.
And as a nerd will he play War Mallet
People say (well, someone said it on “MASH”) that there’s just one thing people really want—sex, except for those baseball perverts.
Hmmm 497 on the back of jeans Jersey is that simbolic or something or just a random number CD Rudd????
Ah-ha some quick domination of the internets reveals the answer in the google machine. 497 was the combination of a safe that Jeannie was locked inside over several episodes, the number chosen by a fan write in contest. Who knew?
Or I guess more accurately, the fans had to write in to guess the number. Either way, another obscure reference, hehe.
I never quite understood why NASA wanted to send a safe to the moon. The CONTENTS of the safe, yes, but why the safe itself? It costs thousands of dollars per pound to put anything on the moon, and the steel walls of the safe are just heavy, EXPENSIVE dead weight.
Gotta remember, the TV show was filled in a time where the average person didn’t know anything about space travel. (Other then Monkeys went up before Man…(Something else Monkeys did before us… space travel and evolve.)
America kept sending up monkeys while Russia sent up a few dogs and then a man. IIRC
I take it that’s Red on the window poster (or maybe it’s a cardboard cutout)…
It a cut out, but the modal that being used isn’t Red as in the Red of The Melvin Chronicles. It another modal that kind of look like her and that she is sometimes mistaken as.
Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s Red. At least, as far as anything within CD’s own comics has stated, that’s fairly certain. Not sure what Melvin Chronicles has had to say about it.
Well if Melvin Chronicles respond as quickly and reliably as they post their bi-weekly comic updates then CD’s great grandchildren will have to deal with it from their retirement homes.
As the writer of The Melvin Chronicles when it launched I can confirm that the cut out is of Red herself.
Sweet, more for the fan art page. Nice to see it get some more love.
I know, right? I was really pleased when th3go sent me those, as I hadn’t gotten any fanart in a while.
Hi there Ms. Eden, what has it been? 3 years, or something much higher?
If you click her tag, you’ll see every comic tagged with her name. That’s not necessarily every comic she’s been in, but I think it probably is. That means we last say her 6 years ago, during the arc where Neil was stuck as Natalie due to Lord Batpoop mistaking her for a genie.
Jean isn’t acting like a girl — or like a guy transformed into a female genie. Has she somehow forgotten everything that’s happened to her?
It looks like she’s wearing one of those fan jerseys made for women that come in a girly color instead of the actual team colors.
Hm. CD, Ms Eden’s bio pop-up says that this is her only appearance. Yet she was in IDoJB #13, #15, #55, and I think, a couple of others. Error?
That’s an artifact of the two different ways that characters are marked within the comic’s web backend.
Since the beginning, we’ve been using Tags to track which characters and themes appear in each comic. If you click the “Ms Eden” tag at the bottom of the post description, you’ll see every appearance from her.
However, we just recently started using the “Character” feature as well, which is why you only see a single appearance for Ms Eden when you click her profile picture. We have not yet finished adding Character entries to every page in the archive.
Why would Jean call ROGER, of all people? Wouldn’t she call Neil first?
An intriguing question, which I also wondered about. I imagine we’ll find out next week.
Well, Rodge is more of a “guy” than Neil, and he’s in on the secret identity thing so if Jean is looking for a guy pal to watch “the game” with it makes some sense.
Rodge is more of a “guy” than Neil? Is that a knock on Neil spending so much time as Natalie? If so, that’s hilarious.:)
Though I guess it could be speculation that Jean sees Neil more as a “boyfriend” than a “bro”.
No, I’m just saying Rodge is more of the stereotypical guy than Neil. He’s more of a skirt chaser, etc. That’s not a knock on Neil or a comment on his time as Natalie. Just an observation of personality differences.
@Kattgirl – Neil lives with Jean by now. She probably shouted from the living room.
For some reason I see Roger somehow turning into the poster woman, armor and all, and being swarmed by fanboys while attending a cosplay convention with a costume contest, and a rival who is dressed up as the same character with almost perfect replication, but of course loses to Roger.
A little off topic, aren’t I?
Nah, that’s definitely on-topic enough for me. 🙂 Especially since the woman is the poster is a major character from a previous arc.
Makes sense. And for further imagination, the rival loses because it’s actually a man dressed as her! XD
If you remember back in the B-witch story, Neil and Jean passed that standee in a window before going to the Surf shop.
This confirms Jean had no friends but Neil. He must have been a real pain in the back side with his antics and wild plans.