Jeanie Bottle 318
on June 30, 2015
at 12:00 am
and modified on November 25, 2022. at 9:03 pm
Chapter: Story 08: I Dream of a General
Characters: Araceli
Araceli should perhaps start learning about modern culture through more ways than just Disney movies.
Go Araceli. She really does care about her.
I all of a sudden wanna hear that song with the super long word!
Your wish is my command, Master;
You know, language is a funny thing… They could have as easily have been singing about a swear word, as a nonsense word. (Which perhaps is why it never caught on.)
Supercalafragilistic Expialidocious kind of approaches swearing from the other direction. It’s an antiswearword!
Araceli, you rock. XD
Got to love them references. XD
And yet she said she never gave references…
“I’m an original creation, like Rickey Rouse and Monald Muck.”
If Mary Poppins is real in this universe, she’s going to give Araceli an earful. :p And then she’ll REALLY take her to task!
Then Mary Poppins would be older than Ms. Eden in this universe.
Mary Poppins is ageless and very, very dangerous to bad boy’s and girls who don’t learn their lessons. VERY dangerous.
Is that Arceli in disguise or is that really Mary Poppins?
And if it is Araceli, Panel 5 is a lie…
Yes, it’s Araceli. And yes, Oriah’s right about panel 5 being a lie. Araceli is so clueless about the present that she’s just straight up quoting this scene from Mary Poppins, since she has no other idea how to request the position of Caley’s nanny.
Semi-off topic… About the movie… The bird on her arm singing scene..
You guys know that’s a wooden arm, right? Wires connected to the puppet bird?
Great now you have gone and ruined the movie. Curse you. 🙂
Haha, love seeing Arceli as Mary Poppins. At this point in the series I’m hoping Araceli gets to cause some problems for Jean. Admittedly (and selfishly), I am hoping at some point Jean quite literally goes green with envy.
Now we get to see Araceli imitation of Marry Poppins. Araceli is clueless, but that never stopped her before.
Well …. it /could/ have been The Sound of Music instead…
By the by, Araceli’s claim that she is never cross is a whopper of a lie, is it not?
Seems she’s allowed to lie… Interesting.