Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Maybe he noticed the “enhanced” bust from the previous strip? Not to say that the real Kendra could have slipped in some extra padding while she was away, but in these parts genie magic is a more probable explanation.
Sorry but no. That is actually a fairly standard design for a drafting table. The curved pieces under the drawing surface allow it to be tilted. A good table allows you to control both the height and angle of the drafting board surface.
I actually still have a big drafting t-square, belong to my granddad
and 50srefuge, you are absolutely incorrect
A drafting table is just that a table. They date back well before machines were ever added to drawing. Ai Vin is correct in that this is a traditional old school style drawing table and its still the basic concept used in creating normal drawing tables today. Machines had nothing to do with traditional drawing tables
Fancier – more expensive – Drawing Tables include a lightbox feature for tracing.
@Rivyn: I have used the old style table myself–but even there I at least had a T-square, a tray along the bottom for pencils, erasers, erasing shield, lettering guide, and a flat surface for holding larger accessories.
But that was in school. Even then, the pros used tables with drafting machines of one sort or another, and typically had a desk lamp of some kind attached.
Neil’s desk has nothing but a pen. That shrieks of a touch flat screen.
To say nothing of wearing a white long sleeved shirt while working pencil and paper. And of Neil’s left hand, which is merely resting on the edge, not holding so much as a triangle.
@Frith Ra: I should have mentioned the edge rail style of drafting machine; I was just getting ready to buy one when I took an AutoCAD course, and knew right away that tables were as obsolete as slipsticks were less than a year after I bought my first one. Even though I was working at a desk with a vertical CRT monitor and a pen pad, not an integrated display.
For the benefit of you young whippersnappers, a “slip stick” is a slide rule, what engineers used to design primitive technology like atomic bombs. There’s an old Kelly Freas cover illustration showing a space pirate climbing a ladder with a slide rule between his teeth instead of a knife.
I’ve got this table (or one pretty much like it) right behind me here. Sadly there is no computer built into it. It also does not come with an attached drafting machine, I have a table width straight edge on wires instead.
These things were pretty standard until CADD came along, but one can still acquire one with a bit of diligence & luck.
That said, I’d rather have the table sized wacom tablet with built in view screen.
My first idea was traditional drawing table. My dad had one in his office (he’s an engineer too.) I think it’s still somewhere in my parents cellar, collecting dust.
But that’s the point: I expect hardly anybody to do technical drawings the old school way these days. Early CAD programs were available back in the 80s and that’s 30 years ago now. That’s like ages in computer developement.
On the other hand: Traditional technical drawings can’t be stolen by a cyber attack on the company. You would need an inside man, or in this case an inside woman, to steal them. Neil’s company is a subcontractor for NASA. I can imagine they are that paranoid about spys that they still do traditional drawings.
@Tom: Speaking of slide rules in odd situations, I recently ran across an old National Lampoon cover from the early 70s showing a tweedy college professor using a slipstick to spank a coed who had gotten an “F” on her assignment. Rather tame by modern Internet standards, but at the time I was only two or three years out of high school, and found it almost as racy as the underdeveloped ice cream parlor customer who appeared on the “adolescence” cover.
No. Like Clark Kent’s glasses and the The Coneheads(tm) distinctive silhouette, in-universe characters are unable to notice what is obvious to the readers/viewers.
Jean: “You know, after this stuff about being trap in a bottle and forced to be a female genie while under the threat of being imprisoned forever for not using my power ‘correctly’, maybe I should be really cautious and try to find a way to fix this. NAH! It’s much more important to find out how I can get better at sex by trying to sleep with another man.”
To find one more flaw in her plan: She invites him to go find somewhere private. I’m guessing the closest private place is the closet where an unconscious Kendra is sprawled.
The first question is, how much of Jean’s behavior is the desire to find out Neil’s sexual so she (when she regains her male form) can be a better lover, and how much is her growing FEMALE sexuality (and her female desire for Neil as a sexual partner)?
The second question is what will Jean do when she realizes that she is mentally becoming female?
First question is: It started out as Jeanie trying to find out why Neil is a better male lover than Jean was. But, now it turning into to her FEMALE sexuality without Jeanie recognizing it or seeing that what happening. So Jeanie is just starting to see Neil as a sexual partner now and the more Neil resist the more intense Jeanie desire to have sex with Neil will become and the more effort that she will put into having sex with Neil. Jeanie is just starting to embrace her womanhood at least sexually anyway.
And, inadvertently Neil is demonstrating what his sex secret is. He’s not just jumping on anything female that even hints at availability. He’s “playing” hard to get, though not really by intention, it’s just his nature. Slowing it down was what Belle specifically mentioned . . .
@ranck: bingo. Note that he doesn’t even have his hand on Jeanie’s waist, despite her straddling his lap, rather than sitting crosswise, in the standard Hot Secretary pose.
Jeanie’s oven is on broil and she doesn’t even know it!!!
Jean was probably a very sexual person, and Jeanie has been living like a Nun for how long now???
I think she convinced her self this is about being a better love, because she is incredibly HORNY. She can’t full fill her needs, with out admitting to her self she needs a mans affection in the worst way. Jeanie is hetro not gay. So she lying to her self, and throwing her self at the best lover she knows.
This has one up side Lord Batcrap is going to see her going all out to please her master. Of course like every thing else what he see’s will not be what’s happening. But that’s were the comedy come in.
The problem I see there is if Lord Guano see’s Neils reactions to this he might decide she’s not wanted (or genie enough for him) and replace her anyway.
I don’t think Guano can just replace Jean in that matter. So far, it has been whenever Jean had not been following or breaking the genie rules. It can be viewed that Jean is just trying to fulfill “her master’s” desires, like how someone is trying incessantly to do lovely or nice things for another out of affection. I know of course that’s not Jean’s reason for this; just a possible exterior perspective that someone like Guano could see it as.
Do many of you out there believe that genies HAVE to be romantically or sexually involved with his or her masters as part of their duties? I honestly don’t think so, even for people who are “freedom-challenged”; there has to be a limit to some degree of what any master can ask or demand from their genie. Yeah, fulfillment of desires and wishes are essentially what a genie’s power is commonly about, even sexual desires can fall into place here. However, you would think for a race of people who are going to base their collective purpose to exist as conventional servants would have rules that protect themselves from exterior abuse as much as they have rules to prevent their own personal abuse of their powers. One of the reasons that Genies are a favourite mythical race are the ethical and philosophical elements that surrounds them, not so much for their abilities.
Oh I don’t believe that either remember the captain wishing she’d make him a dutiful wife and her twisting the wording so obviously even if there aren’t any rules protecting them there’s nothing preventing them punishing any master who tries to take advantage of them.
This is more due to her voluntarily sacrificing some of her power to stay with a particular master. If that master then turns around and say’s they don’t want her would she be allowed to stay anyway or would the genie leadership forcibly take her away and assign her to a new one? Basically how much weight is put on the serving genie’s desires vs the masters?
I vaguely recall in the original series after being married to major Nelson for years and having a child with him Jeanie could still be yanked out of te mortal world and her entire time there erased when he lost interest in her (spent too long away on a mission).
@Senko, that bit about MAJ Nelson is horrible. I am glad I never saw that.
@Jenny: “Do…you…believe that genies HAVE to be romantically or sexually involved with his or her masters as part of their duties?”
Only if the Master words the wish very carefully, and maybe not even then.
On the other hand, I think it may well be true that genies, especially female genies, may well fall in love with a kind master.
Or, as here, with a master who makes no demands whatsoever. [Here follows pure, blue sky speculation] It is in a genie’s nature (at least in the JB universe) to serve. A master who refuses to make any but the most trivial wishes would represent an itch the genie couldn’t scratch. What better way to scratch the itch than to fall in love with one’s master, and let him fall in love with you?
Again, I don’t know that that would apply here, although I have a feeling that Jeanie has fallen into a similar trap. She started by trying to satisfy her own curiosity, but as she has failed again and again, she may well have shaded over into simply wanting to seduce Neil to satisfy her own desires.
It goes even deeper than what your saying. Jeanie doesn’t want to come clean with the true and chooses to be deluded with her own selfish desire. Jeanie is so deep into herself that nothing else matters to her.
As far as pure logic, it nowhere to be found in Jeanie and if you try to talk logic to Jeanie, it would be like talking to a brick wall. You can talk to that wall all you want to and it wont move for you and will just sit there doing what it always does.
Yeah, I know. “She” creates “her” own problems a lot, like someone else in my life does. It goes to show that no matter how much or how potently you can do things on your own, you can’t fix all of your problems by yourself.
I still carry some slim faith in Jean that “she’ll” eventually get “her” head out of “her” cunt in all this. “She” has at least started to acknowledge the possibility of suffering consequences in “her” situation despite having reality-bending powers. “She’s” clearly not untouchable.
Coming clean would not be the best idea; Araceli warned Jean that if she told Neil anything about Araceli’s deal with Uncle Guano, Guano would put her bottle in the deepest, darkest hole.
We weren’t talking about that part of this deal, she can keep that part secrete. We were referring to what was going on between Jeanie and Neil along with just about everything else she has done.
Aw, the big flaw in Jean’s plan: Neil is not THAT dense. Gee, who would have thought? (Everyone but Jean.)
Is it Neil’s lack of density or is it that Jean’s so shallow? Let’s face it, wiper fluid on a windshield has more depth than her.
I say it’s the lack of sleep that has cost Jean the points on this. A more ALERT Jean might’ve noticed the problem.
Maybe he noticed the “enhanced” bust from the previous strip? Not to say that the real Kendra could have slipped in some extra padding while she was away, but in these parts genie magic is a more probable explanation.
Wow….less then a second, that has to be a new record.
I love Neil’s drafting setup: A giant flat screen set up like a drawing board. Outstanding.
A Wacom Cintiq.
Bust Artist loves his.
Sorry but no. That is actually a fairly standard design for a drafting table. The curved pieces under the drawing surface allow it to be tilted. A good table allows you to control both the height and angle of the drafting board surface.
But a traditional drafting table is larger, and has an attached drafting machine. Even a 27″ Cintiq is not this large, and has a different stand.
Minor point, though.
Where’s the T-square? Am I the only one who remembers T-squares?
I actually still have a big drafting t-square, belong to my granddad
and 50srefuge, you are absolutely incorrect
A drafting table is just that a table. They date back well before machines were ever added to drawing. Ai Vin is correct in that this is a traditional old school style drawing table and its still the basic concept used in creating normal drawing tables today. Machines had nothing to do with traditional drawing tables
Fancier – more expensive – Drawing Tables include a lightbox feature for tracing.
@Rivyn: I have used the old style table myself–but even there I at least had a T-square, a tray along the bottom for pencils, erasers, erasing shield, lettering guide, and a flat surface for holding larger accessories.
But that was in school. Even then, the pros used tables with drafting machines of one sort or another, and typically had a desk lamp of some kind attached.
Neil’s desk has nothing but a pen. That shrieks of a touch flat screen.
To say nothing of wearing a white long sleeved shirt while working pencil and paper. And of Neil’s left hand, which is merely resting on the edge, not holding so much as a triangle.
@Frith Ra: I should have mentioned the edge rail style of drafting machine; I was just getting ready to buy one when I took an AutoCAD course, and knew right away that tables were as obsolete as slipsticks were less than a year after I bought my first one. Even though I was working at a desk with a vertical CRT monitor and a pen pad, not an integrated display.
For the benefit of you young whippersnappers, a “slip stick” is a slide rule, what engineers used to design primitive technology like atomic bombs. There’s an old Kelly Freas cover illustration showing a space pirate climbing a ladder with a slide rule between his teeth instead of a knife.
Robert Heinlein’s original concept for “Drafting Dan” in The Door Into Summer.
Yes! That’s exactly what I thought of as well! Man I loved that book.
loved that book.
I’ve got this table (or one pretty much like it) right behind me here. Sadly there is no computer built into it. It also does not come with an attached drafting machine, I have a table width straight edge on wires instead.
These things were pretty standard until CADD came along, but one can still acquire one with a bit of diligence & luck.
That said, I’d rather have the table sized wacom tablet with built in view screen.
My first idea was traditional drawing table. My dad had one in his office (he’s an engineer too.) I think it’s still somewhere in my parents cellar, collecting dust.
But that’s the point: I expect hardly anybody to do technical drawings the old school way these days. Early CAD programs were available back in the 80s and that’s 30 years ago now. That’s like ages in computer developement.
On the other hand: Traditional technical drawings can’t be stolen by a cyber attack on the company. You would need an inside man, or in this case an inside woman, to steal them. Neil’s company is a subcontractor for NASA. I can imagine they are that paranoid about spys that they still do traditional drawings.
@Tom: Speaking of slide rules in odd situations, I recently ran across an old National Lampoon cover from the early 70s showing a tweedy college professor using a slipstick to spank a coed who had gotten an “F” on her assignment. Rather tame by modern Internet standards, but at the time I was only two or three years out of high school, and found it almost as racy as the underdeveloped ice cream parlor customer who appeared on the “adolescence” cover.
These days, I’d go for the spanko every time.
Jean, one word for you:
The hat tends to give it away.
No. Like Clark Kent’s glasses and the The Coneheads(tm) distinctive silhouette, in-universe characters are unable to notice what is obvious to the readers/viewers.
Still, he did misidentify Araceli…
I expect that’s the next thing out of his mouth: “This is the second time today! I just sent you home!”
Plus… ya know… the hat?
Well, Neil had to be right about one of the women coming on to him being Jean… :p
Of course that does also mean he only thinks Jean could find him attractive.
That should freak him out; his formerly male friend turned female genie finding herself attracted to him.
Jean, working on incomplete information has again concocted an incomplete plan. At least she didn’t lose her hat.
Und eny plan vere you lose you hat iz a bad plan!
Is GG still going?
ahh jaegers are more fierceum foe there never was especially if your wearing a fine hat and yes girl genius is still going,
This seems really stupid on Jean’s part.
Jean: “You know, after this stuff about being trap in a bottle and forced to be a female genie while under the threat of being imprisoned forever for not using my power ‘correctly’, maybe I should be really cautious and try to find a way to fix this. NAH! It’s much more important to find out how I can get better at sex by trying to sleep with another man.”
And you expected better from Jean… why? 😉
To find one more flaw in her plan: She invites him to go find somewhere private. I’m guessing the closest private place is the closet where an unconscious Kendra is sprawled.
The first question is, how much of Jean’s behavior is the desire to find out Neil’s sexual so she (when she regains her male form) can be a better lover, and how much is her growing FEMALE sexuality (and her female desire for Neil as a sexual partner)?
The second question is what will Jean do when she realizes that she is mentally becoming female?
First question is: It started out as Jeanie trying to find out why Neil is a better male lover than Jean was. But, now it turning into to her FEMALE sexuality without Jeanie recognizing it or seeing that what happening. So Jeanie is just starting to see Neil as a sexual partner now and the more Neil resist the more intense Jeanie desire to have sex with Neil will become and the more effort that she will put into having sex with Neil. Jeanie is just starting to embrace her womanhood at least sexually anyway.
And, inadvertently Neil is demonstrating what his sex secret is. He’s not just jumping on anything female that even hints at availability. He’s “playing” hard to get, though not really by intention, it’s just his nature. Slowing it down was what Belle specifically mentioned . . .
@ranck: bingo. Note that he doesn’t even have his hand on Jeanie’s waist, despite her straddling his lap, rather than sitting crosswise, in the standard Hot Secretary pose.
I’m wondering if Jean’s next move will be posing as Araceli.
Jeanie’s oven is on broil and she doesn’t even know it!!!
Jean was probably a very sexual person, and Jeanie has been living like a Nun for how long now???
I think she convinced her self this is about being a better love, because she is incredibly HORNY. She can’t full fill her needs, with out admitting to her self she needs a mans affection in the worst way. Jeanie is hetro not gay. So she lying to her self, and throwing her self at the best lover she knows.
This has one up side Lord Batcrap is going to see her going all out to please her master. Of course like every thing else what he see’s will not be what’s happening. But that’s were the comedy come in.
The problem I see there is if Lord Guano see’s Neils reactions to this he might decide she’s not wanted (or genie enough for him) and replace her anyway.
I don’t think Guano can just replace Jean in that matter. So far, it has been whenever Jean had not been following or breaking the genie rules. It can be viewed that Jean is just trying to fulfill “her master’s” desires, like how someone is trying incessantly to do lovely or nice things for another out of affection. I know of course that’s not Jean’s reason for this; just a possible exterior perspective that someone like Guano could see it as.
Do many of you out there believe that genies HAVE to be romantically or sexually involved with his or her masters as part of their duties? I honestly don’t think so, even for people who are “freedom-challenged”; there has to be a limit to some degree of what any master can ask or demand from their genie. Yeah, fulfillment of desires and wishes are essentially what a genie’s power is commonly about, even sexual desires can fall into place here. However, you would think for a race of people who are going to base their collective purpose to exist as conventional servants would have rules that protect themselves from exterior abuse as much as they have rules to prevent their own personal abuse of their powers. One of the reasons that Genies are a favourite mythical race are the ethical and philosophical elements that surrounds them, not so much for their abilities.
Oh I don’t believe that either remember the captain wishing she’d make him a dutiful wife and her twisting the wording so obviously even if there aren’t any rules protecting them there’s nothing preventing them punishing any master who tries to take advantage of them.
This is more due to her voluntarily sacrificing some of her power to stay with a particular master. If that master then turns around and say’s they don’t want her would she be allowed to stay anyway or would the genie leadership forcibly take her away and assign her to a new one? Basically how much weight is put on the serving genie’s desires vs the masters?
I vaguely recall in the original series after being married to major Nelson for years and having a child with him Jeanie could still be yanked out of te mortal world and her entire time there erased when he lost interest in her (spent too long away on a mission).
@Senko, that bit about MAJ Nelson is horrible. I am glad I never saw that.
@Jenny: “Do…you…believe that genies HAVE to be romantically or sexually involved with his or her masters as part of their duties?”
Only if the Master words the wish very carefully, and maybe not even then.
On the other hand, I think it may well be true that genies, especially female genies, may well fall in love with a kind master.
Or, as here, with a master who makes no demands whatsoever. [Here follows pure, blue sky speculation] It is in a genie’s nature (at least in the JB universe) to serve. A master who refuses to make any but the most trivial wishes would represent an itch the genie couldn’t scratch. What better way to scratch the itch than to fall in love with one’s master, and let him fall in love with you?
Again, I don’t know that that would apply here, although I have a feeling that Jeanie has fallen into a similar trap. She started by trying to satisfy her own curiosity, but as she has failed again and again, she may well have shaded over into simply wanting to seduce Neil to satisfy her own desires.
(I am not the first to suggest this. We’ll see.)
If Jean is still capable of any logic at this time, “she” should just clean with the truth for “her” advances on Neil.
But I’m probably overestimating “her” again. Jean is plain pathetic when it comes to maintaining relationships as far.
It goes even deeper than what your saying. Jeanie doesn’t want to come clean with the true and chooses to be deluded with her own selfish desire. Jeanie is so deep into herself that nothing else matters to her.
As far as pure logic, it nowhere to be found in Jeanie and if you try to talk logic to Jeanie, it would be like talking to a brick wall. You can talk to that wall all you want to and it wont move for you and will just sit there doing what it always does.
Yeah, I know. “She” creates “her” own problems a lot, like someone else in my life does. It goes to show that no matter how much or how potently you can do things on your own, you can’t fix all of your problems by yourself.
I still carry some slim faith in Jean that “she’ll” eventually get “her” head out of “her” cunt in all this. “She” has at least started to acknowledge the possibility of suffering consequences in “her” situation despite having reality-bending powers. “She’s” clearly not untouchable.
Naa her ego is to big. Coming clean would not even cross her mind.
Coming clean would not be the best idea; Araceli warned Jean that if she told Neil anything about Araceli’s deal with Uncle Guano, Guano would put her bottle in the deepest, darkest hole.
We weren’t talking about that part of this deal, she can keep that part secrete. We were referring to what was going on between Jeanie and Neil along with just about everything else she has done.
Because that’d be go over so much better “Belle said you were better in bed than I ever was so I want to sleep with you to find out you’re secret.”
Done, DA Done Done. BUSTED.