Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Indeed. It has always been easier for Jean to get into trouble than to get out of it. Fortunately Jeanie has vast cosmic powers at her disposal, capable of creating a sandwich out of thin air.
Although if history is any indication, this mess won’t be resolved wihtout someone being permantently gender-swapped.
So, I’m thinking Jean hears from Rodge that Homeland Security has Natalie and she will “poof” herself to Las Vegas right away. No one except Jean gets to torment Neil/Natalie. Imagine 2 DHS agents suddenly finding themselves pole dancing . . . 😉
You probably don’t want to zap Nat back to a guy, that would just raise more questions. Just zap her back home (when nobody’s watching) and leave DHS with a mystery.
Nor do you need to twist time and space to give Nat a past, you just need a paper trail.
Poor Nat was raise in an orphanage, no known relatives. She graduated from a nondescript high school and attended a small state college. Just magic-up the paperwork and have the DHS ‘accidently’ find it. Too bad they overlooked it the first time around.
For extra credit, magic-up some teacher’s and fellow student’s minds so they vaguely remember someone with Nat’s description.
Wouldn’t the extra credit in this case go against the “no mind alteration” rule? We don’t want Jean to have to fight her evil doppelganger again now, do we?
If Jean hates being stuck as a girl genie so much, why does Jeanie keep appearing in especially sexy outfits? “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.” Yes, I know that in Shakespeare’s time, “protest” really meant “profess,” but everyone misuses the quote nowadays.
How long before Jeanie’s hormones take over? And how about Natalie, who doesn’t have “cosmic genie powers” to resist them? Of course, as former men, maybe they’ll both prefer girls…
She’s also shown an increasing tendency to act and react as a girl would so I’m thinking there’s some slow mind alteration to bring her inline with either (A) her idea of a genie or (B) certain core elements of a wish granting genie.
The President of the railroad was making an inspection tour in his private train. He had the crew stop at a signal maintainer shack in the middle of nowhere, where two workmen at a time spent three months, traveling up and down the line on two-man track speeders to check and maintain or repair signals.
One of the maintainers came out to greet him.
The President asked the old guy “So you and your partner are in charge of the signals that control the trains on this stretch of mainline?”
“Yes sir, we are.”
“So, if you saw the Horizon Limited coming from the west at seventy, and the Morning Flyer coming from the east just as fast, both on the same track, what could you do about it?”
“Well, nothing, sir, since there’d be no way to switch one onto a siding once they go onto this section of track.”
“So what would you do?”
“I’d wake up Bill”
“What could Bill do that you couldn’t?”
“Nothing, sir – but Bill ain’t never seen a train wreck.”
“I’d stick my head in the shack and wake up Bill.”
I suppose Jeanie could show up and pretend to be a lawyer and when they don’t cut Natalie loose she can just start changing guys into girls until they do.
Just thinking that would be interesting.
Jean has no problem with the perks of being a hot girl. Just being treated as one.
I see a train wreck comeing and Jean is at the wheel.
None of his plans are thought out at all. It’s going to take lord batcrap to fix this.
I suppose there is the possibility that the DHS guys were interested in Natalie for her technical skills. They recognized that she is very knowledgeable in the aerospace field and they need a technically savvy woman for a special job and they “drafted” her.
That explains the shark.
Well Jean seems to have adjusted to her situation quite well.
Now will Roge actually talk on the phone?
Just finished up cleaning the mess she made in Neil’s room & now she has to clean the one she made in Neil’s life.
This sounds like the results of some poorly thought out plans.
Indeed. It has always been easier for Jean to get into trouble than to get out of it. Fortunately Jeanie has vast cosmic powers at her disposal, capable of creating a sandwich out of thin air.
Although if history is any indication, this mess won’t be resolved wihtout someone being permantently gender-swapped.
Well, if CD is following the original TV series at all, then it won’t be Rodge. Probably one or more of the HLS people.
I wonder what their families will think?
Also, an excuse to draw Jean in a bikini.
Oh yeah, this is going to be a BIG help.
So, I’m thinking Jean hears from Rodge that Homeland Security has Natalie and she will “poof” herself to Las Vegas right away. No one except Jean gets to torment Neil/Natalie. Imagine 2 DHS agents suddenly finding themselves pole dancing . . . 😉
“Imagine 2 DHS agents suddenly finding themselves pole dancing . . . ”
Ima kinda hoping they find themselves in an airport line, sans IDs, but with AK-47s, hand grenades, and bags of meth under their burkhas.
Frankly, I’m surprised he noticed. 😉
I’m surprised he switched back to thinking of her as Natalie, if only briefly.
Either zap him back into a guy on the spot. Or give ‘her’ a past, which twists time and space so she’s always been a lady.
You probably don’t want to zap Nat back to a guy, that would just raise more questions. Just zap her back home (when nobody’s watching) and leave DHS with a mystery.
Nor do you need to twist time and space to give Nat a past, you just need a paper trail.
Poor Nat was raise in an orphanage, no known relatives. She graduated from a nondescript high school and attended a small state college. Just magic-up the paperwork and have the DHS ‘accidently’ find it. Too bad they overlooked it the first time around.
For extra credit, magic-up some teacher’s and fellow student’s minds so they vaguely remember someone with Nat’s description.
Wouldn’t the extra credit in this case go against the “no mind alteration” rule? We don’t want Jean to have to fight her evil doppelganger again now, do we?
If Jean hates being stuck as a girl genie so much, why does Jeanie keep appearing in especially sexy outfits? “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.” Yes, I know that in Shakespeare’s time, “protest” really meant “profess,” but everyone misuses the quote nowadays.
How long before Jeanie’s hormones take over? And how about Natalie, who doesn’t have “cosmic genie powers” to resist them? Of course, as former men, maybe they’ll both prefer girls…
It would be gross if they don’t
Just what would be gross?
It would be “sailor sun” if they didn’t.
(A) It’s probably built into the basic magic.
(B) She spent an entire page or two trying on sexy outfits near the beginning of the comic…
Well, cute ones, anyway.
Don’t forget the “Bond girl” outfits.
She’s also shown an increasing tendency to act and react as a girl would so I’m thinking there’s some slow mind alteration to bring her inline with either (A) her idea of a genie or (B) certain core elements of a wish granting genie.
My answer to you is the 3 laws of gender bending.
Both attracted to girls? Hmmm.
Anyone interested in a panel or two of Natalie and Jeanie realizing — and acting on — their sexual attraction for each other?
Natalie and Araceli, maybe, if it were to come to that. But not Natalie and Jeanie. I still think Jeanie needs to go back and ‘work with’ Melvin.
Maybe he could just text “her”…
There a trainwreck a coming, and its best to stand out of the way.
The President of the railroad was making an inspection tour in his private train. He had the crew stop at a signal maintainer shack in the middle of nowhere, where two workmen at a time spent three months, traveling up and down the line on two-man track speeders to check and maintain or repair signals.
One of the maintainers came out to greet him.
The President asked the old guy “So you and your partner are in charge of the signals that control the trains on this stretch of mainline?”
“Yes sir, we are.”
“So, if you saw the Horizon Limited coming from the west at seventy, and the Morning Flyer coming from the east just as fast, both on the same track, what could you do about it?”
“Well, nothing, sir, since there’d be no way to switch one onto a siding once they go onto this section of track.”
“So what would you do?”
“I’d wake up Bill”
“What could Bill do that you couldn’t?”
“Nothing, sir – but Bill ain’t never seen a train wreck.”
“I’d stick my head in the shack and wake up Bill.”
Good One.
While there are complicated ways to get Natalie/Neil out of custody without adverse TG effects, what fun would that be?
I suppose Jeanie could show up and pretend to be a lawyer and when they don’t cut Natalie loose she can just start changing guys into girls until they do.
Just thinking that would be interesting.
Jean has no problem with the perks of being a hot girl. Just being treated as one.
I see a train wreck comeing and Jean is at the wheel.
None of his plans are thought out at all. It’s going to take lord batcrap to fix this.
I suppose there is the possibility that the DHS guys were interested in Natalie for her technical skills. They recognized that she is very knowledgeable in the aerospace field and they need a technically savvy woman for a special job and they “drafted” her.