Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jean’s work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottle’s new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Hopefully when Jean was saying “This is what’s going to happen” to the fishing crew, she was arranging for the bottle to be sent to Neil or some such. If so, then in a few weeks’ in-comic time Araceli will be back.
Like I said, FedEx. That bottle with a blue genie should be at Neil’s apartment in a couple of days, not weeks. Those fishermen can afford express shipping with all that gold in the hold.
I can see Araceli showing up as the epitome of crazy ex-girlfriends.
I would suscribe to any of the theories written above. But my guess is that Story 4 “I Dream of my Old Bottle” is coming to an end, perhaps a bit abrupt IMHO.
And, as it happened previously with other secondary characters, we won’t know anymore about Araceli and the Greek ship’s crew.
So we leave the dutiful wife/captain with her crew & a little girl floating on the Aegean Sea with a hold full of gold fish & Araceli suddenly popping in to take her place?
I want to see an epilogue to that moment, from one of the sailor’s perspective.
And to whom is the captain going to be married? One of the sailors? The phrasing of the wish, at least in English, allowed it to be a future event. Not sure about the Greek grammar. “Dutiful” is an interesting word, too. What duties? Supporting hubby by spending time at sea? Cooking/cleaning/grocery shopping/housekeeping? Or sex whenever hubby wants it? (And therefore _lots_ of kids?)
Here’s the breakdown for updates on I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle.
USUALLY, I update once a week. Either Tuesdays or Thursdays (Depending on when I can make the comic. If I can get them made the weekend before, Tuesday, if I can’t then Thrusday.)
Occasionally I’ll update twice in one week (Tuesday AND Thrusdays), if I can get both comics made in time and/or when I’m trying to progress the storyline.
Now If I miss the Tuesday or Thursday morning update, I usually leave the comic till the following week. I have occasionally published a comic late, because I know fans really want to know what happens. But that’s rare.
If I update more then that (example Xmas week of updates) I’ll usually announce it on the Blog below the comic, so people know.
That’s how I update I Dream of Jeanie. Yes, it’s confusing at times. You can always watch the RSS feed and get the updates as they are posted too.
Of course, now ARA is stuck with a gang of sailors who have just been taught in cold hard reality that genies are just bad news and have NO reason to trust this one in any shape or form, even if SHE is going to be blindly trust them out of utter gratitude of not laying on the bottom of the ocean.
WIthin five seconds someone is going to wish her bottle back to the ocean floor or she’s going to innocently HAND it to them, or they’re simply going to wish her to GO AWAY and never bother anyone ever again.
Seriously, while Neil DID do the right thing, Ara just got stuck wit Jean’s mess.
Remimber the design the inside of the genies’ bottle contest? We were oi design the interiour of Ariceli’s bottle, the inside of Jeanie’s bottle and the inside of Jennie’s bottle that she has lived in it for a while. If that holds true might yet spend a long time in her bottle.
Aww…poor Ari! The look on her face was so sad…I really hope that this isn’t the last we see of her. At the very least, maybe she can pop up in Sailor Sun sometime? We can onlyhope…
If Jean is back hom, then Araceli is on that Greek fishing ship. THAT should be interesting. She has no idea of the situation, but with her tendency for mayhem, anything’s possible. Her best trategy, though, I think would be to grab her bottle and run.
Or perhaps Araceli is back with Jean’s previous master the nerd. Course I’m still hoping Jeans payback is having Araceli spending time as a solid gold statue.
That looks way too easy.
I agree.
Perhaps Araceli has poofed into a Jean lookalike again but this time with a personality adjustment 🙂
Yeah, I think Neil is about to make another wish.
At the very least, he’s realizing he just traded a really cute genie who actually loves him for…Jean.
Who had damn well better step up her genie game.
On the other hand, at least Ari isn’t going to be trapped at the bottom of the sea for another few centuries.
Araceli is cruel. She “twisted” that wish by granting exactly as intended. Now Neil’s stuck with Jean for a genie. 🙂
can’t wait see what’s going on on the boat. But if we go back to red from the school i’ll lose all interest in other stroylines 😛
NOOOOO!! The sweet,sexy,submissive genie is GONE!!!!
Hopefully when Jean was saying “This is what’s going to happen” to the fishing crew, she was arranging for the bottle to be sent to Neil or some such. If so, then in a few weeks’ in-comic time Araceli will be back.
I can totally get behind this theory!
Like I said, FedEx. That bottle with a blue genie should be at Neil’s apartment in a couple of days, not weeks. Those fishermen can afford express shipping with all that gold in the hold.
I can see Araceli showing up as the epitome of crazy ex-girlfriends.
And they are intimidated enough to send the bottle really quick.
I would suscribe to any of the theories written above. But my guess is that Story 4 “I Dream of my Old Bottle” is coming to an end, perhaps a bit abrupt IMHO.
And, as it happened previously with other secondary characters, we won’t know anymore about Araceli and the Greek ship’s crew.
Aw…I hope Ariceli comes back soon…she was so sweet.
So we leave the dutiful wife/captain with her crew & a little girl floating on the Aegean Sea with a hold full of gold fish & Araceli suddenly popping in to take her place?
I want to see an epilogue to that moment, from one of the sailor’s perspective.
Ionian Sea.
And to whom is the captain going to be married? One of the sailors? The phrasing of the wish, at least in English, allowed it to be a future event. Not sure about the Greek grammar. “Dutiful” is an interesting word, too. What duties? Supporting hubby by spending time at sea? Cooking/cleaning/grocery shopping/housekeeping? Or sex whenever hubby wants it? (And therefore _lots_ of kids?)
Be _very_ careful what you wish for!
Okay, flipping back through the archives each time I come here is getting annoying. What is the regular update schedule of this comic?
Tuesdays/Thursdays. But he has another comic and other things to update so it’s more of a fluctuating schedule
Here’s the breakdown for updates on I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle.
USUALLY, I update once a week. Either Tuesdays or Thursdays (Depending on when I can make the comic. If I can get them made the weekend before, Tuesday, if I can’t then Thrusday.)
Occasionally I’ll update twice in one week (Tuesday AND Thrusdays), if I can get both comics made in time and/or when I’m trying to progress the storyline.
Now If I miss the Tuesday or Thursday morning update, I usually leave the comic till the following week. I have occasionally published a comic late, because I know fans really want to know what happens. But that’s rare.
If I update more then that (example Xmas week of updates) I’ll usually announce it on the Blog below the comic, so people know.
That’s how I update I Dream of Jeanie. Yes, it’s confusing at times. You can always watch the RSS feed and get the updates as they are posted too.
Not funny at all.
I never realized how bust Jean was. So cute.
Of course, now ARA is stuck with a gang of sailors who have just been taught in cold hard reality that genies are just bad news and have NO reason to trust this one in any shape or form, even if SHE is going to be blindly trust them out of utter gratitude of not laying on the bottom of the ocean.
WIthin five seconds someone is going to wish her bottle back to the ocean floor or she’s going to innocently HAND it to them, or they’re simply going to wish her to GO AWAY and never bother anyone ever again.
Seriously, while Neil DID do the right thing, Ara just got stuck wit Jean’s mess.
Remimber the design the inside of the genies’ bottle contest? We were oi design the interiour of Ariceli’s bottle, the inside of Jeanie’s bottle and the inside of Jennie’s bottle that she has lived in it for a while. If that holds true might yet spend a long time in her bottle.
Aww…poor Ari! The look on her face was so sad…I really hope that this isn’t the last we see of her. At the very least, maybe she can pop up in Sailor Sun sometime? We can onlyhope…
Pink girl CLOTHS? Shouldn’t that be Clothes?—Sorry 2 B Picky 😉
Maybe She’s still thinking halfway in Greek?
If Jean is back hom, then Araceli is on that Greek fishing ship. THAT should be interesting. She has no idea of the situation, but with her tendency for mayhem, anything’s possible. Her best trategy, though, I think would be to grab her bottle and run.
One hopeful thing: Neal actually looks a bit stern. Jeanie isn’t going to be dealing with the same spineless muffin top she used to know.
I, too, hope that Rudd isn’t so cruel as to not let us in on Ari’s fate.
Or perhaps Araceli is back with Jean’s previous master the nerd. Course I’m still hoping Jeans payback is having Araceli spending time as a solid gold statue.
awe T_T!.. im going to miss araceli T_T!!!!
Spot what’s missing in panel one!