Jean AKA Jeannie AKA Jeanie is a film, book, and magazine reviewer for a national magazine. Most of Jeanโs work is done through email, which means he doesn't have to go into the office.
On a trip to find a gift for his girlfriend, Jean found an empty Genie Bottle. Upon picking up this bottle, Jean became the bottleโs new genie-powered occupant. Not only was Jean turned into a genie, but the bottle turned him into what he believed a genie of the bottle should look like. Which, due to his fascination with a classic 60s TV show, turned him into a busty blonde woman.
Well, yeah, but as GrimGhost notes below, I’m just talking about pressure effects. Doesn’t matter, though; the real reason Jeanie can’t push the cork out is that genies can’t release themselves from a stoppered bottle. See comic 89/p285.)
Still–Die in a fire, or spend a few centuries in solitary? Not an easy choice.
I’m seeing that natural illumination typically fades out almost entirely within about your 33 feet (10 meters). Even in the clearest seas, light can’t penetrate more than 150 m. Say the cork has an area of about a square inch, and given that the pressure inside the bottle is 1 atmosphere, or 14 psi, that makes the pressure differential somewhere between about nothing and 200 psi.
But from inside the bottle, the cork has a radius of, say, 18 in. That’s an area of more than a thousand sq in, leaving Jeanie to push against…holy crap, am I doing this right? More than 14,000 psi, that’s SEVEN TONS, at minimum?
Hm…. [Ref goes into a reverie concerning hydraulic cylinders operating on bottle physics.]
Anymore? When was she stuck in a bottle before? She was just threatened to be, but not stuck, really. Unless she has also got Araceli’s mind and memories.
And I must correct myself. I’d said the bottle didn’t look like 89’s but looking at it from closer it’s the same one. However it’s not floating over the sea as in that pane. I’m sure CD Rudd will bring a logical explanation for that.
That image appears in a pane where Ari is talking and it looks like being her thoughts. But I agree she may not know exactly where the bottle is situated if it fell there with her being already stuck into it. I believe it must have been left on the ship before it was drowned.
As sad as this is for Jean, it may be of some use to her in the long run. It’s about time she starts to grasp the reality of the situation — indeed, any bound genie’s situation.
I’d like to think she noticed the bottle rock slightly as she was moving around.
If she could roll it so that it would float to the surface, her chance of being released improve.
The sad thing is how ‘Jeanie’ won’t be able to be pass off as Jean because of not acting like a jerk. Unless her master thinks those genie crash courses worked somehow. Still, her lack of being a jerk will tip him off likely BEFORE her lack of personal and modern knowledge does.
“Any More”? It hardly looks as if she’s wanted it before, either; probably what she’s thinking is that she considered the bottle only a nuisance before but now *really* hates it. And perhaps, she sees now how a Genie could be overjoyed to be with a master (as opposed to trapped in a bottle). That could also be the source of Araceli’s more upbeat attitude toward serving her master.
How about summoning a cell phone? That seems like a more practical solution. (Not that I expect Jean to think of that … or be in range of a cell phone tower.)
That bottle is going to become a lot more unpleasant to exist in if she actually gets that cork out (though with the deep water pressure working against her, and a lack of leverage, I doubt she can).
Poor Jeanie. ๐
Also, first.
Hhmm…. This may have the salutary effect of forcing Jean to take this all more seriously–but that may not necessarily be a good thing! ๐
Sad ๐
Hey, anybody remember what trapped the Apollo 1 guys in their capsule? I mean, it’s not like the hatch was locked or anything.
Now that is a mean comparison. These poor guys died inside their capsule.
Well, yeah, but as GrimGhost notes below, I’m just talking about pressure effects. Doesn’t matter, though; the real reason Jeanie can’t push the cork out is that genies can’t release themselves from a stoppered bottle. See comic 89/p285.)
Still–Die in a fire, or spend a few centuries in solitary? Not an easy choice.
Last panel: What did Jeanie just notice?
I think it’s more something she realised, rather than something she noticed.
Isn’t the rule of thumb, 14 psi per 33 foot depth? So Jean would have to turn into Supergirl to get that cork out.
Just as an exercise:
I’m seeing that natural illumination typically fades out almost entirely within about your 33 feet (10 meters). Even in the clearest seas, light can’t penetrate more than 150 m. Say the cork has an area of about a square inch, and given that the pressure inside the bottle is 1 atmosphere, or 14 psi, that makes the pressure differential somewhere between about nothing and 200 psi.
But from inside the bottle, the cork has a radius of, say, 18 in. That’s an area of more than a thousand sq in, leaving Jeanie to push against…holy crap, am I doing this right? More than 14,000 psi, that’s SEVEN TONS, at minimum?
Hm…. [Ref goes into a reverie concerning hydraulic cylinders operating on bottle physics.]
Anymore? When was she stuck in a bottle before? She was just threatened to be, but not stuck, really. Unless she has also got Araceli’s mind and memories.
And I must correct myself. I’d said the bottle didn’t look like 89’s but looking at it from closer it’s the same one. However it’s not floating over the sea as in that pane. I’m sure CD Rudd will bring a logical explanation for that.
Given Jean’s personality, “anymore” could well mean “after five minutes”.
As to floating: I think the bottle in 89/p285 is just what Neal imagines. Heck, Ari herself might not know exactly how the bottle is situated.
That image appears in a pane where Ari is talking and it looks like being her thoughts. But I agree she may not know exactly where the bottle is situated if it fell there with her being already stuck into it. I believe it must have been left on the ship before it was drowned.
does this mean Jean will eventually be found by an astronaut on a desert Ilse?
Or better by an evil oil billionaire? ๐
Sorry, Larry Hagman is no longer around to save her.
If CDRudd has planed to give Larry Hagman a cameo, it’s really bad luck for him.
I was actually going to reference Larry Hagman passing on in the comic, but I forgot. Maybe the next one.
Awwww… I feel bad for Jean. ๐
It’s all fun and games till someone gets stuck in a bottle.
As sad as this is for Jean, it may be of some use to her in the long run. It’s about time she starts to grasp the reality of the situation — indeed, any bound genie’s situation.
Do you truly believe this will change Jean?
The plot thickens, or the cork.
I’d like to think she noticed the bottle rock slightly as she was moving around.
If she could roll it so that it would float to the surface, her chance of being released improve.
The sad thing is how ‘Jeanie’ won’t be able to be pass off as Jean because of not acting like a jerk. Unless her master thinks those genie crash courses worked somehow. Still, her lack of being a jerk will tip him off likely BEFORE her lack of personal and modern knowledge does.
“Any More”? It hardly looks as if she’s wanted it before, either; probably what she’s thinking is that she considered the bottle only a nuisance before but now *really* hates it. And perhaps, she sees now how a Genie could be overjoyed to be with a master (as opposed to trapped in a bottle). That could also be the source of Araceli’s more upbeat attitude toward serving her master.
Can a Jeanie summon sulfur, saltpeter, charcoal, and a diamond while inside a bottle?
Maybe… But there’s no Gorn in sight. (Plus Jean left her engineer at home.)
How about summoning a cell phone? That seems like a more practical solution. (Not that I expect Jean to think of that … or be in range of a cell phone tower.)
That bottle is going to become a lot more unpleasant to exist in if she actually gets that cork out (though with the deep water pressure working against her, and a lack of leverage, I doubt she can).