Jeanie Bottle 146
Sorry bout the delay in this comic. Had a bunch of things going on last week that shot my schedule out of the water
Sorry bout the delay in this comic. Had a bunch of things going on last week that shot my schedule out of the water
I’m sure ‘she” is wearing make up
Looks like (s)he’s beginning to adapt being a girl.
Jeanie is not terribly observant. She just passed the two people who might have a clue as to where Melvin might be.
Heh, looks like she is getting use to being a girl. Before long, she will stay that way. She is cute.
lol Looks like someone is getting used to being a girl. XD
Heehee, if my eyes aren’t fooling me I see a hint of lipstick on her lips 😀
I wonder if her “War Mallet” days are over?
Haha soo cute! :3 Please! Let her that way! XD
Jean is kind of one track minded. the nerds friends would be a big help in finding him if she stopped to ask them. Plus they wouldn’t recognize her some i am sure as buddies the would help hook him up if another cute girl was looking for him.
Huh, great lighting effect on this one, really pops.
Cute kids.
I’m pretty sure it’s “Their” (Belonging to them) makeup, not “There” (Over there, at that location) makeup.
Jeez grammar Nazis leave CD alone. Just enjoy the comic as it is.
I don’t mind people correcting my grammar, as long as they are polite about it and not being %&@! or trolls.
(Plus checking to make sure no one has already suggested the correction would be nice too (I hate when I get a dozen message all pointing out the same error). But that doesn’t apply in this case, since only one person has mentioned it.)
It’s not grammar, it’s spelling. Grammar has to do with word order and sentence structure, not the letters used for a given word.
Why not have all of Dr.Who’s enemies join forces show up at the dance and go on a killing spree.
I think they did that a while back… At Stonehenge.
The Romans were involved if I recall.