A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
Neil, seriously: You really need to work on your Masterliness. You cannot treat a genie as your equal; that’s not the way it works. You are a lot more than “friends”.
This is very nice work, CD!
Poor Araceli — she and Neil have been operating under different assumptions. That almost always leads to grief between the genders.
Wow. I can see why this genie get dumped on an island for centuries. She’s been around for, what, maybe a day, and has already tried both torturing her master and throwing a fit because he hasn’t declared his love for her. She makes Jeannie look pretty good in comparison.
I think the “idiot” was directed at herself. She’s not calling him an idiot for throwing away an opportunity like her, she’s calling herself an idiot for thinking that he loved her. Clueless meets too-quick-to-form-attachments + low self-esteem
If the “idiot” was directed at herself it would have been “ηλίθια” because sehe is female and in greek nouns have different forms for males, females and neutrals.
no,she isn’t atrainer genie.
She is Neil’s temporary genie
(or,to put it shortly,
“the replacement of Jeanie as long as she is atay with Melvin for her “training”)
(go see page 88)
the fourth letter in what she spoke in the 4th pannel i believe that means theta the eighth leter in the greak alphabet other wise if alone can be trasnlated to eight or the eighth but thats uselly if used alone >.< just thought i would point out some useless info
Uh-oh, this can’t be good…
You made a genie cry out of both eyes! Neil, Neil, oh Neil.
UH…Greek, anyone?
Neil, seriously: You really need to work on your Masterliness. You cannot treat a genie as your equal; that’s not the way it works. You are a lot more than “friends”.
Oh, wait, here we go:
ηλίθιος, ilithios: stupid
Or better: “Idiot.”
…hey Neil. See this clue? You’re suppose to get it. And this hint? You’re suppose to take it.
ok,I guess “some one”‘s heart just broken!!
(Neil, get ready to eat some nail(take out an RPG))
Poor Araceli…
No girl wants to hear that if they expect a marriage proposition.
This is very nice work, CD!
Poor Araceli — she and Neil have been operating under different assumptions. That almost always leads to grief between the genders.
Wow. I can see why this genie get dumped on an island for centuries. She’s been around for, what, maybe a day, and has already tried both torturing her master and throwing a fit because he hasn’t declared his love for her. She makes Jeannie look pretty good in comparison.
Clueless meets too-quick-to-form-attachments…
I think the “idiot” was directed at herself. She’s not calling him an idiot for throwing away an opportunity like her, she’s calling herself an idiot for thinking that he loved her. Clueless meets too-quick-to-form-attachments + low self-esteem
If the “idiot” was directed at herself it would have been “ηλίθια” because sehe is female and in greek nouns have different forms for males, females and neutrals.
Well, they did say she was a trainer genie, or something like that, didn’t they?
no,she isn’t atrainer genie.
She is Neil’s temporary genie
(or,to put it shortly,
“the replacement of Jeanie as long as she is atay with Melvin for her “training”)
(go see page 88)
“Oh good, that still works.”
is it just me or does the color seem a bit… well off? eh might just be me, anywho this is what i expected XD
the fourth letter in what she spoke in the 4th pannel i believe that means theta the eighth leter in the greak alphabet other wise if alone can be trasnlated to eight or the eighth but thats uselly if used alone >.< just thought i would point out some useless info