A junior engineer working for a small engineering firm in Cocoa Beach. The firm focuses mostly on NASA projects.
Neil is Jean’s best friend. When Jean was turned into a genie, Neil became Jeanie’s master.
because it is hard to get skin color right when useing gimp or any other verson of coloring i know myself how hard it is it takes alot of tweeking to get the perfect shade
CD,two things:1. how are cats boycotting the hotdog stand? i have looked and looked at this panel and the previous ones and see nothing to indicate cats boycotting the hotdog stand in fact i don’t even remember seeing this stand before so …what was that guy talking about? and 2. is it possible to make a “appearance” in i dream of a jeani bottle? this my favorite {in fact only} online comic i can send you a picture of myself and you would have permission to do anything you wanted with my image {in the confines of the comic of course} you can email me at astroburn60@yahoo.com
Note an earlier November 22 post of mine where I speculated about what unwholesome ingredients are in the hot dogs. Now, you’ve noticed that there are no cats pictured — I was jokingly implying in my later Nov. 22 post that living cats were boycotting the hot-dog stand because some of their brethren were ground up to make the food.
Also, I was overreaching at making a flats-tats-cats rhyme.
So since you’ve drawn their characters (both at the “Murry and Lewy” website and here), when are Thomas and Darrin going to draw some IDOAJB characters?
That Red X Probably indicates the file can’t be found. Can you attempt try to find out what filename it’s looking for. As well, your browser and version and your platform(Mac or PC).
To me, what is most interesting is that what is publicly called strip 132 is internally called number 135, implying that CD Rudd drew three strips that were never posted. Of course, we don’t know what was in those unpublished strips, but here’s my guess–
JB 7.5:
NEIL: Say Jean, remember how you said earlier that you’d “absolutely do her”?
JEAN: Yeah?
NEIL: Now you’re her. Get naked.
*Magical compulsion takes hold*
JEAN: Bleep, I have to do it!
JB 49.5:
Neil demands that Jean quit messing with him, that Lord Guano quit messing with him, and that his boss give him a promotion. With Neil acting assertive, the prospects for future comedy in the strip are stopped dead.
JB 121.5:
Jean returns to Neil’s apartment (even though she’s supposed to be with Melvin), Jean and Araceli catfight, Araceli stuffs Jean in her bottle, and the strip must henceforth be named “I Dream of Araceli, with Jean in a Bottle.” CD decided this was too long a title.
Daaaaw! What could possibly go wrong? :3
Also, how the hey is that thing staying up?
LOL Murry and Lewy cameo.
Noticed that right off too!
No tattoo’s?
My bad, fixed now.
My God why is his skin so green???
Because he knows what is in the hot dogs? (784 ingredients, none of which are USDA approved.)
because it is hard to get skin color right when useing gimp or any other verson of coloring i know myself how hard it is it takes alot of tweeking to get the perfect shade
Dang colour pallet is off again…
I don’t know wether you ‘fixed’ his skin colour already or not but i reckon, i couldn’t see much difference anyway. (<—slightly colourblind)
Is that green smoke in the background at the right of the last panel?
In the last panel, she’s back to wearing flats.
In the last panel, she’s back to wearing flats,
Murry has no tats,
And the hot-dog stand is being boycotted by cats.
Actually, she’s still wearing heels. The panel cropped out her heels.
Murry has Tats, just took a little longer to show up in the night light.
and the hotdog stand is always cat free.
Are Neil and his new genie goin to get married?
CD,two things:1. how are cats boycotting the hotdog stand? i have looked and looked at this panel and the previous ones and see nothing to indicate cats boycotting the hotdog stand in fact i don’t even remember seeing this stand before so …what was that guy talking about? and 2. is it possible to make a “appearance” in i dream of a jeani bottle? this my favorite {in fact only} online comic i can send you a picture of myself and you would have permission to do anything you wanted with my image {in the confines of the comic of course} you can email me at astroburn60@yahoo.com
To the 15th doctor —
Note an earlier November 22 post of mine where I speculated about what unwholesome ingredients are in the hot dogs. Now, you’ve noticed that there are no cats pictured — I was jokingly implying in my later Nov. 22 post that living cats were boycotting the hot-dog stand because some of their brethren were ground up to make the food.
Also, I was overreaching at making a flats-tats-cats rhyme.
*Sigh* I hate it when I have to explain my jokes.
So since you’ve drawn their characters (both at the “Murry and Lewy” website and here), when are Thomas and Darrin going to draw some IDOAJB characters?
There is a problem with the comic, at least for me. All I see is a red ‘x’ and ‘Jeanie Bottle 132,’ but no picture. It was there yesterday.
Ditto (no comic), except for the red “x”
I meant I don’t even see the red X. Nothing at all in the way of the comic. Using a Mozilla-type browser on a Mac running Tiger (X.4).
Is the Red X still there?
Red X for me, too.
What browser are you all using? Shows up fine for me on internet explorer 9 64 bit.
That Red X Probably indicates the file can’t be found. Can you attempt try to find out what filename it’s looking for. As well, your browser and version and your platform(Mac or PC).
i am using internet explorer, not sure what version except it’s the most recent, and this is the first time ive ever had this problem on this website.
According to the properties box it is failing to find:
I am using IE 8.
I see it plain as day on Firefox. File info–
Location: https://jeaniebottle.com/comics/2011-11-22-jEANIE135_sm.jpg
Type: JPEG image
Size: 744.29 KB (762,152 bytes)
Dimension: 900px × 301px
Associated text: Jeanie Bottle 132
To me, what is most interesting is that what is publicly called strip 132 is internally called number 135, implying that CD Rudd drew three strips that were never posted. Of course, we don’t know what was in those unpublished strips, but here’s my guess–
JB 7.5:
NEIL: Say Jean, remember how you said earlier that you’d “absolutely do her”?
JEAN: Yeah?
NEIL: Now you’re her. Get naked.
*Magical compulsion takes hold*
JEAN: Bleep, I have to do it!
JB 49.5:
Neil demands that Jean quit messing with him, that Lord Guano quit messing with him, and that his boss give him a promotion. With Neil acting assertive, the prospects for future comedy in the strip are stopped dead.
JB 121.5:
Jean returns to Neil’s apartment (even though she’s supposed to be with Melvin), Jean and Araceli catfight, Araceli stuffs Jean in her bottle, and the strip must henceforth be named “I Dream of Araceli, with Jean in a Bottle.” CD decided this was too long a title.
My page info for media mentions https://jeaniebottle.com/comics/2011-11-22-jEANIE135_sm.jpg
but it doesn’t give any information (like unable to load, etc.)
When I try to load it directly, I get:
The image “https://jeaniebottle.com/comics/2011-11-22-jEANIE135_sm.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Hope this helps…
Hopefull it’s fixed now
Yes! It is fixed now for me. Thanks.
that’s the simplest thing ever, my dear friend 🙂
X marks the spot. You have to dig till you find the comic.
Three questions.
Is he Freddy, Teddy or Eddy?
What are they going to have on their Hot dogs?
And What are Murry and Lewy doing in Cocoa Beach anyway? (guess, The party let out.)
Another awesome comic page!!! This web comic is my new favorite comic. Thanks for making I Dream of a Jeannie Bottle.