Holy crap, we just got a massive new fanart donation from C_Prime, and it’s exclusively pics of Natalie! Check out the Fan Art page for new pics of Natalie in every outfit she’s worn in the comic so far.


Robert get excited easily…

So in any case, if you don’t read the comic’s comments (expectually post-post), we just received a large chunck of awesome Natalie Pics from C_Prime. All of which you can see in the fan Art page.

I want to ensure great Fan Art is well received, so here’s a selection of the less risqué (gotta keep the main page clean for the lunch-hour-work-readers).

You can see all of them (plus other Fan Art) on the Fan Art page.

Thanks to C-Prime for these awesome pieces and thanks for the letter you wrote with them. Robert forwarded it to me, and I’m glad your enjoying the comic. 🙂